Chapter 5: Victory in the First Battle

【drop! You used verbal coercion to get the girl’s surrender! Refresh the lower limit of villain, villain value +999999! 】

Hearing this tone, Lin Moyuan’s eyes lit up instantly, almost a million worth of villain!

Didn’t expect to have so many rewards for doing this kind of thing?

Although I don’t know what the role of the villain value is, but it sounds very powerful.

After receiving Tang Yurou’s answer, Lin Moyuan nodded in satisfaction and continued:

“I appreciate your attitude very much. As long as you stay by my side at ease, Xiao Fan can continue to jump.”

“I hope your words count, otherwise… I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go!”

“Huh? Threatening me? If you want to be a ghost, your Xiao Fan, Big Brother, will follow you to be a ghost!”

Tang Yurou’s face became paler, she didn’t expect to fall into the hands of this Lin Moyuan, did she even become a kind of extravagant hope for being a ghost?

“Don’t be shocked, don’t you hurry up and clean up the room for me? If someone asks about the relationship between you and me, remember what you said!”

Tang Yurou only felt her own heartbeat as if she missed a beat. Only then did she remember that there were police officers outside.

If he admits that he and Lin Moyuan are a boyfriend and girlfriend, then he will undoubtedly break his own retreat.

But if you don’t admit it, the consequences will be even more serious.

Because of the Lin family’s power in Yunhai City, Lin Moyuan would not be severely punished at all, and there were even more people willing to carry Lin Moyuan’s scapegoat.

But Lin Moyuan could continue to be happy outside, and then undoubtedly launch crazy revenge on the people around him. This is where Tang Yurou fears the most.

This ending is definitely not something Tang Yurou can bear.

Thinking of this, Tang Yurou could only stand up from the ground.

But because the strength of the medicine given by her best friend had not passed, Tang Yurou felt sore and feeble, and almost fell on the floor.

Fortunately, Lin Moyuan had quick eyes and quick hands, and directly supported Tang Yurou, and then put his own shirt on Tang Yurou’s body.

Originally, Lin Moyuan said those ferocious words, but only wanted to make Tang Yurou give up the idea of ​​suicide, get rid of own troubles, seeing Tang Yurou’s weak appearance, naturally felt compassion.

Then, in Tang Yurou’s shy gaze, Lin Moyuan fastened the buttons of his shirt one by one, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Even if Tang Yurou put on a shirt, she could still vaguely see the spring light in her clothes full of torn holes.

But after fastening the buttons, you can only see a pair of attractive straight long legs.

Stretching out his hands and picking up Tang Yurou’s long legs, Lin Moyuan actually held Tang Yurou and walked to the door of the hotel room.

At this time, at the location of the door of the room, Xiao Fan, Jinganshan and others were almost unable to wait. Just as they were about to break the door and rush in, the door of the room was finally opened again.

Seeing the sight in front of them, everyone was stunned, with a look of disbelief.

It turned out that in Lin Moyuan’s arms, there was a beautiful young girl snuggling, and she was wearing a large men’s shirt, but her lower body was exposed with a pair of straight snow-white legs. It seemed that the two were very intimate.

“Yurou, you are…”

Before Xiao Fan finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Moyuan.

“Who made you so intimate? Do you remember to eat or not? Didn’t you wake you up with two slaps just now?”

“Shao Lin! Please pay attention to your words! You are suspected of verbally insulting others!”

Lin Moyuan’s eyes widened when Hearing Quiet Mountain’s words:

“I said this police officer, you are not mistaken? If someone calls your wife so kindly and his eyes roll around on your wife, do you still have to watch yourself wearing a green hat to be happy?”

“Lin Moyuan!”

【drop! You taunted a police officer with vicious language, the positioning of villain is obvious, and the value of villain is +999! 】

Just added such a little villain value? This police officer is really difficult to deal with, it seems that his experience is not easy to master.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Moyuan’s face was impatient:

“People are here. If you have any questions, please ask quickly. Don’t delay our sleep. I slept too late yesterday and I was sleepy!”

Hearing these words, Quiet Mountain and Xiao Fan were obviously outraged, but Quiet Mountain took a deep breath and calmly looked at Tang Yurou and asked:

“This Mr. Xiao called us to the police, saying that you were forcibly brought here, and that this Mr. Lin had committed acts of violence against you. Is this true?”

Tang Yurou’s eyes were hesitant, and she didn’t dare to look directly at Quiet Mountain, but she said slowly:

“not like this.”

As the leader of the serious crime team, Jinganshan could easily tell that Tang Yurou was lying, so he said again:

“If you are coerced, you can tell us, and I will ask again, is this true?”

Mentioning the word ‘coercion’, Tang Yurou once again shivered, but then her voice became much firmer:

“Not true, I came to the hotel to find him myself.”

Tang Yurou said this very firmly.

She knows who Lin Moyuan is. If she is convinced now that Lin Moyuan has raped/violently, then Xiao Fan will never see the sun of tomorrow!

So now for Xiao Fan, I can only bear the humiliation.

Still not giving up, Quiet Mountain asked again:

“Then what is the relationship between you and Lin Moyuan? Is it convenient to tell us?”

Tang Yurou bit her lip, then said firmly:

“We are boyfriend and girlfriend friends!”

Upon hearing Tang Yurou’s words, Xiao Fan said immediately:

“Yurou, I know that Lin Moyuan must have forced you, so you just need to tell the truth!”

Xiao Fan looked anxious at this time, he didn’t understand why things would be like this.

Tang Yurou looked at Xiao Fan with an apology that couldn’t be concealed, but still said firmly in her tone:

“Fan Big Brother, I know you have always liked me, but I only regard you as my Big Brother. Just yesterday, I had promised Lin Moyuan to be his girlfriend.”

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Yurou turned her head away and hid her own face in Lin Moyuan’s arms.

She didn’t know how Xiao Fan would treat her from today on, whether she loved vanity or deceived herself, but as long as Xiao Fan could survive, all this was worth it.

“Big Brother… Big Brother… OK, OK! Hahahahaha!”

Xiao Fan was already mad at this time. After Yang Tian laughed a few times, he spouted a mouthful of blood and fell straight down.

【drop! You borrowed a kind girl to hurt the feelings of Son of Luck, making Son of Luck suffer a major blow, with a luck value of -15! 】

【drop! You successfully dismantled Son of Luck and your beloved, and successfully came back! The conspiracy of son of luck was defeated, and the first clash was won! Luck value +15! 】


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