Chapter 484: This is just a sign!

The atmosphere in the office was very strange. Ran Ying had lost the calmness she had before, and all that was left was panic.

The person who originally replaced her with Qin Chiyue didn’t tell her anything. The reason is simple. Who cares if a chess piece knows if it is in the dark? That person just told her to try his best to get close to Qin Chiyue, figure out who Qin Chiyue is in contact with, whether he has called Lin Moyuan, and write down all the content of Qin Chiyue’s phone calls.

But for a freshly graduated student, how does one understand these twists and turns? She installed the bug on the edge of Qin Chiyue’s desk. She was already careful and bold enough. When Qin Chiyue asked about it, she was panicked and made it clear that she was telling Qin. Chiyue, she really didn’t know anything.

Qin Chiyue was helpless in the face of this situation. The fact now is that even though she knew that the secretary was arranged by someone with a heart, Qin Chiyue could not get any news about anyone from this secretary!

Although I know this is an eyeliner, I don’t even know who arranged it! This may be the reason why we are looking for Ran Ying! Qin Chiyue turned around and started pacing in the office, looking at how to deal with Ran Ying, and then leaving her in her current post is obviously not enough. Once I saw it, I was annoyed, and secondly, it had no effect at all. Ran Ying must not live long by herself!

Once the person who was inserted/coming in found that Ran Ying was exposed, the road before the little girl was only to evaporate from the world. These people had a tacit understanding before, and they found the rape you arranged to come in. You must not let it go. Yes, but if the rape is exposed to you, but nothing happens, then there is only one possibility, the rape has rebelled!

So naturally there is only a dead end for this traitor.

Ran Ying seemed to see that something was wrong, but she held her own clothes tightly, not daring to say anything.

What can I say now? Ran Ying is not a complete fool, but she doesn’t know how to lie. To put it bluntly, it’s a coincidence that Ran Ying was involved. The family owed too much debt. Ran Ying’s father lost money in business and owed it. After more than two million yuan, there is no room for maneuver. At this moment, someone suddenly came to the door and said that Ran Ying would do something and help her father pay off the debt afterwards. What can Ran Ying do? There is no other choice at all.

So at this point today, it is actually Ran Ying’s own choice, and most of them are forced to end helplessly.

The only regret is that the money his father owes should not be paid yet, but Ran Ying herself can’t see that day.

At this moment, Qin Chiyue finally had cares in her heart, so she said in a deep voice to Ran Ying:

“You know what will end up in your current situation, right? I also understand what you guessed.”

Ran Ying nodded slowly, did not speak, but held her hands tighter.

Qin Chiyue continued to say in a deep voice:

“I’ll give you two choices, it depends on how you choose! Choose the right one, if you are satisfied with me, you can live!”

Early the next morning, Qin Chiyue came to the unnamed hotel where he had met Xing Chuan for the first time, where Qin Yexuan was under house arrest.

After the completion of this transaction, Qin Yexuan will be dealt with. As for how to deal with it, it depends on what Xing Chuan owns. In short, based on the fact that Qin Yexuan knows that Qin Chiyue has rebelled, it is impossible for Qin Yexuan to appear again. In front of Lin Moyuan.

Qin Chiyue is holding a briefcase in her hand, a white suit, which sets off the whole person more bravely. Compared with Xing Chuan, he looks a little haggard, and he does not seem to have a good rest. As for the reason, Qin Chi Yuexin knew it well, so she didn’t ask any more.

I want to be in the family these days, Xing Chuan is not so easy. I guess it was called by someone of the older generation to talk yesterday. As for the content of the conversation, Qin Chiyue doesn’t know. After all, he’s in the Qin family. The status of the person who bought it is also very limited, and can only provide some general trends.

“Brother Qin, have you brought everything?”

Hearing what Xing Chuan said, Qin Chiyue smiled and patted the briefcase in her hand, and then smiled and asked:

“Where is Patriarch Xing? Believe it won’t let me down, right?”

A bodyguard behind Xing Chuan carried the same briefcase and walked forward and took out all the documents in the briefcase.

“This is my sincerity, Brother Qin, you can take a look first, and then decide if you want to trade with me!”

Qin Chiyue smiled and nodded when she heard the words, but she was not polite. She directly sat in her chair and began to check these documents one by one. This is an equity transfer document. Naturally, there will be no problem with the content on it. Xing Chuan is now in this situation, so naturally he will no longer have any mood to play word games with him.

After reading all the documents and confirming that there were no problems, Qin Chiyue turned around and took out his own briefcase and placed it in front of Xing Chuan:

“Let’s take a look. This is the Lin Group’s shares in my hand. If there is no problem, just sign it!”

Xing Chuan was finally relieved when he saw the briefcase being handed over. Just about to pick it up, suddenly there was a loud noise from downstairs of the hotel!

An hour ago, opposite the Central Garden Building, Karst Cave Mall.

Karst Cave Mall is the top three shopping mall in the entire Gangdong City. Every Deva traffic here has reached a very terrifying level.

For Lu Feng, this is a good surveillance spot. On the top floor of Karst Cave Shopping Center, it is an open-air cafe. Strictly speaking, it is half a cafe and half a book. After reporting the current situation to Lin Moyuan , Lin Moyuan told him to pay close attention to Xing Chuan’s movements, and immediately follow up when there is any movement!

So Lu Feng ordered a glass of Ice American, and stood beside the fence, looking intently at the opposite Central Garden Building.

Lu Feng’s previous experience gave him an eagle-like vision, so it’s not difficult to see the location of the parking lot. Just after Lu Feng observed in the cafe for an hour, the parking lot of the central garden building opposite, finally there was movement. .

With two bodyguards behind Xing Chuan, he left the building and got into an SUV, too far apart. Lu Feng could not see the license plate number and model of the SUV, but Lu Feng still took out his mobile phone and zoomed in with the camera. After that, take a photo of the license plate number.

After the shooting, he immediately issued the license plate number to Mo He, and he immediately went downstairs to keep up.

Mohe contacted Mofeng and started to check the direction of the license plate number!

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