Chapter 81: Eavesdropping

Lin Moyuan looked at the room in front of him, frowning again.

Now that everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed. How can I put this bug in the room?

Can’t you just throw it in through the crack of the door?

Lin Moyuan didn’t worry that his own behavior would be captured by the surveillance camera in the corridor, because the location where he was standing was a blind spot of the surveillance camera, that is, the position where the stairs turned.

At this moment, Lin Moyuan heard the sound of the walkie-talkie!

“No.3, No.3, the food in Room No.1 is ready, ready to serve…”

Lin Moyuan’s brows suddenly stretched, and his heart came to mind!

Soon, a waiter in a suit and vest walked up the stairs with a plate of meat, without noticing that at the corner of the third floor, someone was already waiting for him.

As soon as he walked up to the third floor, a figure walked out from the corner, and the waiter couldn’t dodge and ran into it head-on.

This figure that appeared suddenly was naturally Lin Moyuan.

Lin Moyuan looked at the waiter in front of him, frowning, his suit was already stained with sauce in two places.

Naturally, this casual suit is not cheap. It is a masterpiece of the famous Italian suit designer Bronney, and it can be regarded as a treasure.

Although the waiter didn’t know the brand of this suit, it could be seen from the material that it was definitely not a bargain, so his face turned pale immediately, and he repeatedly apologized to Lin Moyuan:

“Sorry… sir… I didn’t mean to…”

“I will compensate you for this dress…”

Lin Moyuan waved his hand and said:

“Nothing, blame me for not looking at the way, let’s go, just a piece of clothing, go ahead with you!”

The waiter was immediately pardoned, and he thought he would have to take in his salary for most of the year!

Who says rich people are unreasonable? The one in front of me is simply alive Bodhisattva!

While thanking him, the waiter walked towards Room No. 1 on the ground.

Looking at the waiter’s figure, after walking into the private room, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, and then he opened the door of Tianzi No.2 room.

Seeing Lin Moyuan pushing the door in, Tang Yurou asked curiously:

“What did you do? Is it something uncomfortable?”

“Why have you gone so long?”

Lin Moyuan pointed to the stain on his body, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly:

“No way, I accidentally bumped into someone’s waiter, so I cleaned it up.”

Tang Yurou asked subconsciously:

“You didn’t have trouble with that waiter, did you?”

Lin Moyuan suddenly became even more helpless when he heard these words. Why does he look like that kind of heinous person?

Young Master, although I am a villain, I am a well-trained and ethical villain!

It’s a son of luck like Xiao Fan, how can you be angry with ordinary people?

“Am I the kind of person who embarrass others? Just kidding, how can I, such a kind, honest and trustworthy citizen, do such excessive things?”

Tang Yurou saw Lin Moyuan’s righteous look and couldn’t help but laughed out loud.

【drop! The host’s thick-skinned behavior meets the definition of villain! villain value +99! 】

Dog system! If you taunt me again, I will smash you!

There was a vicious threat in his heart, and then the voice of Xiao Fan talking with another person came through the earphones.

Lin Moyuan took out his mobile phone and opened a game. It seemed that he was playing the game intently, but he was actually eavesdropping on Xiao Fan’s conversation with another person!

“Ye Dage, when did you retired from the army?”

Ye Feng replied with a smile after hearing the words:

“It hasn’t been a week since I just retired, that is, five or six days. Didn’t this happen to be seen by you at the auction floor?”

Xiao Fan said with a smile:

“Then we are really destined. I also just came to Suijiang City. I heard that there is an auction, so I wanted to try my luck…”

Ye Feng suddenly raised his brows and asked:

“Brother Xiao, I am curious why you came to Suijiang City? Yunhai City is much more prosperous than Suijiang City. It stands to reason that with your abilities, it is not difficult for you to develop, right?”

Xiao Fan sighed helplessly, took a sip of beer to moisturize his throat, and then continued:

“I also have difficulties. I have an enemy in Yunhai City. My current strength is not on the same level as others. People can wipe me out with their fingers!”

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately sat up straight, his face becoming serious.

“There is such a thing? But how did you offend such an opponent?”

Xiao Fan sighed again, and talked about Tang Yu and Lin Moyuan’s affairs.

After Ye Feng heard this story full of sadness and helplessness, he immediately patted the table!

“Damn! There is such a thing? This Lin Moyuan and the Lin group behind it should be removed!”

Xiao Fan nodded in agreement and said:

“Of course I also know this truth… but the Lin Group is deeply rooted in Yunhai City, and I am a poor student again, so there is no way!”

Ye Feng patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder, picked up the wine glass in his hand, touched Xiao Fan, and said in a serious tone:

“It’s okay, Brother Xiao Fan, I am here with the Big Brother, and I will definitely not let you suffer!”

“In this way, I will teach you a way. After you have money, you can do it later…”

After just five minutes, Xiao Fan was shocked!

“Ye Dage, is it really okay to do this? Will it have any effect?”

A smile suddenly appeared on Ye Feng’s face, patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder again, and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, Brother Xiao, there won’t be any problems! What’s more, Lin Moyuan, who doesn’t even know where the problem is, just fell into our trap!”

Xiao Fan breathed a sigh of relief, and then a sullen smile appeared on his face!

Lin Moyuan! This time I see how you fight back! Wait and see the Lin Group’s face lost!

At this moment, Ye Feng took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, but found that he was not carrying a fire, so he turned around and asked, “Brother Xiao, have you brought a fire?”

Xiao Fan shook his head and said:

“I don’t smoke, should I go next door and ask?”

Ye Feng nodded when he heard the words, stood up, and when he saw Xiao Fan also got up, he said suddenly:

“Don’t come out, I’ll borrow a fire and come back soon!”

Xiao Fan nodded when he heard the words and sat back on the chair.

Ye Feng pushed open the door of the room and walked out, standing in the corridor, after looking around, he turned out to choose the direction of Tianzi No. 2 room and walked over!

The second room of Tianzi is the room where Lin Moyuan is located!

I have to say, this is really a coincidence…

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