Chapter 476: Panic

Yunhai City, Lin’s Group, Chairman’s Office.

Lin Moyuan frowned and looked at the file in front of him, only feeling that his head was big.

These people from Zhongyuan Lijing were all playing football. Lin Moyuan’s people went to the real estate agent of Zhongyuan Lijing to ask if the bidding could continue, but they all said that they didn’t know, the person in charge was not there, and Lin Moyuan sent it out. Of people have spent a whole day in their company and have never seen the person in charge!

The Zhongyuan Lijing project was formerly a project of Hongtu Group. The boss of this project and Hongtu have made a good relationship. Now it is normal not to hand over the project to Lin Group, but at least you have to go through the standard bidding procedures, right? Now squeeze the project in your hands, what does it mean?

Obviously, I would rather let this project be scrapped than let the Lin Group take over!

What does the real estate company mean, Lin Moyuan is not very clear, but this boss clearly wants to fight Lin Moyuan to the end, Lin Moyuan is also a bachelor, you want to consume it with me? Okay, then I will play with you clearly, and immediately released the news, this Zhongyuan Lijing project, if anyone competes with the Lin Group, first give me a measure of my own strength and background!

In terms of strength, Lin’s standard is the first in the South. In terms of background, Lin Moyuan’s father Lin Shengtian is the honorary chairman of Nanshang!

From these two aspects alone, which construction company dared to reach out to Fuyuan City?

Lin Moyuan himself is not in a hurry, because he still has a lot of projects in his hands, Lin Moyuan has too many retreats, even if Zhongyuan Lijing is cancelled, then Lin Moyuan is still sitting on the Diaoyutai!

But if the developer of Zhongyuan Lijing is not in a hurry, Lin Moyuan can’t care about it!

The developer has already thrown a lot of money before! Now that the project has stopped, aren’t they the ones who have suffered the most?

So the head office of the developer immediately found this Hong Ran good friend for a conversation!

The result after that was not as expected by Lin Moyuan. This old friend of Hong Ran and all matters related to Hong Ran were dug up, and then he was directly fired by the company’s boss!

What happened later was not clear to Lin Moyuan, but the developer of Zhongyuan Lijing respectfully approached the door! Now I am waiting in the reception room, but Lin Moyuan is not in the mood to meet this representative. The reason is simple, there is a problem in Gangdong City!

After the news that Qin Chiyue might have rebelled, Lin Moyuan suddenly felt a little irritable!

This news came from a dietitian who followed the Qin family to Gangdong City. The dietitian discovered that Qin Yexuan was missing, and then went to Qin Chiyue to ask what happened, but Qin Chiyue just said As soon as he arrived in Gangdong City, Qin Yexuan was a little uncomfortable, so he cultivated at home.

As the nutritionist of the Qin family, Liu Yu has such a good relationship with Qin Yexuan. How could Qin Yexuan not say anything to himself, and there would be no news?

Liu Yu naturally became suspicious, and then directly called Lin Moyuan’s cell phone, which was ten minutes ago.

Lin Moyuan is of course very strange about this. It stands to reason that Qin Yexuan can indeed do something without saying goodbye, but at this point in time, there is absolutely no reason to do so?

What happened to this? What the hell is Qin Chiyue doing?

At this moment, Tang Yurou knocked on the office door:

“The chairman…the representative from Zhongyuan Lijing…”

Lin Moyuan sighed slowly, then took out his phone and edited a message and sent it out. Then he got up from his chair and said:

“Let’s go and see what the Zhongyuan Lijing group mean!”

Gangdong City, Kaitian Group Staff Community.

Wearing an inconspicuous sportswear, Liu Yu was walking back and forth in the community, looking for something.

Dietitians are generally not very busy. Besides, Qin Yexuan was the only client of Liu Yu’s service. Qin Yexuan has disappeared. What else can she do? Apart from looking for Qin Yexuan’s traces, there was nothing else to do.

Liu Yu does not live here, so it is very difficult to find Qin Yexuan’s place. All the Qin family live here. But nobody knows Qin Yexuan’s residence. Although Liu Yu feels a little strange, Qin Yexuan and his family Basically, the people inside don’t come and go very much, so no one knows where Qin Yexuan lives. In fact, it is normal. In addition, Qin Yexuan has basically never visited the community several times, which greatly increases the difficulty of finding it.

For Liu Yu, Qin Yexuan is a poor woman. Regardless of her accomplishment, she graduated from a prestigious university, but her life experience is simply miserable. Liu Yu is one year younger than Qin Yexuan. If something happens in the family , Qin Yexuan usually protects her, just like a Big Sister sister.

Liu Yu has been searching in the community for two hours, holding a list of households that he didn’t know where he got from, and checking it from house to house.

What Liu Yu didn’t know was that someone had already followed her.

There are fifteen buildings in the entire community. Liu Yu just finished running the fifth building, and when he came to the door of the sixth building, a strange-looking person came to him, who seemed to be the original employee of the Kaitian Group, because There was a work card hanging on his chest.

In fact, Kaitian Group originally had its own employees, and there are not a few of them. These people were originally working for the Xue family, but now they have changed their allegiance.

When the employee saw Liu Yu, he was very surprised and subconsciously asked:

“Are you here to find someone? Or are you a newcomer?”

Liu Yu said directly:

“I’m here to find someone, do you know where Qin Yexuan lives? It’s the woman in the picture!”

While talking, Liu Yu handed over his own phone, which was the photo of Qin Yexuan.

The employee frowned, then said:

“I know her! She lives on the top floor of Building 8, and she is the only one living on the top floor of Building 8! I saw her when I moved yesterday!”

Hearing these words, Liu Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up!

“How many units?”

“Unit two! There is only one room on the top floor…”

Before the employee had finished speaking, Liu Yu turned around and walked towards Building 8!

The location of Building No. 8 is very good. In the center of the whole community, the floor plan is basically one hundred and fifty square meters, which is very spacious.

The best location should be the top floor, which is more than 300 square meters, and it is designed with one ladder and one household.

Such a place is quiet and comfortable, which is exactly Qin Yexuan’s taste!

But what Liu Yu didn’t notice was that the employee’s eyes became a little serious!

“People are gone, prepare to receive it!”

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