No. 1 Shi Feng:"Oh? There are still melons to eat?"

No. 1888 Qian Duoduo:"More melons, I love to see them."

No. 1888 Ye Chuyun:"Hot melons, I love to eat them too."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"Huh? Brother Ye, you are here too? What a rare guest."

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Boss, I want to curry your favor. Are you still hiring for your base?"

No. 1 Shi Feng:"Boss!! I want to curry your favor too!" As soon as

Ye Chuyun appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of most people.

When Ye Chuyun appeared, the people who were originally denouncing Nakamura immediately changed their direction and focused on him.

Nakamura was immediately unhappy.

No. 526 Nakamura:"Hey, my base is also hiring, why don't you ask?"

Hearing this, some people were immediately angry and laughed.

No. 546 Wang Xia:"It's so funny. You, a Sakura countryman, still have the nerve to talk about recruiting people? Didn't you see what your compatriots said just now? You robbed them just to get 100,000 God and Demon Coins. Who would dare to go to your base with your kind?"

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"Robbery? When did I rob him? I just wanted to give my compatriots a home and asked everyone to help me."

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"Besides, I'm not against his donation. I promised that anyone who donated money would be given a quota after the base was built."

No. 526 Guanggu Wu:"Bah, who wants your quota? It was you who threatened me to donate money. You said you would break my legs if I didn't. How dare I not donate?"

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"You can come if you want."

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"Recruiting people. As long as you help me develop the base, I will give you very generous treatment."

No. 526 Tateno Osamu:"Oh, your base is just an empty lot now, what benefits can it have?"

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"I can only speak twice now, so I won't waste my words. Although my base has nothing now, as long as the people who join help me develop it together, I can give you the right of residence, building dividends and other benefits. In the future, you will all be the backbone of the base and veterans. Where can you find such good things?"

No. 1888 Cai Kun:"Come on, let me translate it into Chinese for everyone. Develop together means that you contribute money and effort to help him build the public buildings of the base, and he will enjoy the fruits of his labor. After these public buildings are built, he will reluctantly give you a right of residence and some dividends. In the future, you will all be the cattle and horses of the base. Where can you find such blessings?"

No. 1888 Wang Gang:"Okay, okay, you little Sakura countryman are playing like this, right? It's really disgusting."

No. 1888 Bai Hang:"Ah? So the right to live here is based on points? Isn't it given as soon as you join the settlement? I thought all those public buildings in the settlement were there from the beginning, aren't they given as a set?"

No. 1888 Qian Duoduo:"I am dying of laughter, Nakamura, you are really a vampire, you tricked your compatriots into helping you get the settlement order, and then threatened your compatriots to pay for your settlement construction, and now you are trying to trick your compatriots into helping you build the settlement buildings."

"It's too embarrassing, Ye Shen and I paid for it ourselves, and those who join our base just need to lie down and enjoy it." No. 666 Chu Yunshuang:"I am dying of laughter, see, you just need to lie down and enjoy it in Ye Shen's base, do you still need to work like a slave?"

No. 1888 Qian Duoduo:"One more thing, our base is now recruiting official staff, with a fixed salary of God and Demon Coins, including equipment, skill books, etc. If there are people with special talents, you can come and sign up with me."

"At the same time, we have a mansion in our resident area, where you can accept various tasks, and there are houses for living. As long as you register, you can activate the instant teleportation function. The hotel can get double energy point buffs, and the Chamber of Commerce can be connected with all the trading houses in all regions. There are not many places, so hurry up and sign up."

Qian Duoduo's words directly stunned everyone.

No. 666 Chu Yunshuang:"Oh my god, what kind of paradise is your place, Ye Shen? ? It's so cool, I want to sign up." No.

1 Shi Feng:"Fuck, this is called welfare, what kind of shit is that Nakamura Tian, and he wants others to go there to work like cows and horses."

No. 1 Xu Meng:"Ye Shen, are you still short of people there? My friends and I want to go, sincerely."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"I'm going, don't compete with me, Ye Shen, save me a place, I'm taking the train to Region 1888 now, wait!"

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Fuck, brother, wait for me, we'll go together."

No. 1888 Qian Duoduo:"The number of places is limited. If you are interested, you can come to the No. 1888 Regional Train Station tomorrow. I will conduct the interview there."

No. 1 Shi Feng:"Okay, okay."

No. 1568 Chu Yunlan:"Okay, okay."

No. 666 Qiao Shanyun:"Okay, okay.""

The world channel was immediately flooded with this sentence.

Nakamura Tian was anxious when he saw this. He originally wanted to take advantage of the announcement to advertise here, but now everything was disrupted.

He had one last speech left, and he continued to send a sentence unwillingly.

No. 526 Nakamura Tian:"Hey, I'm also recruiting here. Don't listen to their nonsense. The benefits here are really good."

However, this sentence was directly ignored by others and fell into the sea.

Ye Chuyun didn't expect things to develop into what they are now.

At first, his purpose was just to eat melons.

Unexpectedly, Qian Duoduo took the opportunity to advertise and attracted everyone's attention.

However, his attention was mainly on some individuals.

Shi Feng, Xu Meng, Chu Yunlan, and Qiao Shanyun.

Now they have all expressed their intention to join his base.

But Ye Chuyun didn't know whether they were joking or really wanted to join.

If they really wanted to join, he naturally didn't want to miss this opportunity.

You must know that Chu Yunlan and Qiao Shanyun were also among the top 100 god-level masters in their previous lives.

Although these two people are not as powerful as Bai Hang, they only have earth-level strength.

But even if he is at the Earth level, he is still very powerful and capable of ruling a place.

His base needs such people, the more the better.

Ye Chuyun tried to chat with them privately.

First, he found Shi Feng.

Although Shi Feng was not one of the top 100 god-level masters in his previous life, he was also a famous person who ruled a place.

Ye Chuyun:"Brother Shi, are you there?"

Shi Feng:"God Ye? I didn't expect you to take the initiative to find me. How about it, do you agree to let me join the base?"

Ye Chuyun:"Do you really want to join?" Shi

Feng:"Of course, but I want to bring my other brothers with me, is that okay?"

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