Chapter 359: The Weakness of Dialects

Lin Moyuan was still asking some own doubts in the suite. Master Qian gave answers to Lin Moyuan’s doubts one by one. For two hours, Lin Moyuan had a lot of understanding of Feng Shui, no longer the previous two. The state of the eyes is darkened.

In fact, Lin Moyuan is indeed very talented in this respect. I have to admit that Master Qian has indeed given Lin Moyuan a lot of guidance, and Lin Moyuan’s memory and various aspects of reaction abilities have been improved by the system. Significant Ascension, so Master Qian is more and more satisfied with the ability Lin Moyuan demonstrated.

“I have told you all the basic information so far. I can understand it to such a degree. To be honest, I am very surprised!”

Hearing Master Qian’s praise, Lin Moyuan said with a smile:

“The master teaches well!”

Master Qian nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“Actually, you still have the talent. Don’t really think about it. Learn more about geomancy from me?”

Mo He smiled and said:

“Lin Moyuan is the only heir of the Lin Group in the future. Even if he wants to learn, he doesn’t have this ability and space!”

After hearing this, Master Qian suddenly realized that Lin Moyuan’s identity was really extraordinary! Then there is no way.

Although it is a pity, it is already a great honor to help Lin Moyuan and Fang Shi’s son fight each other!

At this moment, Lin Moyuan’s mobile phone vibrated. There was obviously a message. Lin Moyuan took out the mobile phone and took a look, his face suddenly became a little confused.

“It’s weird, Xing Chuan and dialect are about to fall out?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Master Qian was stunned for a moment and asked curiously:

“how come?”

Mo He was also a little confused. He stepped forward and glanced at the message. The message was sent by an unknown contact, but there was only one sentence, that is:

“The Xingchuan dialect fell out and I was taken away by Xing Chuan! The cause was Feng Shui’s business!”

The Feng Shui teacher’s matter should be that Xing Chuan sent people to find all the Feng Shui teachers in the city!

But why does this happen?

Dialect and Xing Chuan should wear a pair of pants!

Master Qian smiled, and said in a deep voice:

“It seems that the character of the dialect is still with his Master, a little soft-hearted, and I don’t want to hurt the innocent! Xing Chuan’s approach has touched his bottom line!”

Lin Moyuan sneered when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“The dialect is still too naive. He thought he could save people by doing this? If I’m not wrong, Xing Chuan would definitely step up and attack those Feng Shui masters again! The dialect can pass the news quietly. But he didn’t do that! To fight Xing Chuan, the dialect is still too young!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Master Qian raised his eyebrows, and then said in a deep voice:

“It makes sense, but are we just looking at it like this? Although I have nothing to do with the current masters of Feng Shui, but after all, they are considered peers…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Of course we will not stand idly by! We have to take the initiative! Save these Feng Shui masters!”

Master Qian was taken aback when he heard the words, and said with some doubts:

“What do you mean? Get out and save them?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Which of these Master Feng Shui are not arrogant people? How much will it cost if we invite them directly? What a cost? But if the Xing family is about to kill them, we will come forward and they What do you think?”

When Master Qian heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice:

“If the dialect doesn’t have this kind of medical skills, and there are still physiognomy skills, I really don’t know how he fights you! You will almost become a human spirit!”

When Lin Moyuan heard the words, he shrugged his shoulders and said:

“No way, Master Qian, you know better than me, how arrogant these people who can control the luck are, I can’t help it!”

Master Qian nodded, and then said in a deep voice:

“Then do it, I know the addresses of some of them, I hope I can make it in time!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded when he heard the words, this was what he was waiting for!

Lin Moyuan turned around and took out his own cell phone and dialed Mofeng’s phone.

Mofeng has now basically taken over all the territory of the original Xue family, so this operation has to borrow some manpower from Mofeng.

“Hello? Let’s talk about it, Young Master Lin, what happened again? Are you jealous of competing with others in a bar?”

Lin Moyuan sneered, and said in a deep voice:

“Okay, don’t betray me! There is business to be done! The Haizi next to you last time, let me use it!”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Mo Feng said helplessly:

“What is your kid going to do this time with a moth? A mouthful of a sea child?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“I want some more people, at least twenty! Try to hurry up and come to Shangri-La to gather in half an hour!”

Mo Feng said in a deep voice:

“Make things quieter! Otherwise I can’t clean up!”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Don’t worry, there won’t be too much movement, and I’m going to do good things this time!”

Mo Feng sighed, and subconsciously regarded Lin Moyuan’s words as nonsense.

Save people? Does Lin Moyuan believe this sentence himself?

In less than half an hour, five commercial vehicles stopped in the parking lot of Shangri-La, and then twenty young men in light training clothes got out of the car one after another.

Lin Moyuan smiled, looked at the twenty people in front of him, and then said in a deep voice:

“Come up, brothers, this time we are going to save people! The specific situation said on the road, anyway, let’s get in the car first! Afterwards, everyone can get a bonus of 100,000!”

No matter when, the power of money is always strong. After these people responded one after another, they quickly got into the car and prepared to set off.

Lin Moyuan took Mohe and Master Qian to a very low-key jeep, Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“Master Qian, what we have to do now is to hurry up, so find someone closer to us and grab someone back before Xing’s house!”

Master Qian nodded, life is a matter of life, and now it’s not a child’s play, so he immediately took out a tablet computer, which was handed to him by Lin Moyuan, and it was a map of the entire Gangdong city.

“It’s about ten kilometers away from here, Tianfu Garden. There is an old friend of mine who lives here. This old guy has a bad temper, but he has a great reputation! If the Xing family does it, he must use him first!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, and then called up this master Feng Shui’s message and sent it to everyone’s mobile phones behind!

“This is the goal we are going to protect this time! According to reliable information, the Xing family wants to target the target, and all tricks will be bright!”

The sound of “received” came from the walkie-talkie!

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