Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Nine: Handing Over People

At this time, the setting sun had completely submerged below the sea level, and the only light source on the whole mountainside was the original inconspicuous moon.

The sky looks a bit dim, although the sun can no longer be seen, but the sky at this moment is the most fascinating.

But at this time, these young people on the mountainside were not focused on the almost perfect scenery, but instead on a handsome young man in a casual suit, but a very gloomy face.

Opposite this young man, stood the most difficult people in the whole Gangdong City. These people, including Huang Mao at the head, were all rich second generations. In fact, there is no shortage of places like Gangdong City. It is the second generation of the rich. The names of these people are relatively loud because they act too arrogantly and domineeringly.

However, this young man in a casual suit doesn’t look like a soft persimmon. It’s lively now. If they touch each other, they might be very interesting!

The moment Lin Moyuan heard Huang Mao’s words, he squinted his eyes. In fact, not everyone can see the situation in front of them clearly. Just like this Huang Mao, he has become accustomed to domineering and subconsciously. I thought I could walk sideways in Gangdong City, but when I met Lin Moyuan today, it was a blood mold.

“It seems that you are still taking my words as a joke, and I will compensate for the loss. When you turn back to the Lin Group, mention my name and say that I broke your leg!”

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, before he realized what Lin Moyuan was talking about, he turned his head and saw Lin Moyuan kicked his own leg!

Lin Moyuan’s speed was so fast, Huang Mao had lost his balance before he could react, and he was lying on his back on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Moyuan stomped on Huang Mao’s calf, and suddenly a sour bone cracking sound came out!

“Ah! My legs! I f*ck…”

Before Huang Mao’s words were finished, Lin Moyuan squatted down directly, pinched Huang Mao’s face, smiled at the friends behind Huang Mao, and said in a deep voice:

“I’ll ask again, where is Lao Jin? Where is that woman? If you still want this little comrade to live, please provide some information, thank you!”

Although Lin Moyuan’s words were very polite, his tone was like a judge walking out of The Underworld on the eighteenth floor! These people couldn’t help but shiver!

“He… he knows! Lao Jin has the best relationship with him!”

A woman finally couldn’t bear Lin Moyuan’s eyes, and then pointed at the bald man next to her!

The man secretly cursed a bitch in his heart, then opened the door of the car next to him very quickly and got into the car!

This car is a Lamborghini with fancy paint and the most classic scissor door design. The man moves very fast and closes the door soon after getting in the car. According to the general situation, it is basically impossible to catch it, but Lin Moyuan was now in a very dangerous critical state. He didn’t think so much when he saw the man getting in the car, and dashed forward.

In the next scene, these young people standing on the mountainside watching the excitement are unforgettable for a lifetime.

I only saw Lin Moyuan grabbing the outside of the scissors door and violently dragging it down. The entire scissors door was pulled down directly, and there was a burst of electric sparks!

It can be seen that the entire link between the scissor door and the car body has been distorted and out of shape. The power of a human being can reach this level, which has completely surpassed the cognition of everyone present!

【drop! Your violent behavior deterred passers-by! Meet the villain style! villain value +999! 】

【drop! Your violent behavior scared passersby! Meet the villain behavior! villain value +999! 】

“Fuck, Captain of Star Stripe Country?”

Lin Moyuan didn’t care about the exclamation of the surroundings or the sound of the shutter, but took the bald man out of the car with one hand, and said in a deep voice:

“Tell me where is Lao Jin? This is the last time, I have no patience!”

From the moment Lin Moyuan violently demolished the car door, the bald man no longer had any hard-mouthed or resisted thoughts, and said repeatedly:

“Lao Jin is in the warehouse at No. 13 Gangdong Road! That’s his base camp! This old boy is not a good man, and he often forces beautiful women to borrow money! Few people in Gangdong City don’t know him!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then flung the bald man aside.

【drop! Your behavior makes bald head scared to pee! In line with the villain style! villain value +9999! 】

Lin Moyuan frowned. This bald head looked fierce, but he didn’t expect the courage to be so small. He glanced at the bald head with a little disgust, and Lin Moyuan sat on his own Mercedes-Benz G again, facing the 13th Gangdong Road. Drive.

Although I don’t know where the warehouse at No. 13 Gangdong Road is, it’s not difficult to find the navigation system on the Mercedes-Benz.

In the wild forest of Tan Yingshan, there are many light beams of flashlights, shooting out from the gaps in the leaves, destroying the tranquility of the entire forest.

“Boss, we have searched all this forest. There is no trace of anyone here. We might as well go to the hill below to have a look!”

Mo Feng took off his backpack and said in a deep voice:

“Find out more carefully, and let some good brothers on the mountain wall go up and have a look, don’t miss anything!”

The man beside Mo Feng nodded, turned and said to a group of people wearing the same jacket behind him:

“Zhang Zi, Old Qi, you two will take a few people and go up the mountain wall!”

At this moment, Mofeng’s cell phone rang, it was a call from Lin Moyuan!

“Hello? Brother Feng, you have some clues. Send me some people to wait for me at the gate of the warehouse at No. 13 Gangdong Road!”

Mo Feng nodded solemnly, then immediately responded, turning his head and saying to the people around him:

“Haizi, you take Zhangzi Lao Qi and the others, walk half of them, and go to the warehouse on Gangdong Road No. 13 to find Lin Shao!”

The man called Haizi nodded suddenly, and then started calling for people.

On the other side, Wang Yan also received a call from Lin Moyuan, and then asked Wang Can to rush to the location of Warehouse No. 13 with some of the Wang family’s masters.

At present, Lin Moyuan is the only partner of the Wang family, and the resources that Lin Moyuan has in his hands can allow the Wang family to get out of Gangdong City and take it to the next level. Of course, Wang Yan will not let this opportunity to make the Wang family fly, and sneak away in front of the owner. !

Maybe Lao Jin didn’t expect that the woman he found in the wilderness would cause him such a big trouble.

However, it is too late to react. Even the Xing family in the entire Gangdong City dare not easily do anything to Lin Moyuan, but Lao Jin dared to offend him directly…

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