After learning the situation from Qian Duoduo, Ye Chuyun also called Wang Gang and the others over.

When Ye Chuyun saw Wang Gang and the other three again, he was a little surprised.

After just over a day, he found that Wang Gang and the other three were very different in spirit.

Especially since Ye Chuyun had purchased a large number of first- and second-stage equipment in the Golden Bunker, Wang Gang and the other three benefited from it, and their bodies were almost brand new.

In order to attract others, Wang Gang and the other four did not deliberately hide the appearance and special effects of their equipment.

Each one was so gorgeous that it almost blinded people.

The uniform second-stage 10-level equipment can definitely be called luxurious at this stage.

Now with the equipment of Wang Gang and the other three, as long as they are commanded properly, there will be no problem in passing the difficult-level copy of the Swamp King Cemetery.

""God Ye, long time no see."

Wang Gang was very happy to see Ye Chuyun and wanted to get close to her, but Cai Kun got there first and said

"Ye Shen, please look at me. I am level 10, but my combat power is less than 4,000. If I go to the Temple of Destiny now, can I pass the F-level assessment?"

After hearing this, the other people didn't care so much. They rushed up one by one, chattering non-stop.

Ye Chuyun smiled helplessly and waved his hand:

"Don't worry, come one by one."

"Cai Kun, you asked first, so let's start with you."

"Since you are already 10, have you decided on your future development direction?"

Cai Kun said quickly:

"I want to develop into a thief or assassin. What do you think I should do, Lord Ye?"

Ye Chuyun thought for a moment.

"Since it is a profession related to thieves and assassins, I recommend that you focus on developing the two attributes of agility and constitution!"

Cai Kun was puzzled:

"I can understand agility. After all, for a thief or assassin, the faster the better. But why not develop strength but physique?"

Ye Chuyun smiled and explained:

"Then tell me, in the world of gods and demons, no matter how powerful you are, if you can't survive, what's the point?"

This sentence immediately enlightened Cai Kun.

"Ye Shen, I understand! My free attribute points are useless. I will add them all to agility and constitution."

Ye Chuyun nodded:

"It is best if both agility and physique can reach more than 300. Although it cannot guarantee that you will get a thief-related profession 100%, it is almost there."

"And your combat power is almost 4000, so your evaluation level is not just F-level, it is likely to be E-level or even D-level."

Ye Chuyun was also very surprised that Cai Kun could grow to this point.

Normally speaking, it is very remarkable to have a combat power of 3000 at level 10.

As long as you can pass the evaluation of the Temple of Destiny, you can get a relatively powerful profession.

No matter where you go, your strength belongs to the backbone, and it is not a problem to get a middle or high-level job.

Then Wang Gang came over to ask again.

He is more extreme, and he fully develops strength in the four dimensions.

Whether it is adding points or choosing equipment, it is mainly based on strength.

Ye Chuyun has no opinion on this, but just suggests that he focus on developing his physique.

Wang Gang's combat power is higher than Cai Kun, close to 5000.

Zhuang Liang and Lei Chen's combat power is similar to Cai Kun.

On average, almost everyone has a combat power of 4000.

This made Ye Chuyun couldn't help but marvel secretly.

Others are still trying their best to dig high-combat talents, but in his base, it seems like cabbage Same.

It is said that Xiong Yuntao, who joined with Qian Duoduo, is still at level 9, but his combat power is 5500.

It can be seen that Qian Duoduo deliberately prevented Xiong Yuntao from upgrading and increased his combat power as much as possible.

After all, there is a living example like Ye Chuyun here.

Even a fool can understand that before reaching level 10 and going to the Temple of Destiny, the higher the combat power, the better.

And Wang Gang and others who might have been lost in the crowd, also changed their fate in their previous lives because of Ye Chuyun, an outlier, and now they have become brilliant.

Regarding the choice of profession, Ye Chuyun cannot give many suggestions.

Because there is no fixed profession in the world of gods and demons.

It is more that the Heavenly Dao will combine the assessor's own attributes, talents, skills, etc. to customize an exclusive profession.

But these professions basically will not deviate from the scope of the main professions such as warriors, mages, thieves, etc.

Unless it is a hidden profession like Ye Chuyun.

Half an hour passed quickly.

During this time, Ye Chuyun chatted with Qian Duoduo, Wang Gang and others.

Ye Chuyun also learned some gossip that he missed.

For example, Niu Dali, the forging genius recruited by Qian Duoduo.

When Ye Chuyun gave the forging drawings to Qian Duoduo, he began to vigorously cultivate Niu Dali.

First, he gave a forging drawing of a first-level top-grade equipment for Niu Dali to learn.

Unlimited forging materials are provided in order to allow Niu Dali to increase the success rate of forging as much as possible.

Niu Dali lived up to expectations and can now succeed once in five times.

It can only be done without losing money.

As long as it continues, it will soon be possible to rely on him to make a profit.

It is worthy of being the forging master of the previous life.

Ye Chuyun couldn't help but marvel.

In addition, Qian Duoduo also unearthed a talent for alchemy.

It was Wang Yun in Wang Gang's team.

She was originally a medical major in Blue Star, and she was already quite interested in spiritual herbs and knew a lot.

Qian Duoduo didn't know where he got a recipe for a body-tempering pill and asked Wang Yun to learn it.

Although it was bumpy at the beginning, the success rate was far less than Niu Dali.

But he is much better than other alchemy apprentices, and has a leading aura.

If he is trained, it is very likely that he will become a senior alchemist, not to mention a master of alchemy.

What surprised Ye Chuyun was Bai Hang's growth. Qian Duoduo couldn't help asking him where he found such a genius.

Since Bai Hang was recruited, he has shown unparalleled combat ability.

The skills he learned seemed to be able to exert extraordinary power in his hands.

Although Bai Hang has a combat power of about 2,000 after being trained by Qian Duoduo's resources.

But after the competition, even Xiong Yuntao, who has a combat power of 5,500, was suppressed and almost defeated.

What will happen if he grows up in the future?

Ye Chuyun smiled when he saw this.

Are you kidding? Is the top 100 god-level masters just a joke?

In the previous life, in order to select the top 100 god-level masters, Tiandao specially held the Blue Star Domain Martial Arts Conference. The Blue Star Domain Martial Arts

Conference was held in the first year of their Blue Star's advent in the world of gods and demons.

The rewards are extremely rich.

Even if it's just a consolation prize, you can get a lucky draw box where you can draw anything.

Of course, the premise is that you are lucky.

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