
"Then everyone, follow me."

Ye Chuyun and Qian Duoduo didn't say much, and left with Liu Zhiqiang and ten others.

Rosen looked at their backs with a look of emotion.

He didn't expect that he just wanted to exchange the sacred plate armor at the beginning, but it developed so fast and reached several transactions in a row.

He even owed tens of millions of God and Demon coins in foreign debt.

Let alone tens of millions of God and Demon coins, even the number one on the wealth list now doesn't have one million God and Demon coins.

Not to mention him, even a fool knows that his pockets are cleaner than his face.

Hmm? Wait?

Rosen looked as if he had suddenly discovered something, and his face gradually became ugly.


How could Ye Chuyun not know that he didn't have one million God and Demon coins?

In that case, why did he still ask me whether I wanted to buy the sacred plate armor blueprint?

The price of one million God and Demon coins, you can tell with your ass that he can't afford it.

In the end, he could only exchange it with magic gold.

Could it be that Ye Chuyun's original purpose was not God and Demon coins, but the magic gold in his hand?

And Rosen remembered again.

Ye Chuyun himself is a forger, and he must know how difficult it is to train a forger.

But he still sold ten sacred plate armors to me.

Until I was sure that I couldn't train ten forgers, I took the opportunity to take away another 500,000 magic gold from me under the pretext of helping.

Good guy, he was robbed bald.

But all this is just my own guess.

Maybe Ye Chuyun is not what I think.

But no matter what, Rosen always feels that he has lost a lot in these transactions.

But he still hadn't found any great use for the magic gold, and it was just a piece of scrap metal in his hand.

It would be better to exchange it for something useful to him now.

Thinking of this, Rosen was relieved.

"Brothers, let's go mining."

"Hey, let's go, boss, you are really amazing. You owe them millions of magic gold in one go. How long will it take us to dig it out?"

"Hehe, there is no other way. You can't refuse the goose that lays golden eggs right in front of you. You must be decisive at this time and fight for it quickly."

"Don't worry, when we make money, we'll share it with you brothers."

"That's true, follow the boss to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks"

Since he was bringing ten people with him, Ye Chuyun didn't want to hurry, so he just found a stone and used the Abyss Sword to dig out a simple stone basket.

He asked Qian Duoduo, Liu Zhiqiang and the other eleven people to stand in the stone basket.

Ye Chuyun tied the stone basket with an iron chain, and then used the wind wings to take everyone up.

Although the flying speed was much slower, it was still faster than walking.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome, it would be great if I had a flying mount."

Ye Chuyun thought with a little distress. He rode back to Area 1888 at full speed, and finally brought Liu Zhiqiang and his ten men back to the base.

"Oh my god, is this your base, Alliance Leader Ye?"

Liu Zhiqiang and the other nine people stood at the entrance of the base in amazement, as if Granny Liu entered the city.

They originally thought that Ye Chuyun's base was nothing more than a few thatched houses.

What's going on with the scene that appears in front of them like a small town?

Although the fence outside looks very simple, Liu Zhiqiang saw many well-equipped men and women guarding the surroundings with vigilance.

During this period, there were also teams of patrols shuttling in the base.

When Liu Zhiqiang and others saw the equipment on them, their eyes almost popped out.

"Oh my god, Brother Liu, any piece of equipment they have seems to be better than ours."One of them swallowed and said enviously.

"Yeah, just any patrolman seems to have the same equipment as the boss."

"My goodness, look at myself again, where did this beggar come from?"

"Look, a random passerby just walked by and he seemed to be wearing holy plate armor."

"Crazy, I can't even beat a passerby."

Liu Zhiqiang and others were full of bitterness, and at the same time they admired Ye Chuyun even more.

For them, this place was like a paradise.

Countless luxurious buildings stood tall. It was early in the morning, but the streets were very lively. Everyone was as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"Hey, come and see, this is freshly baked barbecue. I am a junior chef with a cooking bonus. Eating this barbecue can not only increase your strength by 10 points for half an hour, but it only costs five God and Demon coins. At the same time, it also purchases contribution points. The ratio is reasonable."

"It's free to help people upgrade. Afterwards, just go to the public office and give me a good review."

"Take a look at this, my latest masterpiece as a potion master, the Strength Potion, which only costs ten contribution points."

"Hey, do you need a massage?~~~"

Liu Zhiqiang and others were dazzled by the shouting.

Seeing the reactions of Liu Zhiqiang and others, Ye Chuyun was also very satisfied.

"Please wait here for a moment. Vice Alliance Leader Qian and I will go and arrange your accommodation and other matters."

"In the future, you may have to stay in the base and learn forging technology."

"But Rosen has told you before, you should also know that"

"You are not allowed to go anywhere before you become a junior blacksmith."

Liu Zhiqiang repeated what Rosen had told them before.

"Don't worry, Master Ye. We all know what we are doing. We are here to learn forging techniques. We definitely don't have any other ideas."

"Okay, then you stay here."

At this time, several figures suddenly appeared at the entrance of the base, attracting the attention of Liu Zhiqiang and others.

"Hahaha, I came back with a lot of stuff this time. I can finally take a break. I was really dying of suffocation."

"That's right. As soon as Vice Alliance Leader Qian gave the order, I rushed over without stopping. I worked really hard."

"But it's amazing. How did Vice Alliance Leader Qian know the situation there? There really is a fisherman there."

"Yes, but that strange fish is really difficult. This time, it is really thanks to the help of Brother Bai, otherwise the mission would not have gone so smoothly."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. I'm glad I can help Brother Wang."

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be so lively in the camp in broad daylight."

The conversation of this group of people echoed in the ears of Liu Zhiqiang and others. These people were Wang Gang and his team who had just returned from the 886 Baihe area.

When they were teleported back to the entrance of [Weiyang] camp, they immediately attracted the attention of many people including Liu Zhiqiang and others.

Liu Zhiqiang and others' eyes widened again.

Because Wang Gang and his equipment was too dazzling, it almost blinded their eyes!

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