The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 318: Xiao Yao, Xiao Xiao!

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Xu honestly, although his name is old-fashioned, he is a well-known rich man in Yanjing, but when facing Qin Shuhuan, he was respectful and did not dare to pretend, which shows that the influence of the four major families of Yanjing is huge.

Qin Shuhuan snorted softly and said, "I said, old Xu, how could you change your taste anyway. With this decoration, I dare not bring guests to this show."

"Since Qin Dashao has spoken, I will always change, and I will certainly change." Xu honestly said, looking at Ye Chen, "Senior Qin, is this?"

"My cousin, Ye Chen." Qin Shuhuan said.

"It turned out to be Ye Shao. The two are coming in quickly, Xu Shao and Li Shao, they are all there." Xu honestly bowed his head, respectfully leading the way, and there were dozens of beautiful women in two rows, bowing in unison .

"These are all found by Xu from various places across the country. At least they are all supermodel-level beauties. They are both beautiful and obedient. They are beautiful and obedient. They know how to serve men. If you want, you can take them directly."

There was no expression on Qin Shuhuan's face, but his heart was slightly proud, and he glanced at Ye Chen. Want to see the shock or greed on Ye Chen's face. No matter how he reprimanded Xu honestly, but this generous is indeed rare in China.

But Ye Chen's face was plain, just like the air in front of her.

"At this level, I also want to show off with me?" Ye Chen laughed in his heart, could not help shaking his head slightly, "When I conquered Xingyu, I once conquered the Shenhu clan, and they sacrificed the beauty of the entire ethnic group for their lives. Come up, which one is not the same as Daji, what is this group of vulgar fans?"

As for Qin Shuhuan's ability, without the support of the Qin family, it may not be able to be among the ranks of majors and minors in Yanjing. But having said that, Liu Ruochen, Xu Duo and others can get there, but these top young men have the power and wealth of Tianda after they were born, but they have no way to improve their own abilities.

Seeing Ye Chen's expression, Qin Shuhuan wondered: "Strange, this kid is mixed with the little maid all day. It's impossible to be ugly. Was it squeezed by the little maid?"

At this time, after a section of Hualang, finally arrived at the main hall of Xiaoxiang Water Pavilion. The exterior of Xiaoxiang Water Pavilion is a small building built on the water. In fact, there is nothing like it in the world.

The entire palace was extremely wide, and the tall golden and red lanterns illuminated the lights of the main hall.

A group of handsome men and beauties, each holding a wine glass, chatting in the hall, basically no more than 30 years of age, it is indeed the juniors of major families. Ye Chen even saw Qin Shuyao and the group of people he saw under Hongfeng Mountain yesterday.

"Is he here?"

When the group of people saw him, their face suddenly changed wildly, and they kept rubbing into the corner, especially the girls didn't even dare to lift their heads. It seems that Miao Zhongren's unreliable speculation yesterday left them There was a big shadow.

But at this moment, there was a beautiful young girl wearing a cheongsam who took the initiative to greet her and gently said a blessing: "Ye Xianshi, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Ye Chen raised her eyebrows and said lightly: "It turned out to be a drama, but it's been a long time."

This cheongsam girl was the close disciple of Yixian Pavilion's close disciple. She was in Haicheng before, and she had seen Ye Chen's horrible strength with her own eyes, and she was extremely respectful to him.

But at this time, she sneered again behind her: "Ha, Ye Chen, did not expect you dare to come to Yanjing."

Ye Chen raised her eyelids slightly, and saw Xu Duo really came out like a fart, and looked at Ye Chen's eyes, full of hostility: "I didn't expect you guy to dare to come to my site, today I want it or not You’re no longer..."

Before he finished speaking, he was coldly interrupted into the play and said, "Young Master Xu, please pay attention to the proper manner of speaking. That is, the owner of your Xu family is here, and you dare not speak to Ye Xianshi. "

Seeing this scene, Xu Duo flashed angrily on his face: "Okay, you have been rejecting my pursuit for the past few months. The youngest major felt that something was wrong, and he was still thinking of this kid in his heart!"

When I heard this in the play, I immediately blushed and swept Ye Chen with a guilty conscience, and said, "You, what are you talking about, I am innocent with Master Ye Xian......"

Xu Duobao said with a smile: "There is no need to explain. I will not let him peel off today. I wrote the words Xu Duo upside down!"

But before he finished speaking, a figure walked in from the outside and screamed: "Xu Duo, the person who wants him to peel off today is not you, but me!"

Hearing this, Xu Duo's heart was born, but not the joy of the helper, but anger, raised his head and broke the mouth and scolded: "Who is impatient, dare to grab me Xu Dashao..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice came to an abrupt end, showing horror, staring at the door, and he saw that the person who walked in and walked in was Long Xiao Xiao Xiao!

If you change Liu Ruochen and others, Xu Duo might not be so daunted, but the Xiao family is the real Yanjing first family, Xiao Yao... It is really not that he can offend.

Xiao Yao walked in, but did not even look at Xu Duo, but looked at Qin Shuhuan: "Who is the one who said I robbed his fiancee and wanted to be fair?"

With that fierce gaze, Qin Shuhuan could not help but take two steps backwards, only to think that Xiao Dashao was like a sharp sword with a sheath, and it was unreasonable.

Fortunately, today, facing the sharp-edged person, it was not him. Qin Shuyao immediately made a look in Ye Chen's direction, and Xiao Yao also turned his head, coldly said: "Boy, I heard you are very kind to me Dissatisfied?"

Seeing this scene, on the Red Maple Mountain that day, the men and women who were scared by Ye Chen whispered excitedly: "Come here, Xiao Xiao Xiao Xiao!"

"Hey, he said that he would come to the door three days later, but Xiao Xiao took the initiative to attack!"

"Haha, just pick him up here and let this kid see the spirit of our Yanjing giants!"


Just as a group of people whispered, Ye Chen raised his head and said with a smile: "Are you Xiao Xiao?"

Xiao Yao raised his chest and proudly said, "Yes, I am Xiao Yao."

Ye Chen's eyes narrowed slightly and said lightly: "In other words, you are going to marry Liu Bingyao."

Xiao Yao sneered: "Yes, I heard that Liu Bingyao used to be your fiancée, but boy, you know for me, this world, whether it is money or women, is not a first-come-first-served, but a grab!"

"Because I have better skills than you, I can take away your fiancee, and let the Liu family take the initiative to retire and take the initiative to marry Liu Bingyao to me! Are you... dissatisfied?"

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing, and said: "It seems that you don't know who I am yet."

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