Chapter 77: Mysterious Metal! Get it!

Although this clock has no practicality, everyone here has seen the power of Qi Yanyu, a technology company!

The reason is very simple! This is the first time in history that a magnetic levitation device has been used in Life in a true sense!

This is an epoch-making technological achievement!

More importantly, as long as you behave more positively, maybe Qi Yanyu will find them and cooperate with them?

With this idea in mind, the auction is naturally going very hot.

In the end, this maglev table clock was taken by the director of a multinational company at a price of nearly 900,000 yuan.

The subsequent lots are all very common things, such as antiques, calligraphy and painting.

Until he came to the seventh lot, Xiao Fan’s eyes suddenly lit up!

This seventh lot is the mysterious stone!

Sure enough, Yating’s smile on the stage was even brighter.

“Everyone, we are going to invite our seventh lot today, but this lot is very special because it has been sold for nearly five times!”

Xiao Fan’s brows furrowed suddenly, and he didn’t expect that this auction house was really honest enough to say all the things that passed the auction!

If you go up and take down this lot at this time, it will definitely attract a lot of attention!

A lot that has been unsold so many times, but he resolutely won it, and there must be something tricky in it!

But for the own plan, Xiao Fan can only bite the bullet!

If you want to set up an own company, you naturally need a lot of funds as the foundation!

Xiao Fan now only has this way to go!

This stone is worth two billion. This money can basically reverse the current passive situation!

Xiao Fan gritted his teeth and looked at the small trolley on the stage, his eyes gradually becoming firm!

“This lot is very special. It looks like a stone, but we don’t know what material it is. We can only say that it is a substance between metal and stone!”

“It’s starting price is 100,000 yuan! Does anyone want to take it?”

Yating glanced around with a smile, but the business elites sitting in the hall didn’t say a word.

It stands to reason that even if this stone is really useless, it shouldn’t be true that nobody is interested.

After all, the price of 100,000 yuan is drizzle for everyone here.

The real reason is because this stone is very evil!

Basically, people who get this stone will have very bad luck, and no one can answer it.

Gradually, the title of ‘Stone of Doom’ began to prevail in business circles.

Yating’s heart was a bit bitter, and just when she thought that the stone was going to be shot again soon, a voice rang from the back of the hall.

“I pay one hundred thousand!”

Yating’s eyes lit up immediately!

“This Mr. 397 bid one hundred thousand! Does anyone else want to increase the price?”

“One hundred thousand one time! Two hundred thousand two times! Three hundred thousand three times!”

“make a deal!”

Yating seemed to be afraid that Xiao Fan would go back, and after yelling three times quickly, she made a final decision.

Xiao Fan also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, no matter what, this stone was finally obtained.

One hundred thousand in exchange for a full two billion, no matter how you look at it, it is a steady profit!

Xiao Fan lay comfortably on the back of the chair and looked at the luxuriously decorated ceiling of the auction venue. He could even see his own cheek reflected from the ceiling.

At the same time, the VIP room of the auction house.

“Little Five, how are our funding preparations?”

Beside Qi Yanyu, a man with glasses lowered his head and replied:

“Chairman, the total is 10 billion, this is all our working capital!”

Qi Yanyu put down the phone in his hand, nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked out the window to the blue sky.

“No matter what, we must take the land in Yunhai City!”

“Never let the Lu family get ahead!”

Xiao Wu nodded, and then said:

“But Da… Chairman, I have checked it just now. Our biggest resistance is not the Lu family!”

Qi Yanyu frowned upon hearing this, and then asked:

“Not the Lu family? Is there another family that wants to buy that piece of land?”

Xiao Wu shook his head again, and then said:

“It’s the Lin Group in Yunhai City! This land was auctioned off by them, and I heard that Lu Wanfeng had a personal relationship with the chairman of the Lin Group. It might be really difficult for us to take it down!”

Hearing this news, Qi Yanyu’s eyes suddenly narrowed!

“You mean, Lu Wanfeng is more hopeful than us to get the development rights?”

“Take me to think about the measures, or we will be defeated this time!”

After speaking, Qi Yanyu’s face was very solemn, and when he turned his head to see Ye Feng with a face of nothing to do, a burst of discomfort suddenly rose in his heart.

“Ye Feng! Go back to Yanjing tomorrow! Tell my dad, I don’t want any bodyguards!”

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders helplessly, the meaning was very obvious, this matter really wasn’t his choice.

Although Ye Feng’s background is not so prominent, but after all, it is Yanjing’s family with a head and a face.

Compared with the Qi family behind Qi Yanyu, it is not too much.

The reason why Ye Feng was thrown to Suijiang City was because he had a marriage contract with Qi Yanyu.

If Lin Moyuan is here, then I will inevitably sigh, it is really a coincidence. The situation on Ye Feng’s side is very similar to the background of the novel of The Return of the King of Soldiers…

The auction ended soon. Xiao Fan was already sitting on pins and needles. He immediately left the venue when he heard that the auction was over.

For Xiao Fan, this time it was really a blood gain. As expected, the farther away from Lin Moyuan, the better. In this case, no matter what he did, he would not be stopped by anyone!

These opportunities in my mind finally have a place to be used!

At this time, Lin Moyuan, who was far away in Yunhai City, sneezed!

Lin Moyuan was sitting on the sofa in the living room of the villa, watching a boring variety show.

Tang Yurou cleaned up the room upstairs, because Lin Moyuan suggested that he could go out and play during the holidays. Anyway, Tang Yurou was just freshman here, and there was no pressure.

Tang Yurou naturally agreed happily, and began to pack things happily.

Lin Moyuan rubbed his nose and cursed in his heart, it must be someone cursing Xiaoye behind his back!

At this time, a system reminder sounded suddenly in his mind!

【drop! Son of luck succeeded in getting a chance! Luck value +20! 】

【drop! The host failed to stop the son of luck! Luck value is -20! 】

Lin Moyuan frowned immediately!

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