Chapter 4: Strong Threat

“Why do you police only listen to one side of the story? If something goes wrong, can you afford it?”

Lin Moyuan’s words can be said to be unceremonious.

Quiet Mountain was also taken aback when he heard the words, but then immediately reacted and said to Lin Moyuan:

“Well, in that case, do you have anything to say?”

Lin Moyuan turned his head and glanced at Xiao Fan, then said methodically:

“First, this girl came to the hotel to find me voluntarily, not forcing her. Second, the girl in this room is my girlfriend, not his girlfriend at all.”

“You fart!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Xiao Fan suddenly became angry, as if rushing up directly, but was stopped by a policeman in time.

“You think what I said is wrong? Then you said Tang Yurou is your girlfriend. Do you have any evidence? I haven’t pursued you for thinking about my girlfriend yet, but you still slapped me?”

Listening to Lin Moyuan’s irrational statement, Xiao Fan instantly turned red, but he couldn’t show any evidence.

【drop! You succeeded in arrogant words and reversed black and white, which caused a serious blow to the psychology of son of luck. The system gave you a thumbs-up and doubled the value of villain, which is +99999! 】

Low-key, low-key, saying this to the system in his heart, but Lin Moyuan’s face still has the same look, cold and puffy.

In fact, the reason why Xiao Fan has not confessed to Tang Yurou until now is because Tang Yurou is a very traditional girl who treats feelings very seriously.

If I suddenly confessed, I am afraid it will bring a lot of pressure to her.

Of course, there are also reasons for his own family. Tang Yurou’s mother is a typical snobbery who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. She has always hoped that her daughter can marry a wealthy family.

And Xiao Fan’s family was not as good as Tang Yurou’s, let alone Lin Moyuan.

Therefore, in this situation, Xiao Fan could only keep his confession to the bottom of his heart. He wanted to wait until later that he could achieve something and kiss Tang Yurou’s mother boldly.

Unexpectedly, the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and a Lin Moyuan would come out halfway through.

“You say that Yurou is your girlfriend, so you have proof? I think you are clearly a guilty conscience! You obviously brought Yurou into captivity!”

Xiao Fan said sharply, clearly not believing Lin Moyuan’s sophistry.

When Lin Moyuan heard this, he also sneered and said:

“Since you don’t believe it, that’s good, let Yurou tell you by herself!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan opened the door of the hotel.

Quiet Mountain and Xiao Fan followed behind Lin Moyuan and wanted to go in, but they were directly stared back by Lin Moyuan with a cold look.

“My girlfriend just woke up and is still wearing clothes, what do you guys want to do? Do you take advantage? Wait here for me!”

Then the door of the couple’s suite was closed directly.

【drop! son of luck because of your imaginative words, and blood pressure soared! Lucky value -2! 】

【drop! Your aura once again crushed everyone on the opposite side! Lucky value +2! 】

Tang Yurou held the shirt that Lin Moyuan had just thrown to her beside the peach-shaped bed in the lover’s suite, but did not put it on.

Tang Yurou was a little frustrated, and the despair in her heart had reached the extreme.

Tang Yurou naturally heard the noise outside, and also heard the voice of her favorite Xiao Fan.

But she bit Own’s lips tightly, without making any movement, she didn’t even dare to cry.

The reason was simple. Tang Yurou felt that she had been defiled by Lin Moyuan and was no longer pure.

She has no face at all to see Own Fan Big Brother again.

I originally planned to jump off the balcony of the hotel and died, but Lin Moyuan used his family and friends to force him to give up this idea.

According to Lin Moyuan’s current family background, as long as a little movement of his mouth can directly make his own family irreparable, Tang Yurou didn’t dare to gamble at all.

Perceiving movement in front of her, Tang Yurou saw the cheek that she would never forget.

It was Lin Moyuan, holding his own arm, standing in front of Tang Yurou with a gloomy expression.

Just as Tang Yurou wanted to speak, Lin Moyuan pinched her cheek directly.

‘Hush! ’

As Lin Moyuan spoke, he put his own index finger on his lips and made a silent gesture.

The refreshing breeze blew onto Tang Yurou’s face, causing her to shiver in a violent manner. Recalling Lin Moyuan’s harsh methods, Tang Yurou didn’t dare to say anything again.

【drop! Your behavior shocked a kind girl, with a villain value of +9! 】

Lin Moyuan, who had gradually become accustomed to the sound of the system, did not pay attention this time, but continued to say coldly:

“Little girl, there is someone outside who wants to see you, saying you are his girlfriend, tell me, are you or not?”

Tang Yurou immediately wanted to nod when she heard these words, but seeing Lin Moyuan’s face, she could only shook her head cruelly and slowly.

She was afraid that if she confessed, Lin Moyuan would become angry and anger Xiao Fan.

“Unexpectedly, you are quite on the road, yes, I am very satisfied. From your perspective, this Xiao Fan can still jump for a few more days.”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Tang Yurou suddenly panicked, and asked with a trembling voice:

“You…you don’t mean to kill Brother Fan…”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows, and said with some doubts in his voice:

“Of course, if I don’t kill him, I will keep him for the Chinese New Year?”

“I beg you! Don’t do this? Why are you doing this…”

“because of you!”

“Why is it because of me?”

“The woman I like Lin Moyuan should not be worried about by others! Before I get tired of playing, even if anyone dares to think about it, I have to throw it into the sea to feed the fish!”

Hearing this, Tang Yurou could tell that Lin Moyuan was really not joking, he really wanted to kill Xiao Fan!

In terms of Xiao Fan’s current strength, Lin Moyuan wanted to take him, no more difficult than killing a chicken.

“Please don’t do this! I beg you!”

While begging Lin Moyuan, the teardrops from the corners of Tang Yurou’s eyes slipped down again.

Looking at Tang Yurou blankly, Lin Moyuan said coldly:

“If I don’t do this, it’s okay, but there is one condition.”

Tang Yurou seemed to understand what Lin Moyuan wanted to say, but still asked:

“What conditions?”

“Be my woman, let Xiao Fan give up!”


“Do not agree? That would be better, not just Xiao Fan, your parents, friends, I will make them live happily…”

“I promise! I promise you!”

Hearing these words, Lin Moyuan turned away the hand holding Tang Yurou’s cheek, and asked with a wicked smile:

“Promise what?”

“Be your…woman…”

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Yurou seemed to have lost all her strength and knelt on the cold floor.

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