Chapter 78: Successful connection

After that, Xiao Fan opened the box in his hand, revealing the stone that he had bought from the auction for 100,000 yuan.

The moment Ye Feng saw this ‘stone’, he frowned!

“This is… the stone of doom? Brother Xiao Fan, isn’t this the stone at the auction?”

“So you are the one who photographed that stone?”

“But you are holding this stone to discuss business with Yanyu, isn’t it a bit… inappropriate?”

Having said that, Ye Feng’s eyes gradually became dangerous.

Let alone whether this stone can solve Qi Yanyu’s current predicament, just the name ‘Stone of Doom’ is enough to arouse his vigilance!

In Ye Feng’s heart, this Xiao Fan has become a killer who wants to murder Qi Yanyu!

Of course Xiao Fan saw what Ye Feng meant, and then said with a smile:

“Brother Ye Feng, I guessed you would misunderstand it. In fact, this so-called’Doom Stone’ is not a stone at all!”

“It’s just an upgraded metal! It should be a meteorite, but this metal is not ordinary, it has memory capabilities!”

“What do the four words “memory metal” mean, I think Brother Ye Feng is very clear, right?”

When Ye Feng heard this, he let go of his own vigilance again.

Memory Metal is the biggest difficulty Qi Yanyu has encountered so far!

Qi Yanyu has been suffering from a headache for almost a month for this matter. If she can bring Xiao Fan to her and give her this piece of memory metal, Qi Yanyu’s opinion of own might change too!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng’s face showed a smile again.

“Brother Xiao Fan don’t need to be nervous, I am also an occupational disease, and you know that suspicion is only my duty…”

Xiao Fan smiled suddenly, a smile that ‘men all understand’ appeared on his face, and he whispered:

“It’s okay, Brother Ye Feng, it’s better to be like this. When I see the chairman, I will say that you found me and want to pay for this piece of metal…”

“In this way, you can talk in front of the chairman, right?”

Ye Feng heard a smile suddenly appeared here, patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder, and laughed:

“Good brother, sure enough, the first time I saw you, I felt very pleasing to my eyes!”

“Why not, when the transaction is completed, let’s go to a potluck, how about?”

Xiao Fan also smiled and nodded. These days, many friends have many paths, aren’t they?

In any case, if you can develop an identity like Ye Feng into your own friend, you will be more confident when you fight against Lin Moyuan in the future!

Ye Feng has a background in Yanjing and a military background. Where else can Lin Moyuan jump?

So as long as you get Ye Feng’s help, your own hole card will have one more card!

After a while, Xiao Fan said with a smile:

“Of course it can. That’s what it means. I’m afraid that Brother Ye Feng will look down on me, a poor college student!”

Ye Feng patted Xiao Fan on the shoulder again, and said with a smile:

“Brother Xiao, what are you talking about! Listen to what you mean, are you still in college now?”

Xiao Fan nodded and said with a smile:

“Yes, I am now at Yunhai University, and I will graduate soon.”

Ye Feng sighed and sighed:

“I really envy you, I grew up in the army since I was a child, and I have never been to college!”

“If I have a chance, I really want to go to the university to see it! Let alone, the president’s office is in front of you!”

Only then did Xiao Fan realize that the elevator they took had reached the top floor of the building.

“How about it, you can see the whole city from here.”

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Xiao Fan noticed that the elevator was external, but it was very strange, because the elevator could only see the outside scene after the 20th floor.

In other words, before the first twenty floors, the elevator was still inside the building, and after the twenty floors, the elevator was exposed.

“This design… is really shocking…”

Hearing Xiao Fan’s sigh, Ye Feng replied with a smile:

“Isn’t it spectacular? In fact, the chief designer of this building is Yanyu herself!”

“Yanyu is very fond of architectural design, so last year he just returned from studying at a famous foreign architectural design school.”

Xiao Fan suddenly realized that he couldn’t help but sigh for a while. It really turned out to be a child of a wealthy family, and he had so many choices since he was a child!

A family like himself… In addition to relying on the rebirth and these memories in his mind, there is no other background to rely on!

During the conversation between the two of them, they had come to the door of Qi Yanyu’s office. Sitting at the door of the office was Qi Yanyu’s secretary. Generally speaking, even employees of the company could not meet Qi Yanyu casually.

Only after the secretary’s consent can I see the chairman.

When the secretary saw someone coming in, he wanted to stand up and stop him, but when he saw that the leader was Ye Feng, he was a little surprised.

Why is this young master here too? Ye Feng’s identity is indeed a bit special. He clearly shows that he can be on an equal footing with his own chairman.

And there are rumors that Ye Feng is the chairman’s fiancé. With this alone, the secretary dare not step forward to stop him.

“Xiao Yang, has Yanyu finished the meeting?”

Secretary Xiao Yang nodded and replied:

“Brother Ye, the chairman has just finished the meeting, and he is not in a good mood now…”

“It is said that because of the material problem, the two project directors have already been fired…”

Ye Feng heard this, but a smile appeared on his face.

It seems that Xiao Fan is here at the right time. As long as this imminent problem is solved, then his image in Qi Yanyu’s heart will undoubtedly be much taller!

“Let’s go, Brother Xiao, it seems that we are here at the right time!”

Xiao Fan nodded when he heard the words, then followed Ye Feng and walked directly into the chairman’s office.

In the office at this time, Qi Yanyu was frowning, thinking about how to solve the problem of materials needed for research.

At this moment, there was a knock at the door, and Qi Yanyu’s brows suddenly frowned.


Soon there was a voice with a bit of magnetism outside the door.

“Amidst the rain, it’s me! I’m Ye Feng!”

Ye Feng? What is he here for?

Qi Yanyu sighed. If it weren’t for her father’s face, she would have let Ye Feng go back from where.

What if he is also from Yanjing?

But Qi Yanyu still said, “Come in.”

These faces are still to be given.

Ye Feng heard this, opened the door of the office, and said with a smile:

“Amidst the rain, I have good news to tell you!”

Upon hearing this, Qi Yanyu immediately raised his head and looked at Ye Feng.

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