Chapter 80: Encounter son of luck

When Lin Moyuan drove and brought Tang Yurou to Hot Pot Street, it happened to be the moment when the sun was setting.

The afterglow of the setting sun scattered on such a street full of ancient charm, giving people a feeling of traveling back hundreds of years.

Looking at Tang Yurou who was constantly looking around with a smile on his face, Lin Moyuan’s mouth showed a smile that couldn’t be hidden.

The moment he opened his eyes from this world, he knew that the previous world had nothing to do with him anymore.

Originally, Lin Moyuan wanted to find an opportunity to see if he could return to that world and seek revenge on his brother and wife, but the longer he spent in this world, the more Lin Moyuan became intoxicated by this world.

It wasn’t until she really started to come into contact with the girl Tang Yurou that Lin Moyuan was surprised. It turns out that there can be such a kind girl in this world!

At first, he left Tang Yurou with Own, Lin Moyuan was to get the villain value to deal with Xiao Fan, but now, Lin Moyuan really likes this girl.

Just when Lin Moyuan followed Tang Yurou and came to the central area of ​​Hot Pot City, Lin Moyuan suddenly saw a figure!

Xiao Fan? How could he appear here?

Lin Moyuan’s brows furrowed suddenly, he saw this figure that looked exactly like Xiao Fan, followed behind a man, and walked into the biggest hot pot restaurant that looked like it.

Lin Moyuan believed in his own eyes very much, and was absolutely correct. It was for this reason that Lin Moyuan’s originally pretty good mood suddenly sank to the bottom!

Judging from the reaction of the system, Xiao Fan has clearly got the chance!

What is the next step to get the chance? Without thinking about it, that is to deal with yourself!

Xiao Fan must be planning something!

Thinking of this, after a burst of thoughts, Lin Moyuan turned to Tang Yurou who was beside him and said:

“Yurou, let’s go to that one, Shengtang Hotpot City, how about it?”

Tang Yurou was holding a bunch of rock candy Calabash at this time, and when she heard Lin Moyuan’s words, she nodded immediately.

Shengtang Hot Pot City is regarded as one of the oldest hot pot cities in Suijiang City, and its reputation is naturally good.

But Tang Yurou didn’t see Xiao Fan’s figure, otherwise she wouldn’t have followed Lin Moyuan to this hot pot city.

Lin Moyuan took Tang Yurou to the hot pot city and looked around. Obviously, the decoration of this hot pot city is very luxurious, with carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and corners, which is not unattractive.

There are some scattered seats in the lobby on the first floor. Lin Moyuan did not find Xiao Fan. This is also reasonable. According to Xiao Fan’s cautious character, he would never eat in such a crowded place.

Lin Moyuan’s eyes rolled, and then he made a plan.

“Yurou, I’ll go to the front desk and ask if there are any private rooms. You can sit here now, or it will be full for a while.”

Tang Yurou nodded obediently when he heard Lin Moyuan’s instructions, no doubt there was him.

Business in this hot pot city is very hot. You can tell from the fact that there are almost no other seats in the lobby. If two people leave, it is very likely that the last seat of The next moment is gone.

Lin Moyuan turned to the front desk and asked the waitress at the front desk:

“Are there still private rooms?”

The front desk nodded suddenly and said with a smile:

“Yes, this gentleman, please come with me. Who are you?”

Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand to stop the front desk attendant, and said with a smile:

“Two, but don’t worry, Miss, have you seen this person in the photo?”

While talking, Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand and took out his mobile phone, found Xiao Fan’s photo, and handed it to Miss at the front desk.

The front desk clerk looked at the mobile phone in his hand, and suddenly became a little vigilant in his heart!

But this kind of vigilance is aimed at Xiao Fan in the photo!

In the eyes of this front desk clerk, this handsome little Big Brother is definitely plain clothes!

Although the person in the photo does not look bad, he does not look like a good person, maybe he is a suspect!

In summary, Lin Moyuan’s appearance really determines the direction of things…

“I’ve seen it! They are two people in total. They are in Room No. 1 on the ground floor. Turn left on the third floor and the first one!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded, then put away the phone, and said very gentlemanly:

“Thank you very much, then please arrange me near their room, okay?”

The front desk clerk nodded again and said:

“Okay sir, please come with me, I will arrange you in the opposite Tianzi No. 2 room…”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then turned to the front of the seat at the door, and said to Tang Yurou:

“Yurou, there is also a room, let’s go to the room to eat!”

Tang Yurou smiled and nodded, and followed Lin Moyuan.

Of course the front desk clerk noticed this scene, but she subconsciously again regarded Tang Yurou as plainclothes…

I took two people to the first room on the right hand on the third floor. This is the Tianzi No. 2 room. There are only six private rooms on the third floor. However, except for the Tianzi No. 2 room, basically every room is There is someone.

Lin Moyuan is still very satisfied with the decoration of the Tianzi No. 2 room. A string of scattered wind chimes are used as the ceiling. The whole room looks like a cave, and its style is also unique.

“Yurou, I’ll go to the bathroom, you can order food first!”

Handing the menu to Tang Yurou, Lin Moyuan turned and walked out of the room.

The corridor outside the room is very quiet, and the soundproofing of these private rooms is obviously done very well.

Lin Moyuan walked slowly to the door of Dizi No. 1 room, waited quietly for a while, then frowned.

The door of Dizi No. 1 room was closed, so Lin Moyuan couldn’t hear what was being discussed in it.

But at this moment, Lin Moyuan’s thoughts turned, and a plan emerged in his mind.

Putting his hand into his own pocket, Lin Moyuan took out something no more than a thumb!


This bug is waterproof and drop-proof, but Ji Kun’s latest good thing is said to be a very rare thing even in foreign countries.

After Ji Kun knew that Lin Moyuan was going to take Tang Yurou out to play, he had to ask Lin Moyuan to bring this thing with him in case he needed it.

Lin Moyuan couldn’t hold back Ji Kun, and knew that he was caring about himself, so he put it in his pocket casually.

During this period, Lin Moyuan’s pants were washed… Lin Moyuan couldn’t help but toss at the corner of his mouth thinking about this. Ji Kun said it’s waterproof and drop-proof, it’s best to be true!

Turning on the bluetooth on the mobile phone, and sure enough, the signal of the bug was searched, Lin Moyuan was slightly relieved.

After turning on the bug to test the sound, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth.

Xiao Fan, let this Young Master listen, what are you talking about!

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