Seeing this, Ye Chuyun was not surprised at all.

Shi Feng valued friendship very much.

There were several brothers who had been through thick and thin with him in Area 338.

It was normal for Shi Feng to want to bring them to join his base.

Ye Chuyun:"Which brothers do you want to bring?"

He tried to ask.

Shi Feng:"Not many, just three, all brothers who have been through thick and thin with me since I came to the world of gods and demons. They are Wei Daojun, Lin You, and Long Chuan."

After seeing the names, Ye Chuyun understood.

In his previous life, Shi Feng did not join any forces, but established a base with these three people.

Later, it developed step by step into the second-rate force [Brotherhood]. These three people have always been by Shi Feng's side, never leaving him.

If you look at it normally, these three people are indeed very loyal.

But one day later, Shi Feng mysteriously disappeared.

No one cared at first, but when there was no news of Shi Feng for more than 30 consecutive days, many people found something wrong.

As the boss of the [Brotherhood], Shi Feng should have been in a mess after being missing for more than 30 days.

But then someone with a caring heart discovered it.

As early as the first day of Shi Feng's disappearance, the Brotherhood was controlled by this person named Lin You.

Lin You said that he was actively looking for Shi Feng's whereabouts.

But a group of dragons cannot be without a leader. As the second in command of the Brotherhood, he must maintain the operation of the entire station.

So he is not in charge of all matters of the entire station for the time being.

The other two people don't know what's going on, and they don't stop it.

In any case, this matter is just a topic of conversation.

No one really cares about it.

Even if Shi Feng is missing, what does it have to do with them?

Ye Chuyun thought so at the beginning, but he just learned a little about the whole thing and stopped paying attention.

Now that I think about it, there is a problem.

I just don't know if Lin You is the"no problem" Lin You now, or the"already had a problem" Lin You.

But these are Ye Chuyun's current inner thoughts.

If I really tell Shi Feng, I guess he will only think that his brain is broken.

After all, I can't produce evidence to prove that this Lin You or the other two people have problems.

Looking at this posture, if I don't agree to the other three people joining the station, Shi Feng will definitely not join.

After thinking about it, Ye Chuyun agreed.

After all, he is not Shi Feng.

He does not trust Lin You and the other two.

In the future, he just needs to be more careful and let Qian Duoduo be more careful about these three people.

If there is any problem with these three people, I believe they will be exposed soon.

Shi Feng will see the true colors of these three people sooner or later.

This is not a bad thing.

Shi Feng is indeed a rare talent. It is rare for him to take the initiative to come to the door. It is a pity to let him go.

Ye Chuyun:"Okay, in this case, Brother Shi, you can bring your three friends and come to Area 1888 tomorrow. I will arrange for Deputy Alliance Leader Qian to go and guide you."

Shi Feng:"Okay, Ye Shen, don't worry. After I join the garrison, I will definitely do everything for you."

Ye Chuyun:"Haha, then I will wait and see."

After finishing the chat with Shi Feng, Ye Chuyun continued to contact the next one.

Chu Yunlan and Qiao Shanyun seemed to really want to join.

As soon as Ye Chuyun contacted them, he agreed in a hurry.

They are all lone rangers, and they have a good relationship with each other.

Now that two more top 100 god-level masters have joined, Ye Chuyun is also very happy.

As for Xu Meng, she is indeed interested in joining.

In fact, Ye Chuyun also values Xu Meng very much.

Xu Meng is very special.

She is not like Shi Feng, Chu Yunlan, and Qiao Shanyun, who are combat-type personnel.

Even her own combat power is far less than Chu Yunlan, Qiao Shanyun and others.

But she is a very rare auxiliary talent.

As the saying goes.

The output of water flows, and the auxiliary is iron.

Ye Chuyun has played countless mobile games and knows the truth.

No matter how powerful and explosive the output of each new character is, you still have to call the auxiliary dad.

This truth is the same whether it is in the game or in the world of gods and demons.

Whether it is treatment, strengthening, or purifying negative status.

As long as you know any skill, you can be considered an auxiliary. You can be welcomed wherever you go.

What's more, Ye Chuyun suspects that Xu Meng has S-level talent like Shi Feng.

In her previous life, she and her small team did not establish a base, but became an existence similar to an adventure team.

Their team explored various regions and looked for opportunities, and they were also very famous in the previous life.

Many forces paid to hire them, and many forces also wanted to recruit them.

Although the number of people is very small, the strength of all the people in Xu Meng's team is not inferior to any second-rate force.

However, the main contributor is Xu Meng.

As an auxiliary, she is almost omnipotent.

Increase attack, increase defense, can heal, add negative status to the enemy, and can also remove the negative status of teammates.

With her, under various bonuses, even pigs can take off.

Ye Chuyun believes that if Xu Meng can join, their base will be even stronger.

It's just that Xu Meng, like Shi Feng, has people he cares about.

Shi Feng is one of his three"good brothers".

Xu Meng is a team of about forty people.

They are also good brothers and sisters who have been through life and death together.

Ye Chuyun naturally agreed.

Even without Xu Meng, these people are all elites.

It's just what I want.

All the people added up are less than fifty.

This was just a drop in the bucket for a Level 1 garrison that could accommodate 1,500 people.

Even with the addition of Shi Feng and others, his garrison still had nearly 500 vacancies.

After informing Qian Duoduo of the news that these people were going to join the garrison, Ye Chuyun hung up the call.

He doesn't need to worry about what happens next, he believes Qian Duoduo will arrange it.

Golden Bunker, the master's room.

Luke saw Ye Chuyun coming in, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, and he hurried to meet him.

""Dear guest, I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Did you encounter any difficulties in the mission? Is there anything I can help you with?"

It thought that Ye Chuyun must have encountered some troubles when he came back so early.

Yes, this is the only mission after all, how could it be completed so quickly.

However, it did not deliberately want the other party to complete it, which increased the difficulty of the mission.

On the contrary, it hoped that the other party could complete this only mission as soon as possible, so that he might have a chance to get the reward of the Heavenly Dao and lead his people out of control.

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