Chapter Three Hundred and Fortieth: Surrounding the Warehouse

Warehouse No. 13, Gangdong Road, Gangdong City.

Said it is a warehouse, in fact, it is more like a complex of buildings, generally six-story buildings, which seem to be completed in the last century, but there have been several murders, and the residents here feel very unhappy, so they all move out. It’s almost there.

Only Lao Jin stayed, with some money in hand, so he opened a loan company, which is actually a loan shark, and his loan shark does not rely on small advertisements, and is notorious in the entire Gangdong city.

Previously, this piece was the territory of the Xue family. Lao Jin was also clever. Every year he paid one or two million to the Xue family. The Xue family acquiesced in the existence of Lao Jin. The four major families didn’t know about these things. I know, I don’t bother to care about it.

There are so many things to worry about. Who is a loan shark who cares about it? They are not righteous police.

Lao Jin’s business is also getting bigger and bigger, and now basically it can make a profit of seven or eight million yuan every year, and the Xue family is no longer there. The entire warehouse on the 13th has become a three-nosed zone. With this opportunity, Lao Jin starts to go crazy. Expanding own power, but uncontrolled development will always touch the bottom line of the other three families.

It’s just like today, but it’s unlucky for Lao Jin.

Lao Jin taught a kid in the mountains who could not afford to borrow the money. He unexpectedly found a small hut by chance. There were blood stains at the door of the small hut, as well as fragments of clothes. All of Lao Jin’s men were frightened and thought What kind of lonely wild ghost on the mountain, Lao Jin didn’t care, yelling that even if it was a lonely wild ghost, he would kneel down and call his grandpa when he saw him!

Lao Jin, who was not afraid of the sky, kicked the door of the hut directly, and saw a beautiful and overly beautiful woman lying on a shabby wooden bed, looking at him with vigilant eyes.

Lao Jin can’t be said to be lustful, in fact, it is usually considered abstinence, but the first time I saw such a woman, he would naturally be moved, so he stepped forward and wanted to use his hands, and then he was kicked by Mo He. At the point!

This foot Mohe has used all his strength, but some are weak, but it is enough to make Lao Jin uncomfortable. When did Lao Jin receive this treatment? Naturally, he was very angry, so he slapped Mo He’s face with a slap, and Mo He directly fainted again.

Lao Jin asked his subordinates to bring Mo He and left Tan Yingshan, and re-wrapped Mo He’s wound on the way to prevent Mo He from not being able to hold it.

One of Lao Jin’s subordinates had a good relationship with Huang Mao and the others, so he told Huang Mao about the incident very much. This gave Lin Moyuan a chance. I have to say that Lin Moyuan’s luck was indeed good. Otherwise, I missed Mo He’s news this time, and when I saw Mo He again, I wouldn’t know when it was.

After bringing Mohe back to Warehouse No. 13, Lao Jin directly sent someone to lock up Mohe, and then went for a drink. At this time, Lin Moyuan had just arrived at Tan Yingshan and started looking for the traces of Mohe, so naturally he missed it.

After Lao Jin finished drinking, the sky gradually darkened. With the help of the wine, Lao Jin opened the door of the warehouse and found that Mohe was still in a coma, so he directly poured a bottle of beer on Mohe’s body. , But Lao Jin’s vitals were injured, so naturally there was no way for the Overlord to force the bow. When he thought of this, Lao Jin was very angry.

“Little girl, tell me, where are you from? Why are you in Tan Yingshan?”

Mo He opened his heavy eyelids, took a look at Lao Jin, then turned his head, obviously without paying attention to Lao Jin.

In Mo He’s subconscious mind, Lao Jin is most likely a member of the Xing family, or someone who has something to do with dialects, so she would never say a word, otherwise Lin Moyuan would be in danger.

When Lao Jin saw Mo He’s attitude, he was completely angry, so he slapped Mo He’s face again with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of Mo He’s mouth, although the wound was simply treated, no longer Bleeding, but Mo He’s hands were tied behind him, and now he has no strength to struggle in this situation.

Seeing Mo He’s stiff appearance, Lao Jin felt very unhappy. He simply picked up the wine bottle, grabbed Mo He’s mouth, and poured the wine directly into it.

At first, Mohe could still hold on, but gradually he couldn’t hold it anymore. He choked on the wine, and tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

It was at this time that there was a loud noise outside.

Lao Jin stood up impatiently, turned and opened the door of the warehouse, and looked outside. As a result, Lao Jin was stunned!

The outside of the warehouse is full of people! A group of people in different styles of suits, and a group of people in sportswear, there was a water leak inside and outside the warehouse on the 13th!

There are also some people under Lao Jin, there are about seventy or eighty in total, they are all young and strong bastards, but a discerning person can tell at a glance that these bastards are not on the same level as these people outside!

Lao Jin wiped the cold sweat on his head that he didn’t know when, and after drinking all afternoon, it seemed that it all turned into cold sweat and came out.

“Who are you? What do you do? Which way?”

It was Lao Jin’s deputy who was the second-in-chief of Warehouse No. 13. He had short white hair and looked very capable. He also had a lot of blood debts under his hands. I heard that he had squatted before and was loyal to Lao Jin.

But what the white-haired second-in-command said was as if it had fallen into the ocean, and the person on the opposite side did not respond, as if he hadn’t heard it.

The second in command felt that Own Face couldn’t hold on, so he sneered and said:

“I don’t think you will cry without seeing the coffin. You dare to block the gate of our No. 13 warehouse! Brothers, copy guys!”

At this moment, these people in front suddenly made a move and gave way. Then, a Mercedes-Benz G slowly drove in from the outside of the warehouse yard.

A figure got out of the car and walked straight in the direction of the second in command.

The men in suits and those in sportswear all followed this person. There are not many of these people, that is, thirty or forty, but each one does not seem to be a good thing. Thirteen Where have these young people in Warehouse No. 1 seen this kind of battle? Suddenly there was a big shock.

The person who walked in front was naturally Lin Moyuan.

“Is your name Lao Jin? Where is Lao Jin? I’m looking for Lao Jin!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, the second in command suddenly surged in anger and shouted sharply:

“Just you? You deserve to see Lao Jin too? No hair grows together…”

Halfway through what the second-in-command said, he was hit in the face with a punch, and two of his front teeth fell.

The person who did it was Haizi, the capable man by Mo Feng’s side.

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