The people in District 346 cheered in the chat channel, making District 118 anxious.

Cai Kun:"Fuck, that damn Sakura Country has props that increase the explosion rate. How can we play now?"

Huang Li:"Does anyone in District 118 have props that can increase the explosion rate? It's meaningless to hide at this time." Wang Gang:"

Everyone, no matter what, we can't just sit there and wait for death. We must hurry up to hunt the beasts." Kitahara Sosuke:"

Hahaha, I say you should give up. Do you know what increasing the explosion rate by 20% means? You are doomed to lose this challenge!" Zhuang Liang

:"The idiot upstairs, shut up!"

Wang Yun:"Don't worry about those idiots in Sakura Country. We must act quickly. Those who are capable should hurry up to hunt the beasts, and those who are not capable can help find the beasts."

Liu Daqiang:"That's right! We must not give up until the last moment. I'm saying this. We must win this time!!"

Cai Kun:"Damn it, let's go! Let's go now!"

The people in the square were excited.

Half an hour later, the challenge began!

【Tip: The countdown ends and the challenge begins!】

【Tip: The entire map of the trial ground is now open!

The challenge has finally begun!

Two progress bars appeared in front of everyone.

Area 346: 0 Challenge Orders

Area 118: 0 Challenge Orders

As soon as the progress bar appeared, it stimulated everyone again.

Idou Shuichi:"Wow, a map actually appeared. Now it will be easier to find the beasts!" Yoshino Eiji

:"Wow, I have never been to this place. There may be beasts there. I will go over to explore the way now."

Kudo Moto:"Haha, this wave of flying dragons riding on the face, how can we lose? Our Sakura Country will definitely win!"

At the same time, Wang Gang and more than ten other people formed the strongest team No. 118 and began to hunt beasts according to the map!

Everyone was anxiously moving through the poisonous swamp, and almost all the beasts on the periphery were wiped out.

After much difficulty, they encountered a level 1 stone ape beast, which they destroyed in a few strokes, only exploding two God and Demon coins.

There was no trace of the challenge order!

Wang Gang frowned upon seeing this:"This speed is not good, the efficiency is too low!""

"Almost all the beasts in the outer level 1 area have been cleared out. It seems that we can only go to the level 2 area to hunt beasts."

Hearing this, the others nodded.

Zhuang Liang said:"Others are also helping to find beasts. They will privately message you when they find them. You should pay attention."

Wang Gang's eyes lit up:"Okay, it seems that we Dragon people are still very united."

Just as Wang Gang finished speaking, Wang Yun on the side suddenly widened his eyes.

The progress bar of area 346 suddenly flashed and began to change.

Area 346: 1 Challenge Order

Area 118: 0 Challenge Orders

Lei Chen:"Damn, it's only been a few minutes, how come those people exploded 1 Challenge Order?"

Cai Kun:"Hiss, the explosion rate potion is so terrifying."

Wang Gang couldn't hold it anymore, and hurriedly whispered:"We have to hurry up, let's go!"

At the same time, Ye Chuyun was wearing night vision goggles and walking in the darkness.

Now, he couldn't waste time and had to hunt down the beasts as soon as possible to get enough challenge orders.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun used all 4 skill stones in his storage space on the [Identification] skill.

【Identification LV4: Active skill, can identify information about monsters and items, can identify terrain, monster distribution, can identify special spiritual herbs, and ores. 】

Now his identification skill can not only display the map, but also the distribution of monsters within a hundred meters.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chuyun rushed to the level 2 area and found the first level 2 beast, the blue poison frog, with a combat power of 400. The blue poison frog is blue all over, and its big eyes give people a very"intelligent" feeling.

Ye Chuyun did not hesitate at all, and split the blue poison frog in half with one knife.

It was almost an instant kill!

【Kill the level 2 blue poison frog and gain +40 energy points】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it. 】

Ye Chuyun opened the storage space.

A challenge order appeared in his storage space.

""It's so cool!" Ye Chuyun couldn't help but laugh.

【Blue Poison Frog's Spirit: Agility +4 after taking it]

In addition to the challenge order, he also obtained spirit, which increased his agility by 4 points after taking it.

During this period, Ye Chuyun obtained a dozen spiritual herbs and refined a body-tempering pill.

【Tip: Because you took too many body-hardening pills, you have developed drug resistance, the effect is weakened, and your physical fitness is +9. 】

Ye Chuyun was not surprised to see this.

If the effect of the pills could be taken continuously without weakening, he would feel strange.

After doing this, Ye Chuyun continued to the next location where the beast was.

An hour later, Ye Chuyun upgraded

【Congratulations, you have been promoted to level 4】

【Your strength increases by 10 points】

【Your Agility increases by 10 points】

【Your Constitution increases by 10 points】

【Your spirit is increased by 10 points】

【You get 5 free attributes.

After killing the tenth beast, Ye Chuyun finally reached level 4.

However, everyone focused on the challenge order at this time, and few people would care about the level rankings.

Still adding 5 free attributes to the spirit, Ye Chuyun opened his attribute panel and took a look.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 4 (30/1200)

Reputation: 30

Strength: 154

Agility: 124

Constitution: 120

Spirit: 79

Combat Power: 1008 (958+50)

Skills: Identification LV4, Stealth LV1, Vision Enhancement LV1, Strength Amplification LV1, Speed Amplification LV1.

God and Demon Coins: 2050

Swallowing the essence of 5 stone ape beasts and 5 blue poison frogs plus upgrading, his combat power has exceeded 1,000 at this time! He also has ten challenge orders!

Ye Chuyun nodded with satisfaction.

He looked at the progress of the challenge on both sides.

District 346: 4 Challenge Orders

District 118: 0 Challenge Orders

I didn't expect that in just half an hour, the other side had already obtained 4 Challenge Orders!

In contrast, in District 118, except for the 10 Challenge Orders in Ye Chuyun's hand, almost no one got a Challenge Order.

Although Wang Gang and others were also struggling to hunt down the beasts, others were also helping to find the beasts.

But in an hour, they only killed 3 level 2 beasts and 2 level 1 beasts.

The efficiency was much slower than Ye Chuyun.

Coupled with the shit-like explosion rate, it was indeed difficult.

But fortunately, everyone was very united, no one complained, and everyone was trying not to drag their feet.

At this time, the chat channel had exploded.

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