Chapter 483: Qin Chiyue’s reaction!

After receiving the news, Mo He and others did not stay in the security company for too long. After leaving immediately, they dispersed.

Mo He is responsible for finding the real evidence of Qin Chiyue’s contact with the Xing family, while Ji Kun is looking for the group of rich second generations who had been dragging together before. If these people can talk, they can naturally help. Maybe they will know some inside stories.

On the other hand, Lu Feng went to collect evidence on his own, and specifically went to the surroundings of Xing’s house to stare. With the central garden as the center, the surrounding area was several kilometers, which were all the targets of Lu Feng’s staring.

With so many targets, can you keep your eyes on it? In fact, Lu Feng didn’t have much confidence in his heart, but he knew that if Xing Chuan had Qin Yexuan in his hands now, he would definitely go back to see it once in a while! This is generally a mentality that people will have, and this frequency will be very frequent! As long as you catch this place Xing Chuan often goes to, and ask someone about it, you might be able to find Qin Yexuan’s location first!

The first goal of this visit is to rescue Qin Yexuan first, and the second goal is to obtain evidence. As long as the evidence that Qin Chiyue and Xing Chuan have contacted can be found, then Qin Chiyue will be indefensible!

Splitting up is the least noticeable, and it’s better to get out of it when you encounter problems.

This war has far surpassed the commercial war. This is a life-and-death war!

If the Lin Group’s enterprises are frustrated in Gangdong City and cannot develop, then the Wang family will fall into a situation of isolation and helplessness! Lin Moyuan has just taken over as the chairman of the board, so he definitely can’t run here every day! So without Lin Moyuan’s help, the Wang family would be in danger! If such a large family business of the Kaitian Group falls into the hands of the Xing family, sooner or later they will be able to take care of the Wang family at will!

Why is the Wang family not participating now? There is Lin Moyuan’s own consideration in this. Not only Lin Moyuan can do it with money to buy eyeliner ears, Xing Chuan and Qin Chiyue are also handy when they play this trick. Anyway, their goal is to get a suitable one. Excuses, you can start a war against the Wang family.

The goal is to take advantage of Lin Moyuan’s time to take care of Gangdong City, and be able to stab the Wang family fiercely behind! Under this circumstance, Lin Moyuan would of course not ask the Wang family for help. Even if Mo He and others came to Gangdong City, Wang Yan himself did not know!

Although Mo He and the others were already very careful, they still made Qin Chiyue aware of it!

Kaitian Group, General Manager’s Office.

It was 11:30 in the evening, and there were not many people in the entire company, and the lights were still on in the security guard booth, and all that was left was a lone light like a bean in the office.

Qin Chiyue is thinking about the own plan. In fact, this plan is not perfect. There are many flaws in it. However, the equity in Xing Chuan’s hands is definitely to be obtained. There is absolutely no discussion on this point.

Xing Chuan’s current situation in the Xing family is also not very good. After taking half of his equity, Xing Chuan’s position is estimated to be even more precarious. When he thinks of this, Qin Chiyue feels more comfortable.

At this moment, Qin Chiyue suddenly frowned! After such a long time, it has been three days since Qin Yexuan was handed over to Xing Chuan by himself, and Lin Moyuan really didn’t make a phone call!

Could it be that something went wrong? Did Lin Moyuan notice it?

No, I obviously bought a lot of information about flights these days, why didn’t I find anything?

Could it be that Lin Moyuan didn’t react at all? Still in the dark?

It shouldn’t, Lin Moyuan’s IQ would not be impossible to judge! Then there is only one possibility left! Thinking of this, Qin Chiyue suddenly patted the table and got up from the chair!

Perhaps the people sent by Lin Moyuan have already arrived in Gangdong City! In other words, I was exposed after all!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Qin Chiyue frowned and said:

“Come in!”

The mahogany door of the office was opened carefully, and Qin Chiyue’s secretary walked in, with a cup of coffee in his hand, and placed it on Qin Chiyue’s table, then lowered his head and said:

“Mr Qin, all the forms have been printed out. Go back and rest. It’s almost twelve o’clock…”

Qin Chiyue looked at the coffee cup on the table, frowning, then raised her head, looking sharply at the young secretary in front of her.

This secretary was just assigned by the company’s personnel department a few days ago. The former secretary was also from the Xue family. Now I don’t know where the world has gone. Since the fall of the Xue family, there have been many people who belonged to the Xue family. They quickly separated their relationship with the Xue family, and a huge Xue family became what it is now, leaving only an old house. The original villa area was auctioned off, not to mention how miserable.

“What’s your name?”

The secretary was stunned for a moment, and then whispered: “My name is Ran Ying, I just graduated…”

Ran Ying? This name has never been heard before, but Qin Chiyue remembers one thing. Originally, the secretary of the owner was supposed to be another girl, as if the surname was Chen, but then the personnel department seemed to have moved through some personnel. After changing a position, the secretary of own should use this opportunity to adjust to own.

Qin Chiyue is very disgusted that some people are working behind Own. The disciples of the Qin family should not step on the minefield, so it should be a good thing done by the original personnel department of the Kaitian Group!

This group of people moved the secretary when they first took office. What do they want to do? I’m afraid it’s self-evident, right?

Qin Chiyue let out a sigh of relief, then pointed to the position of the sofa, and said:

“Sit down! I have something to say to you.”

The secretary was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she didn’t expect Qin Chiyue to be so straightforward, but she had to sit down slowly, as if she knew her own destiny, and didn’t mean to resist.

But what she didn’t expect was that Qin Chiyue asked coldly:

“Who asked you to come? Who is behind you? How much did you take?”

Without waiting for the secretary to recover, Qin Chiyue took a cigarette from her arms to light it, and then took a sip.

Usually Qin Chiyue doesn’t smoke very much. Only when the mood is extremely bad or the brain is running fast, will Qin Chiyue take out one to calm down, and Qin Chiyue smokes nothing more than lungs.

The secretary was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips, and said in a deep voice:

“I don’t know what you mean, general manager!”

Qin Chiyue sneered, and said in a deep voice:

“This position shouldn’t be yours. You shouldn’t have much energy yourself. I hope you can be smarter!”

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