Chapter 475: Qin Chiyue, you must die!

Qin Yexuan was stunned, wondering what Qin Chiyue meant and what he was doing.

The lobby of this hotel is all black marble, and even the walls are the same. Except for the golden lights, the atmosphere of the entire hotel is inexplicably empty, which makes Qin Yexuan feel up and down.

“Qin Chiyue! What do you mean? What about people?”

After standing in the empty hall and shouting a few words, Qin Yexuan turned around and wanted to leave, but when he looked back, the heavy rolling door outside the hall had been covered!

There is no retreat at all!

Qin Yexuan squeezed the mobile phone in his hand, but a mobile phone with no signal is not as good as a brick!

Just as Qin Yexuan was about to find a way to open the rolling door, and when he left the hotel, there was a sound of footsteps from the stairs, and then a handsome young man, wearing a luxurious suit, appeared in Qin Yexuan’s eyes!

If you change to an ordinary woman, you probably want to sigh about the unique temperament of this young man. Maybe you fall in love with this. After all, this kind of god-given marriage with the ability to have money and good looks is really impossible. Let it go, let’s talk about it, isn’t it the era of fast-food love overflowing?

But people disgusted Qin Yexuan for a while!

“Xing Chuan, this is your ghost? You bought Qin Chiyue?”

This elegant-looking young man was exactly Xing Chuan. At the business summit of the Summit Hotel, Qin Yexuan had met Xing Chuan. He also knew that Lin Moyuan’s old opponent was the smiling young man in front of him, so he knew that it was Xing Chuan’s trick. After that, Qin Yexuan was naturally disgusted by him!

Xing Chuan smiled and said: “Although we are considered competitors in terms of the current situation, Qin Miss is very good in my opinion! Much better than Lin Moyuan! What does it take to live in the Lin Group? Why not come to me, as long as you nod your head, the CEO is yours!”

Xing Chuan is estimated to have lost his blood this time. When he opens his mouth, he is such an important position as the CEO. No matter which company the CEO is in, he is attracting attention and has great power!

If it is replaced by an ordinary person, it is estimated that it would have been agreed long ago!

But Qin Yexuan didn’t have any interest. If she sorted out the relationship with Lin Moyuan, she would be a member of the Lin Group’s board of directors!

I believe that Lin Moyuan will never be stingy with a woman who can still be regarded as his fiancée!

Therefore, Qin Yexuan was not interested in the conditions Xing Chuan said!

“I just want to leave here, Patriarch Xing, do you mean you don’t want to let me go?”

The current battle is actually not difficult to see. Qin Yexuan had been locked in the room for a long time before, but he didn’t expect to come out easily, so he would face imprisonment again?

Since Xing Chuan can buy Qin Chiyue, how many of the Qin family who came this time will be bought by Xing Chuan?

At that time, I told Lin Moyuan that it was a very unwise decision to let all the Qin family move to Gangdong City!

Sure enough, it now appears that the problem is very serious, too serious!

Qin Chiyue actually took the lead in rebelling, which Qin Yexuan did not expect!

Xing Chuan still smiled, and said with a smile:

“Why? As long as Miss Qin, you nod your head and promise to enter our Xing family, I can give you this hotel! This is the Xing family’s property!”

To put it bluntly, he still didn’t want to let people go, Qin Yexuan immediately understood what Xing Chuan meant.

“Don’t think about it, I said, I will never enter the Xing family, Xing Chuan, if you want to kill or slash, do whatever you want!”

Xing Chuan smiled and nodded, but at this moment the smile of the young Patriarch gave Qin Yexuan a creepy feeling.

Xing Chuan said in a low voice:

“Miss, a rich family like you who doesn’t work in five grains, spends too much time at ease, and it is easy to develop an arrogant temper. Although it is Lin Moyuan’s nominal fiancée, I still can’t stand it! Lin Moyuan is like this A good opponent, his fiancé is protected from the wind, sun and rain. How can that work?”

Qin Yexuan suddenly had an ominous premonition. Then, a group of people suddenly appeared behind Xing Chuan. All of them were holding buckets in their hands. Qin Yexuan immediately took a few steps to retreat. As a result, the few people rushed up and directed them directly. The water in the bucket fell on Qin Yexuan’s head!

Although the weather in Gangdong City was a bit cold, it was still around ten degrees Celsius. Qin Yexuan just wore a thin coat, and his whole body was wet!

And the most terrible thing is that this water is still ice water! The one just taken out of the refrigerator!

Qin Yexuan immediately took off his own jacket, showing his rugged figure, but now it is not the time to care!

Xing Chuan continued smiling and said:

“I’m sorry, Miss Qin, the people under me are a bit frizzy, the water is a bit anxious, so let’s go, I have a sauna room upstairs, you can make do with it first, and dry it first. Let’s talk about the clothes, how about it?”

Where does Qin Yexuan have choice? Struggled by a few of the Xing family’s thugs, he went straight to the elevator!

The entire third floor is like a sauna room. The temperature rises a lot in an instant. Qin Yexuan just breathed a sigh of relief and was thrown into a room. The temperature in the room was high, but it was still a temperature that the human body can withstand, Qin Yexuan Slowly wring out the water on the jacket, and just breathed a sigh of relief, Xing Chuan’s voice came from outside!

“I will give you enough time to think about it, Miss Qin, when you think about it, come to me again!”

Xing Chuan didn’t mean to do anything to Qin Yexuan. He just sent people into the sauna every three hours and rewarded Qin Yexuan with a bucket of ice water again! After nine hours had passed in this way, Qin Yexuan was already pale, where is the tough attitude before?

“Qin Chiyue! You must not die!”

After hearing this sentence, Xing Chuan, who was drinking tea on the sofa outside the door, had a smile on his mouth.

Qin Chiyue has returned to the company a long time ago, and said that Qin Yexuan was unwell and went home to rest. Originally, Qin Yexuan looked like a stranger in front of the entire Qin family, except for a surname who took care of Qin Yexuan’s diet and daily life. Outside of women, no one dared to ask what happened!

This Qin family, who had a good relationship with Qin Yexuan, was named Liu Yu, a nutritionist of the Qin family. They were very sympathetic to Qin Yexuan’s experience. The two were usually sisters, and they could be regarded as close friends of the real boudoir.

Seeing that Qin Yexuan hadn’t appeared for so long, my heart suddenly became suspicious!

It’s been ten full hours, and there is no news at all, it’s not normal at all!

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