"Alliance Leader Ye, you are finally back."

After receiving the news, Qian Duoduo rushed over immediately.

Now as the deputy leader of the base, he has a lot of things to do every moment.

Recruiting people, managing, allocating resources, assigning work, and making money.

Maybe every minute, there will be a new problem that needs to be solved by himself.

His head is about to explode.

It can be said that he wishes he could spend one minute as if it were ten minutes.

Ye Chuyun naturally knew it.

Looking at Qian Duoduo, who was originally a high-spirited young man, now reduced to a beast of burden.

Ye Chuyun also smiled very embarrassedly.

The reason why he was so eager to dig Qian Duoduo over before was because he was afraid that this situation would happen to him.

If Qian Duoduo was not here, and he had to deal with these things himself, he might go crazy.

As soon as Qian Duoduo came in, he was about to complain, but he noticed Arnold next to Ye Chuyun.

""Leader Ye, who is this?"

He thought Arnold was a fierce beast at first, and he immediately became alert.

But then he changed his mind.

If it was a fierce beast, how could it appear in the camp? He immediately relaxed.

But no matter what, this Arnold was definitely not a human.

He immediately became curious. Upon hearing this, Ye Chuyun quickly introduced Arnold to Qian Duoduo.

"Subordinate, engineering master?"

Qian Duoduo was completely confused.

But he soon understood.

It turned out that there was a special existence like Arnold in the world of gods and demons.

He was even more amazed at Ye Chuyun's means.

He was able to subdue an engineering master as his subordinate.

After introducing Arnold, Ye Chuyun asked Qian Duoduo

"Arnoel will be our chief engineer from now on. If you have engineering talents suitable for development, you can let Arnoel take a look."

"I understand."

Qian Duoduo nodded when he heard this.

"By the way, Master Ye, you came just in time. I have a few things to report to you."

Ye Chuyun blinked curiously.

"What's the matter?"

Qian Duoduo said quickly:

"Several people in the garrison have reached level 10 and received a notification from the Temple of Destiny."

"But I told them not to go to the Temple of Destiny right away."

"Leader Ye, do you have any suggestions?"

"Oh?" Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Which ones?"

"Wang Gang, Zhuang Liang, Cai Kun, Lei Chen, these four people"

"It turned out to be them."

Ye Chuyun was full of emotion.

He didn't pay much attention to the world ranking list. He didn't know that Wang Gang and his friends had actually reached level 10.

Now he is level 15, still the first place.

But the second place is no longer Qiao Shanyun.

It is an Eagle countryman named James, level 11.

Ye Chuyun is also familiar with this person.

Although this James was not one of the top 100 god-level masters in his previous life, he was also a leader among their Eagle countrymen. The top ten are basically level 10.

Although Wang Gang and his friends have reached level 10, they did not squeeze into the top ten, but hovered in the top 20.

But even so, Qian Duoduo told him.

Since Wang Gang and his friends reached level 10, they have received various private chats from time to time.

The content is nothing more than trying to poach people.

Among these private chats, there is even a shameless person like Nakamura.

They offered various tempting conditions, wanting Wang Gang and his friends to leave Ye Chuyun and join them.

But they were all rejected by Wang Gang and his friends.

Just kidding.

Now Wang Gang Several people joined Ye Chuyun's garrison and were recruited by Qian Duoduo as combatants. Only they themselves knew the benefits they enjoyed.

That was incomparable to flattery in other places.

Those people promised that after Wang Gang and his friends joined, they could enjoy a guaranteed salary of 1,000 Shenmo coins every month. In addition, equipment, skill books, etc., would depend on their usual performance. The slightly better ones only gave a guaranteed salary of 2,000 Shenmo coins.

What Wang Gang and his friends usually need to do is to help those people hunt beasts and raid dungeons.

That is, they will fight wherever they are pointed, and they will be on call 24 hours a day, which is more than cattle and horses.

And all the things that are exploded must be handed in.

Wang Gang and his friends refused without thinking.

However, the other party thought that Wang Gang and his friends were arrogant and incompetent, and they were immediately angry and left a sentence"If you don't want to do it, there are plenty of people who will do it" and ran away.

Hearing this, not only Qian Duoduo laughed, but even Ye Chuyun couldn't help laughing.

The slightly better ones only have a guaranteed salary of 2,000 Shenmo coins? ?

24-hour standby, all spoils must be handed in, equipment, skill books, etc. depend on performance.

What kind of a beast of burden is this? ? ?

If you don't want to do it, there are plenty of people who can do it.

You brought all the experience of beasts of burden from Blue Star here, right?

Good fellow, this is truly an intangible cultural heritage.

It's a world of gods and demons, who would still be a beast of burden with you?

The minimum wage for a chef here is 2,000, and he only needs to be responsible for the three meals a day and midnight snacks for the staff.

If there are any extra equipment and skill books, they can also be provided free of charge. Even for logistics personnel, a monthly salary is calculated to be 3,000 to 4,000 gods and demons coins, and equipment and skill books are countless. It is provided for free.

Not to mention combat personnel like Wang Gang and others.

It is still the early stage of the development of the garrison, and funds are very tight, so Qian Duoduo currently only gives them a monthly basic salary of 5,000 plus contribution points as a reward.

Contribution points depend on the completion of daily tasks.

Raiding dungeons and hunting designated beasts are all considered tasks.

Of course, you can choose to turn in the spoils and exchange them for contribution points, or you can choose not to turn them in.

Qian Duoduo does not force it.

Contribution points are also set up by Qian Duoduo himself, and they are the currency in circulation within their garrison.

Although as a staff member of the garrison, you can enjoy the benefits of free equipment and skill books.

But those equipment and skill books are the most ordinary.

If you want good things such as high-level equipment and skill books, such as sacred plate armor, you must use contribution points to exchange.

It can be said that in the future, contribution points may be more valuable than God and Demon Coins!

Qian Duoduo specially left ten pieces of sacred plate armor as an incentive.

These people are like chicken blood, working hard to complete tasks for contribution points, just to be able to exchange for such a sacred plate armor.

Ye Chuyun was very confident that other people could not give him such benefits and treatment.

So let alone Wang Gang, even other people would not want to leave here.

Moreover, Wang Gang and Ye Chuyun all came from District 118 together.

Even if Ye Chuyun did not give such good benefits, he believed that Wang Gang and his friends would not leave.

Because Wang Gang and his friends were the most loyal,

Ye Chuyun saw this in them, so he planned to focus on training them.

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