Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Eight: Cracks!

After dialect left Xing Chuan’s office, she went straight to Lu Xiyao’s room. Lu Xiyao saw the gloomy expression on the dialect’s face that seemed to be dripping, and asked curiously:

“What’s wrong? What happened?”

Dialect sat beside the hospital bed, took a sip of water from the water glass, and said in a deep voice:

“Something went wrong! Xing Chuan sent people to find all the Feng Shui masters in the entire Gangdong City, and they have already started to kill!”

Hearing the words in the dialect, Lu Xiyao shook the phone’s hand and began to slowly clenched it!

“This…but why did Xing Chuan do this?”

The dialect face was still gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“I don’t know, but I can guess that it must have something to do with Tan Yingshan! He didn’t tell me the specific thing, but if he did this, he would definitely get retribution!”

Lu Xiyao said with some doubts:

“Why did this happen? Didn’t Xing Chuan know that he would suffer retribution? What about Tan Yingshan is really so important? Doesn’t it involve you?”

Hearing the dialect, there was a warm current in my heart, and then he said in a deep voice:

“No, it won’t involve me, what I have is a way! But if Xing Chuan doesn’t stop this behavior, I will definitely not help him!”

At this moment, three people opened the door of the ward and walked in, walking straight in the direction of Lu Xiyao!

“Miss Lu, please come with us!”

Lu Xiyao looked at these people with some doubts, while the dialect stepped forward and asked in a deep voice:

“What do you mean?”

The headed man in a suit said with a serious face:

“Mr. Fang, I’m sorry, this is what the Patriarch ordered! We are going to take Miss Lu to other places to recuperate, and this is also for her recovery! So I hope you can help me!”

Hearing the dialect, his face became more gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“Xing Chuan made it clear that he wanted to use Xi Yao to threaten me! I warn you the Xing family, think about the consequences of doing so!”

The man in the suit smiled, then took out a bright knife from his arms, facing the direction of the dialect, his face was very arrogant and said:

“We are just here to implement the Patriarch’s order! Patriarch gave the order back. If Mr. Fang insists on stopping us, we will use a strong one! In case of injury to Miss Lu, who has not yet healed, it will be troublesome!”

The dialect’s face suddenly became more gloomy, but he didn’t say anything!

Because he knew that Xing Chuan could really do this kind of thing! In order to get the luck from Tan Yingshan, Xing Chuan has been almost unscrupulous!

“It’s okay, Fang Dage, I’ll go with them!”

Dialect was stunned when he heard this sentence, and then clenched his fists!

But after a while, the dialect still loosened his fist, letting go!

Although the dialect has some fists, can he really fight against the current Xing family? What if Lu Xiyao’s safety should be done if he does something against the Xing family? Lu Xiyao was injured because of him. If he ignores Lu Xiyao’s safety, what is the difference between him and Xing Chuan?

Therefore, the dialect can only choose a compromise!

However, at this moment, Lu Xiyao grabbed her mobile phone and secretly sent a text message to a number!

However, everyone’s eyes were focused on the dialect at the time, and no one noticed Lu Xiyao’s small movements.

Watching these people push Lu Xiyao away in a wheelchair, the dialect’s face became more and more gloomy, and then he hit the glass of the door frame with a punch!

The glass cracked, but the dialect fist was unscathed.

A crack slowly appeared between the dialect and the Xing family, and it was slowly expanding!

In fact, if Xing Chuan didn’t let the dialects know about this, or if he didn’t send people to kill these Feng Shui masters, it wouldn’t have allowed things to develop to such an extent.

But I have to say that the stories told in the dialect and the legend of Tan Yingshan really fascinated Xing Chuan! As long as it is a normal person, who can not be tempted? Although Xing Chuan is the head of one of the three major families in Gangdong City, he is just a normal person with more power!

This incident was not planned by Lin Moyuan, it was purely a coincidence, but it was this coincidence that gave Lin Moyuan a golden opportunity!

Shangri-La Hotel, among the top suites.

Master Qian is explaining some knowledge about Feng Shui to Lin Moyuan. The longer he has been in contact with Lin Moyuan, the more Master Qian feels like he wants to accept disciples!

For no other reason, Lin Moyuan is so smart! And very talented in Feng Shui! It seems that you should be born to eat this kind of food!

“In fact, the main rhythm of Feng Shui is the balance between field energy and air luck! As long as the field energy and air luck can achieve a 100% balance, then Feng Shui in this place is the closest to perfection!”

Hearing this, Lin Moyuan nodded slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“I roughly understand what you mean. In other words, if I can control this perfect balance, can I change Feng Shui anywhere at will?”

Master Qian nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to explain in a deep voice:

“I said so, but currently no one can manipulate field energy and air transport, or anyone can manipulate air transport, but the field energy is almost equal to the earth’s magnetic field. That is not to say that changes can be changed!”

Lin Moyuan asked curiously:

“The father of the dialect, that is, Master Fang, he combined astrology with Master Feng Shui. What does it mean?”

Master Qian said in a deep voice:

“Feng Shui is the aspect of the earth, and the astrology is the aspect of the sky. The combination of these two is enough to affect the field energy in a certain range! So the entire northern region was all eyeing the Fangshi! But they must be provokes in the end. I was angry with Master Fang, and basically all of the lineages were broken, so Master Feng Shui’s inheritance is relatively complete in the southern region!”

Hearing this, Lin Moyuan couldn’t help but slap his tongue. This Feng Shui master is really terrifying! It can even affect the earth’s magnetic field! If you are against him, wouldn’t it be cold right away?

But there must be something wrong with this thing! Otherwise, why did Master Fang lose his trace?

“Master Fang, this… uh, technology, are there any side effects?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Master Qian became more and more satisfied with this young man.

After hearing such a magical Xiangshu, the first time I thought of its side effects! This shows that Lin Moyuan can remain sensible in the face of this temptation!

This is really a rare good seed!

“Of course there is a side effect! That is, if you use it too much, it will damage your Yangshou! The father of the dialect hasn’t appeared for so long. Most of them are looking for ways to extend Yangshou, but there is no definite answer yet!”

Lin Moyuan nodded when he heard the words, but sighed in his heart, it is best if his life is over! Otherwise, this kind of physiognomy is really not something I can deal with!

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