There were nine people in total who appeared in front of Liu Zhiqiang and his group.

They were Xiong Yuntao, Wang Gang, Cai Kun, Zhuang Liang, Liu Qian, Lei Chen, Bai Hang, Shi Feng, and Xu Meng.

Qiao Shanyun and Chu Yunlan were on a mission somewhere else and did not go with them.

The worst equipment of these nine people was the second-level top-grade.

The one with the best equipment was Bai Hang.

Although the equipment on his body was not a suit, his whole body was equipped with third-level equipment, plus a silver-white staff in his hand, which would not be lower than the third level no matter how you look at it, and it was extremely dazzling.

It was far superior to the equipment on the people they had just seen.

Moreover, these gorgeous equipments were worn on a handsome boy, which made them look even more imposing and eye-catching.

In addition to handsome boys like Bai Hang, there were also women like Xu Meng who were wearing black robes and covering their faces, looking very mysterious.

Xiong Yuntao was 2 meters tall and held two axes in his hands. He was like a demon king, exuding a terrifying momentum.

In addition to Xiong Yuntao, Wang Gang and Shi Feng were also as oppressive as beasts.

Zhuang Liang held a huge shield taller than a man, with a fiery red armor all over his body and a ghost mask on his face, looking very majestic.

Liu Qian was simply wearing cloth armor and holding a bow and arrow. Her hair had turned sky blue and her skin was snow-white.

As the saying goes, whiteness can hide three uglinesses. Her appearance, which was originally only six points, rose to nine points with the contrast of snow-white skin and hair.

In comparison, Cai Kun and Lei Chen looked a bit ordinary.

When these nine people appeared, their huge momentum instantly made Liu Zhiqiang and others sweat and couldn't help shaking their legs. They were really too strong.

""Big guys, it's rare to see you."

Seeing Wang Gang and his nine companions, the patrolmen also greeted them enthusiastically.

"Boss, can you take me with you? I have some contributions."

"Boss, where did you get the equipment?"

""Beautiful lady, please add me as your friend."

At this time, many newcomers came around.

Wang Gang and the other nine people kept frowning and refused, and left quickly.

Liu Zhiqiang and others watched them leave and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, who are they? They have so many level 3 equipment on them, am I dazzled?"

"Hiss, that girl holding the bow and arrow is so beautiful, she must be at least 1.78 meters tall. Is her hair dyed? Why is it blue? Is she a foreigner?"

"Tsk, little black man, you were just staring at the girl, didn't you see the weapon in her hand? And the staff in the boy's hand, it feels like it's more than just a third-level weapon."

The patrolman not far from them accidentally heard the conversation between Liu Zhiqiang and others, and couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, guys, I think your vision is still not good enough."

"I just paid attention to Liu Qian and Bai Hang. You may not know that the most terrifying one is the one holding the double axes."

Liu Zhiqiang didn't care.

"What do you mean? It's just that the handles are bigger. The two axes look just average."

"Haha, so I just say you have no vision."

"What level are those twin axes? They are tier 4 weapons."

"What the hell? Level 4? ?"

Liu Zhiqiang and the others were in disbelief.

The patrolman saw them like this and knew that they were new and knew nothing.

He was bored, so he started to learn from them.

After a while, Ye Chuyun arranged everything and came back alone.


When Ye Chuyun came back, he saw Liu Zhiqiang and others standing there with a look of despair on their faces, as if they had suffered a huge blow.

""What's wrong with you?"

Liu Zhiqiang looked up and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

During the time when Ye Chuyun was away, he felt like a frog sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

When he came here, he instantly became a clown.

The gap in resources and equipment was really despairing.

If he went back and told Rosen what he saw and heard here, he didn't know if he would collapse.

"Nothing, just chatting with the patrol officers here."

Liu Zhiqiang smiled, but this smile looked a bit miserable.

Others couldn't even laugh.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun was also puzzled.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Liu Zhiqiang and his team probably felt that they had to stay here for a long time and couldn't upgrade, which was a bit uncomfortable.

Ye Chuyun didn't expect that Liu Zhiqiang and his team were hit by Wang Gang and others, so they became like this.

"Okay, I have arranged everything for you, you can take a rest today."

"You are not members of the resident, so you can only visit some of the buildings here but cannot use them."

"But don't worry about your three meals a day, we have a special canteen and we guarantee you won't go hungry."

"You will officially start learning forging technology tomorrow."

""Okay, thank you, Master Ye."

Under the leadership of Ye Chuyun, Liu Zhiqiang and others stayed temporarily.

Since they were not resident members, they could only stay in the hotel.

After settling Liu Zhiqiang and others, Ye Chuyun went to Arnold's laboratory without stopping.

Now that the magic gold was in hand, he was successfully promoted to an intermediate forger.

Now he can finally make the Elemental Tower.

"Sir, I am ready and can start at any time."

Arnold said solemnly.

""Okay, take your time."

Ye Chuyun nodded solemnly and took out all the materials for making the Element Tower from the storage space. The materials kept falling on the table, gradually piling up into small hills.

Dongdongdong! The ore kept making a loud noise as it fell on the ground. There were so many materials for making the Element Tower that they almost filled up half of the space in the laboratory. Ye Chuyun took a deep breath, bent his fingers, twisted his arms, and got ready.

"let's start"

"Good sir"

At the same time, Liu Zhiqiang and others also successfully checked into the hotel

"Damn, the patrolman didn't say this hotel is so awesome."

The moment Liu Zhiqiang checked into the hotel, he saw the prompt

【Tip: You checked into the hotel and got double energy points for one hour! 】

He really didn't expect that this hotel had such a function.

Few people in the world channel said it.

After knowing this secret, Liu Zhiqiang quickly opened Rosen's private chat.

Liu Zhiqiang:"Boss, it's incredible!!"

Rosen:"What's the matter? Have you arrived at Brother Ye's base?"

At this time, Rosen and other brothers were in a dark cave.

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