Chapter 344: Don’t stay in Gangdong City!

At the entrance of Shangri-La Hotel, the atmosphere seemed very solemn, and more and more people were onlookers, because even Wang Yan showed up!

This young Patriarch is not something they can get in touch with on weekdays, but basically only at press conferences or in the company to meet occasionally.

Moreover, Wang Yan’s temperament can be said to be gentle, a typical girl killer, and Lin Moyuan, who is not inferior to him in looks and temperament around him, these two people almost instantly became the focus of the entire hotel entrance.

As for the middle-aged woman, she seems to have been forgotten.

“So handsome! Who is that handsome guy next to Patriarch Wang Yan? I feel like I’m in love!”

“Maybe it is the Little Brother of Patriarch Wang? The Little Brother of Patriarch Wang seems to be called Wang Can?”

“I don’t know, but he is really handsome!”

Lin Moyuan’s mind has already heard a system prompt, just because he is handsome, he no longer knows how much villain has been added.

“You mean, this woman is the mother of that yellow hair, who is here to seek revenge from you now?”

Lin Moyuan looked at Wang Cun’s smile, and said helplessly:

“No, I’m looking for you to help me solve the problem, what are you laughing at? Please tell me if I can help! Or else I will go directly to Mofeng at night, and let this family be brought down!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Yan quickly said:

“Don’t tell me, help! Help! I’m just curious! Just curious! Okay, leave the rest to me!”

Lin Moyuan nodded in satisfaction, patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

“Hurry up! I’ll wait for you in the lobby!”

Wang Yan’s expression was very helpless, good fellow, he was thrown out as a shield!

Lin Moyuan really used all the available resources around him!

Afterwards, Wang Yan looked at the middle-aged woman, and the smile on her face slowly receded.

“You are Wang Laojiu’s wife, right? Go back and tell Wang Laojiu to find me in Wang’s villa tomorrow! About his son, let him find someone by himself! Get out!”

The middle-aged woman’s face suddenly became gloomy, and she didn’t expect this young man to be as mad as the culprit just now!

“Little beast! I knew you were wearing a pair of pants with that bastard just now!”

Hearing these words, Wang Yan’s face immediately became gloomy, but before he could speak, the housekeeper of the Wang family stepped forward and slapped the woman’s face with a severe slap!

“That’s how you talk to the Wang Family Patriarch? That’s how Wang Laojiu is used to you?”

The woman was also slapped by the butler’s slap. You must know that this butler is a master of internal martial arts!

Although he is fifty years old now, it’s easy to beat young people like ten or eight yellow hairs!

Women have the element of being beaten up, but they are more shocked!

What did this plain old man say?

Patriarch of the royal family!

But isn’t Wang Kaifang, the head of the Wang family? When did you become a young man?

In fact, this woman didn’t pay much attention to information at all. Even the recent Northland Hotel incident that made the entire Gangdong city known to everyone was just a few words.

After the Beidi Hotel incident, the Zhang family advocated that the speech was already preparing to abdicate, and the two patrons Xing Zhu of the Xing family and Wang Kaifang of the Wang family have directly and cleanly abdicated to make them virtuous. The tour went.

“Impossible! You can’t lie to me! How could the Patriarch of the Wang Family be a hairy boy! You are all acting! You are all liars!”

The onlookers around suddenly burst into laughter!

This woman is really crazy!

The fact that Wang Yan is the head of the family is almost a household name in the entire Gangdong City!

Unexpectedly, there really is such a person, even Wang Yan can’t recognize it!

Wang Yan said with a gloomy face:

“Go back and tell Wang Laojiu, you don’t stay in Gangdong City! Get out of here now!”

After saying this, he turned around and walked into the hotel, never looking back.

The housekeeper also looked at the woman with disdain, and then winked at the two Wang’s bodyguards. The two bodyguards nodded, set up the woman, and threw her to the side of the road!

The butler smiled and said to the onlookers:

“I’m sorry everyone! Let you guys see a joke! Our owner is indeed a little humble, and now Gangdong City is almost forgetting our Wang family! Let’s just leave when everything is fine! Don’t delay other people’s hotels doing business! Everyone It’s not easy! All of the hotel’s consumption tonight will be paid for by our Wang Patriarch! Everyone will show your face!”

The crowd onlookers suddenly cheered together, and some of the women were even more idiots, saying that the owner of the Wang family was too masculine.

In the hotel lobby, Lin Moyuan was tasting a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice. I have to say that the drinks at Shangri-La Hotel are really good!

Seeing Wang Yan sitting helplessly across from own, Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“How? Are the mouths of the people in this family quite poisonous?”

Wang Yan sighed helplessly, then saw the watermelon juice in front of him, unceremoniously poured himself a glass, and said in a low voice:

“I really didn’t expect Wang Laojiu to have such courage!”

Wang Laojiu? Lin Moyuan frowned and said in a deep voice:

“Is that the yellow-haired boy’s father?”

Wang Yan nodded and said:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, I will send someone to tell Wang Laojiu tomorrow that with such an awesome wife, this Gangdong City can’t tolerate him anymore, so just leave Gangdong City for me when you turn around!”

Lin Moyuan shook his head helplessly, and said:

“Can you just do it directly? With the strength of your royal family, who dares to talk about gossip?”

Wang Gan spread his hands and said in a low voice:

“Do you think I don’t want to? But this morning my old man called me and said that he made me move a little bit lately, don’t see blood, the business summit will begin immediately, unlucky!”

Lin Moyuan suddenly realized it, and then laughed and said:

“I didn’t expect Uncle Wang to believe this?”

Wang Yan sighed, took a sip of watermelon juice, and said:

“There is no way, our Wang family has already had the idea of ​​developing outside, but these years have been dragged by the Xing family and have no energy. This time is a golden opportunity!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

“Don’t worry, this matter is covered by me! Your Wang family can have three seats for this business summit! Although we are the organizer, we can only hold ten seats at most, otherwise there will always be some old gossips!”

Upon hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Wang Yan suddenly smiled and said:

“Then thank you Lin Xiao! We are satisfied to have three seats!”

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