Three hundred and forty-fifth chapters: surrender?

Xing’s house, central garden.

Dialect sits in the own room, with a tablet computer in front of him, all with photos of the shooting scene.

Now Lu Xiyao has just escaped danger and is currently training in the private hospital of the Xing family. This also makes the dialect’s mood a little better. After all, she is okay.

However, the dialect still did not find any traces of the gun or hand. This made the dialect a little suspicious. Is there something wrong with the tracking direction of own?

During this period of dialect, all methods have been used. For example, Feng Shui was used to calculate, Bamen was used to calculate, and the Xing family was asked to find the police and used various surveillance videos, but nothing was achieved.

This gun/hand riding a motorcycle is almost as if the world has evaporated, without any trace.

Dialect slowly stood up and came to the position of the window sill. He had always guessed that this matter was related to Lin Moyuan!

Judging from the grievances between himself and Lin Moyuan, Lin Moyuan is the most motivated one!

However, there was no definite evidence in dialect, and there was nothing unusual on Lin Moyuan’s side.

At this moment, the door of the dialect bedroom was knocked, and dialect stood up and walked slowly to the door, and found that it was Xing Chuan’s assistant.

“The genius doctor Fang, the person has woken up now, would you like to go see it?”

Hearing this in dialect, he was overjoyed, and then he took some medicinal materials he had prepared, followed behind his assistant, and walked towards Lu Xiyao’s ward.

Lu Xiyao is truly out of danger right now. I have to say that Mohe’s marksmanship is really good. Both shots have avoided Lu Xiyao’s vital parts, which means that Lu Xiyao is only two insignificant now. The reason for his wounds is still in a coma because of excessive blood loss.

Lu Xiyao looked at the ceiling with empty eyes, thinking about what she should do next.

Before agreeing to Lin Moyuan’s things, he has now completed the first step. Next, he has to gain the trust of the dialect, and Lin Moyuan did not give any instructions on how to do it.

Lu Xiyao has never been good at deceiving people, so she was embarrassed by this.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door came from the door of the ward, and then the dialect figure walked over.

“how do you feel?”

Lu Xiyao slowly shook her head, and said in a deep voice:

“Can you let me leave first? I…”

The dialect saw the faint fear in Lu Xiyao’s eyes. Knowing that Lu Xiyao was still afraid now, she held her hand tightly and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t be afraid, I’m here! This is the Xing family. No one can threaten your safety!”

Perhaps because the dialect held Lu Xiyao’s hand, Lu Xiyao slowly calmed down and said in a low voice:

“The Xing family? Is it the Xing family, one of the three major families in Gangdong City? I’ll leave. I am fine now! Really!”

Dialect looked directly at Lu Xiyao’s eyes, and read some panic and low self-esteem emotions from her eyes. Indeed, for Lu Xiyao, the Xing family was a behemoth, and it was not an existence she could touch at all. It’s normal to have this feeling.

But the dialect wouldn’t make Lu Xiyao just feel inferior. Lu Xiyao always saved his life! Blocked two shots for him!

The dialect smiled and said:

“Don’t be afraid, the owner of the Xing family is very good. You will rest here at ease during this period of time. Don’t worry about other things!”

Lu Xiyao nodded slowly, but her hands still clenched the dialect sleeves subconsciously, as if the dialect wasn’t around, she felt uneasy.

The dialect also smiled helplessly, patted Lu Xiyao’s hand, and said in a deep voice:

“I’ve always been! Don’t worry!”

At this time, there was a sound of opening the door again outside the room, and then the figure of the head of the Xing family appeared in front of the two people.

This was the first time Xing Chuan, the owner of the Xing family, appeared in front of Lu Xiyao. Lu Xiyao was obviously a little nervous.

This is the Patriarch of the Xing Family! And he is the youngest owner of the Xing family in history! A person of the same name as Wang Yan of the Wang family!

Xing Chuan himself looks very kind on the surface, more like the Big Brother next door, but for Lu Xiyao, it is completely different! First of all, Lu Xiyao knows the identity of Xing Chuan! That’s the Patriarch of the Xing Family!

Secondly, Xing Chuan looked at Lu Xiyao’s eyes, with a sense of scrutiny!

In fact, this is also true. From Xing Chuan’s point of view, this attack is very weird! And what happened looks like a coincidence, but it’s more like an arrangement!

However, Xing Chuan didn’t have any evidence. So far, he was only a little skeptical. In view of the relationship between the dialect and Lu Xiyao, Xing Chuan himself didn’t have much to say. He just asked someone to check Lu Xiyao’s mobile phone. .

Lu Xiyao didn’t know that Xing Chuan had already acted. In fact, Xing Chuan could not find out anything. Lin Moyuan’s style of work has always been very cautious. The phone he gave Lu Xiyao is a new phone, and between them The method of contact is not via mobile phone at all!

Naturally, Xing Chuan could only detect loneliness.

In desperation, Xing Chuan had to intensify the investigation and try to find the real murderer.

However, when the Xing family used all their strength to find the trace of the murderer, something unexpected happened… the murderer turned himself in!

This afternoon, the dialect was in Lu Xiyao’s room, eating fruit for Lu Xiyao. In front of Lu Xiyao was a TV. News was playing on the TV, but the two were talking in a low voice, and there was no one. watch TV.

“Where is your mother? Do you want me to take my aunt?”

Lu Xiyao smiled and shook her head, and said in a deep voice:

“There is a relative in my family who opened a nursing home. My mother is in the nursing home. The environment in the nursing home is very good, and there are also some elderly people who can chat with my mother to relieve boredom!”

Dialect just nodded, and it was a sigh of relief.

At this time, a news report came out on the TV, which attracted the attention of dialects!

“Now we are going to broadcast a piece of news. The murderer who attacked the dialect of the genius doctor on Dongming Road a few days ago has already proactively pleaded guilty! It is the Lao Jin from the No. 13 Warehouse on Gangdong Road. This Lao Jin was previously a loan shark. Regarding the identity of the murderer, The Gangdong City Police are already further verifying!”

When the dialect heard this, I was stunned! Then he looked at the TV, and the picture of the murderer appeared on the TV! This person has a face that makes the dialect very unfamiliar, making the dialect a bit unbelievable.

“This is the murderer? It’s kind of weird!”

Lu Xiyao asked with some doubts:

“What’s wrong? What’s weird?”

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