The City’s Strongest Immortal Emperor

Chapter 317: Mother and son

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Hearing this, Qin Shuang first thought it made some sense, but then thought of the scene when Ye Chen reached out and strangled Qin Xuerong's neck.

But his eyes, how cruel, how disdainful, how high above him, as if he was watching a fly, do people with such eyes really care about the vague relatives of the Qin family?

Qin Shuang has no doubt that if Qin Hongshuang did not speak at that time, Qin Xuerong would definitely be killed, even if his father tried to stop it, it would be useless.

Thinking of this, Qin Shuang was about to speak, but Qin Slong nodded and said, "Okay, just follow the method of Shuhuan."

Hearing this, Qin Shuang suddenly shocked: "Father!"

However, Qin Silong shot him, shut his mouth, and said lightly: "Needless to say, I have decided, let me see this Ye Chen...... Is there the ability to be the master of my Qin family!"

Hearing these words, Qin Shuhuan's mouth slightly raised, showing a proud smile...

On the other side, Qin Hongshuang happily ran to the villa, but was informed by Sayuri Qingchuan that Ye Chen was retreating in the house and could only regret to shake her head and sigh.

However, she was reluctant to leave, so she took Qinchuan Sayuri to ask that question, as if she had regarded the other party as her future daughter-in-law. Qinchuan Sayuri knew that the other party was the owner’s biological mother, and she did not dare to make an order and obediently answered anything. Qin Hongshuang laughed at the flowers.

Soon, the sky became dark, Qin Hongshuang frowned, and decided to tell her son to eat, but just as she was about to knock on the door, Ye Chen walked out.

Qin Hongshuang was very embarrassed when she looked at each other. When she thought of each other's indifferent performance during the day, she couldn't help but feel a pain in her heart and stuttered and said: "Then, that, I'm just going to see if you have a good dinner, me, I'm going back."

That said, she turned away in a hurry and was about to leave, but she secretly scolded herself: "Qin Hongshuang, Qin Hongshuang, what the **** are you doing, your son hasn't experienced maternal love since she was 23, you can't be brave Some?"

But to think about it, she was still afraid of being injured and afraid of being rejected. She could only move to the door of the villa in small steps, hoping that the other party could stop herself.

One step, two steps, three steps...

There was no voice behind him, Qin Hongshuang calculated, secretly sighed, "Sure enough, he still hates me."

But at this moment, behind him came a voice that was neither salty nor light: "If you don't dislike it, just stay and eat together...Mom."

Hearing this, Qin Hongshuang turned his head in disbelief, only to see Ye Chen's eyes looking at the restless movements elsewhere, his indifferent and indifferent face was actually glowing clearly visible.

"my child!"

After a while, Qin Hongshuang made a heartbreaking sound, rushed over crying, and held Ye Chen in his arms, tears rolling down.

Ye Chen sighed in his heart. Although his body was a little stiff, he slowly reached out and hugged the other person, responding: "Mom."

"Call again!"


"Call again!"


"Call again!"

"Mom, what are you doing..."

Just when the mother and son shared the joy of heaven, Qin Shuhuan went to the door.

The young Qin family, in contrast to the previous arrogance and domineering, but personable, extremely attitude, extremely gentle:

"Second Aunt, there is a junior party in the evening, right at the Xiaoxiang Water Pavilion. All come from Yanjing's new generation of young people with faces and faces. Several younger brothers and sisters in the family will go. I want to take my cousin to see Look. What is your opinion?"

Qin Hongshuang is naturally very happy. Although she wants to spend more time with her good son, she also hopes that her son will be recognized by her family. It is rare for the Qin family to release goodwill. Qin Hongshuang raised her hands in favor.

Seeing her mother like this, Ye Chen couldn't bear to brush her mind, and nodded her head in agreement.

"In this case, then I will pick up my cousin five minutes later." Qin Shuhuan smiled modestly.

But after he left the villa, he immediately started calling the phone: "Hey, is it Xiao Xiao from Xiaofu? You may not know that your fiancee was originally married to our Qin family. I hope you Come to Xiaoxiang Water Pavilion tonight, everyone will make it clear."

"Eh, what do you say, Xiao Xiao, I'm on your side, of course, but this relative of our Qin family is a little bit unreasonable, so you have to give him some color to look at, so as not to let this The kid feels that Yanjing is empty. By the way, he has a very good skill. You need to bring more masters."

After pleasing both sides, Qin Shuhuan put down his mobile phone and raised a smug smile on his lips...

Five minutes later, Qin Shuhuan arrived on time. He drove a low-key BMW. In Yanjing, where luxury cars were gathered, he was unremarkable. But as long as you look at the many special passes on the mirror, you know that the weight of this car is far from what Lamborghini and Rolls-Royce can match.

"Xiaoxiang Water Pavilion was next to Yanyu Lake. It used to be a place where an emperor from the Qing Dynasty played. So far, it has more than 170 years of history. It was later bought by a top rich man and transformed. The facilities inside are all Use the world's top equipment. Eat, drink and play, omnipotent, of course, the consumption is also high."

Along the way, Qin Shuhuan didn't have a bit of a rack, and took Ye Chen to chat about things, looking like a kind cousin.

Ye Chen didn't say a word, her eyes were as deep as the depths, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Half an hour later, the BMW was parked in front of an antique restaurant.

At this time, Haoyue was empty, the cabinet was magnificent, and the lights were bright for half a day. Looking through the antique gate, I saw a beautiful maid wearing a palace dress and a robe, holding a variety of drinks and meals.

These maids, with regard to their appearance and their outstanding looks, are at least the standard of school flowers. They can take one at random.

"Alas, boss Xu is born poor after all. Although he is a top rich man, his taste is a bit worse."

Qin Shuhuan shook his head slightly, his eyes scorned. At this time, he is the real Qin family. No matter how humble he pretended to be, the arrogance in his bones could not be erased.

Ye Chen still leaned on the car, without saying a word, Qin Shuhuan thought he was concealing things, but in fact all his words when he called were in his ears. How could a villa be kept in his own way? Divine read?

"Yo, Young Master Qin, you are here, why don't you tell me the old Xu!"

I saw a rich black man with ten golden rings in his hands, and he came over at great strides. When the pretty maids around saw him, they all bowed and bent over, revealing a large piece of snow-white skin, shouting softly:

"Mr. Xu."

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