After resting for an hour, Ye Chuyun felt that his physical strength and energy had almost recovered to their peak.

"It’s almost time to go!"

Ye Chuyun muttered, then took out his night vision goggles and put them on, ready to leave.

However, at this moment, the announcement appeared again!!!

【Announcement: District 346 has activated the resource challenge order, and randomly selected District 118 from Districts 1-1000. Both parties are forced to start the challenge!】

【Challenge content: Whoever collects 30 challenge orders first will win this challenge!】

【Tip: The person who contributes the most challenge orders in this challenge can obtain 30 points of free attributes and a black iron treasure chest as a reward!】

【Tip: Kill any ferocious beast and there is a certain probability that a challenge order will be dropped!】

【Tip: The winner of the challenge will enjoy double energy for 24 hours, and double the resources in the trial land. The loser will get half the energy for 24 hours, and half the resources in the trial land!】

【Tip: During the challenge, merge the chat channels of Area 118 and Area 346!】

【Tip: The challenge will start in half an hour, please be prepared!】

""It's coming!!"

Ye Chuyun's face changed after seeing this announcement.

It was also at this time in the previous life that District 118 was forced to accept the challenge from District 346, Sakura Country.

When everyone saw the rewards after the challenge was successful, they were still very excited and full of energy.

However, after a while, they found that the explosion rate of this challenge order was very low.

It might take killing forty or fifty beasts to get one.

And District 346 actually had a one-time prop that could increase the explosion rate, which put it far ahead of them.

In the end, District 118 failed the challenge, all resources were halved, and the energy points obtained within 24 hours were halved.

This made him District 118, which was not strong to begin with, has been hit even harder.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled.

It's different now. This challenge is tailor-made for him.

Low explosion rate? ?

The 100% explosion rate talent will teach District 346 to be a new person!

As soon as the announcement came out, the square was boiling, and the entire chat channel was scrolling.

The chat channel was merged with District 346 as soon as the announcement ended.

In addition to the people in District 118 making comments, people in District 346 were also constantly speaking.

Cai Kun:"Fuck, what happened? Who is District 346? Where did the resource challenge order come from?"

Huang Li:"The explosion rate of this challenge order should not be very low, but it's late at night. Isn't it difficult for us to hunt the beasts?" Huang Peng:"

Don't worry about not being able to see at night. I have a lighter that can light fires infinitely. When the time comes, we can make torches ourselves and hunt beasts at night."

Wang Gang:"We can't lose this challenge, otherwise the resources will be halved, and the energy points will be halved, which will be a very serious blow to our District 118."

Liu Qian:"That's right, at this time, our District 118 must unite!!"

Liu Daqiang:"Support!"

Nakamura Ken:"Which bastard opened the resource challenge order? What if we lose? Commit suicide, Kuo La!!"

Wang Gang:"It turns out that No. 346 is from the Sakura Country. I didn't expect to run into people from other countries."

Kudo Ben:"So you are from the Dragon Country. What's going on!"

Katsumura Yota:"Didn't you see the prompt in our district? It was a challenge opened by a person named Idou Shuichi."

Yoshino Eiji:"Damn Shuichi! Do you know that if we fail, the consequences will be serious!!"Kitahara Sosuke:"Haha, what are you afraid of? I heard that the people of the Dragon Country are all sick men of East Asia. They are not only stupid but also weak. If they are the opponents of our Great Sakura Empire, we will definitely win!"

Uehara Miyuki:"Soujie-san, I think you should not underestimate the people of Long Country. Although they are generally of low quality, they have an ancient civilization of more than 5,000 years. Who knows what mysterious power they have."

Kitahara Sosuke:"Hahaha, Miyuki-san, I think you think too much. No matter how much history you have, it is useless if you can't use it in this world of gods and demons."

Huang Li:"Who the hell are you saying has a low IQ and is thin? ? Your dad is a tough guy with eight abdominal muscles. Do you dare to compare your 3 cm with my 17 cm?"

Cai Kun:"Who the hell are you calling the sick man of East Asia? ? The highest level here is level 3. Do you have it in your Sakura Country? ?"

Just then, an avatar popped up in the channel, and Idou Shuichi finally appeared. Idou Shuichi

:"Hahaha, only level 3? I'm level 4. It seems that your District 118 is really not that good."

Yoshino Eiji:"Kusuo, damn Shuichi, you finally showed up, explain why you opened this resource challenge order!"

Idou Shuichi:"Humph, you are a bastard, don't you understand this? Double the resources and double the energy value, don't you want to"

"I'm obviously trying to bring benefits to you, why do you think I'm a bad guy, I'm innocent."

Kudo Moto:"What benefits? If we lose, we'll be clowns. Will you commit seppuku then?"

Kitahara Sosuke:"Yes, you keep saying you want to bring benefits to us, but if you lose, won't you commit seppuku then?" Idou Shuichi

:"Well, now that we've come to this, I'll let you see."

"【Explosion Rate Potion: A one-time item that increases the explosion rate by 20% within 24 hours.】"

"Have you seen this? With this, do you think our District 346 might lose?"

Zhuang Liang:"Oh no!! Explosion rate potion, how did you get this thing?"

Cai Kun:"Fuck, this is cheating!!!"

Ido Shuichi:"Haha, it doesn't matter if I tell you guys about this, I got it in a lottery, and I've never been willing to use it. Now it's the hope of our District 346, haha." P.S.: Budda means pig.

Kitahara Sosuke:"Oh! Shuichi-san, forgive my previous doubts, I didn't expect you to have such a trick, this time we will definitely win!!!"

Kudo Ben:"Shuichi-san, you are our Kami Sama!!!"

Yoshino Eiji:"Shuichi-san, don't say anything, let's go hunt the beasts now, and you will give them the final blow!"

Ido Shuichi:"Haha, I want to assemble the strongest team in District 346, come and sign up now."

At this moment, District 346 was in an uproar.

Ever since Idou Shuichi took out the [Explosion Rate Potion], they seemed to think that victory already belonged to District 346.

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