Chapter Three Hundred and One: Playing a Broadsword in Front of Guan Gong

At the entrance of the First Hospital, Lin Moyuan, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were sitting on a stool, listening to the voice on the phone.

“So it’s from the Zhang family? Are you sure?”

Hearing what Ji Kun said, the dialect immediately said:

“That’s right! It’s from the Zhang family! What do you say is the sixth master of the Zhang family… Brother Kun, can you solve it?”

Ji Kun laughed disdainfully, and replied in a deep voice:

“It doesn’t matter what the sixth master is not the sixth master, wait until I’m a good person, then I will pass!”

Dialect immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and said gratefully:

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Brother Kun! I will invite you to dinner later!”

After Ji Kun hung up the phone, he turned to Lin Moyuan and said:

“Boss, how many people do you think we should take?”

Lin Moyuan looked at Ji Kun helplessly, and said in a deep voice:

“How many people do you want to bring? This is not the time to have a conflict with the Zhang family! Only three of us are enough!”

Just three people?

Ji Kun scratched his head and said:

“The Zhang family talks about more than a dozen people, right? Let’s just go there. If we really fight, won’t we suffer?”

Lin Moyuan stood up, picked up his own jacket, and explained:

“Now the Zhang family has no clear attitude towards the conflict in the Northland Hotel. What does this mean? It means that they are also hesitant! They are more afraid of fighting than we are! The sixth master of the Zhang family, borrowing his courage, he Don’t dare to touch me!”

【drop! The host’s words match the temperament of villain! villain value +999! 】

Ji Kun suddenly realized that, Yan Kexiang came over and patted Ji Kun on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

“Just look at the part of pretending to be b. Our Daoxing meets the boss. That’s a big knife in front of Guan Gong!”

Ji Kun nodded in agreement, because every time Lin Moyuan pretended to be able to complete the whole process perfectly, and ended up with a perfect score!

Among other things, this alone makes Lin Moyuan the best in Yunhai City!

I just don’t know if Lin Moyuan’s legend can continue in Gangdong City.

Under the leadership of Ji Kun, the three people went directly to the door of the intensive care unit. Lin Moyuan looked at the Zhang family, who were all in black suits, and the dialect in a sports suit, and in the room, Lu Xi was protected by the dialect behind him. Yao mother and daughter frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice:

“What are you doing up front? So noisy? Do you know what this place is? This is called a hospital!”

Hearing this voice, the Zhang family in front turned around one after another, their eyes gloomy.

Among them, the middle-aged man in a suit called Liu Ye said with a bad face:

“You tell me what you just said again?”

Lin Moyuan put his hands in the pockets of his casual suit, walked up step by step, and said with a smile: “Do you not understand what I am saying, or do you simply do not understand human words?”

“What do you mean by this?”

“What do you mean? Obviously, what about the people of the Zhang family? The Zhang family is really good in Gangdong City?”

The sixth master of the Zhang family was stunned. Seeing the young man in front of him, he had a bit of identity. Why was he so stunned when he came up?

Is the Zhang family bullish in Gangdong?

Of course it’s a cow. It’s something that everyone knows, so do you need to ask?

Liu Ye frowned slowly and said:

“Boy, you made it clear to me, which family are you from? What does it mean to stand up?”

Lin Moyuan took a hand out of his pocket, glanced at the watch in his hand, and said impatiently:

“Young Master, I’m in a hurry, so I just stood here and said, I don’t have any background, let me see what you want to do?”

Liu Ye snorted and said in a deep voice:

“I won’t tell you anything else, young man. I want this intensive care unit because my son Xiaoyu was injured and is going to be hospitalized. What is your relationship with this little girl?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“I just see the uneven road, believe it or not?”

Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun, standing behind Lin Moyuan, almost couldn’t help laughing when they heard Lin Moyuan’s words!

The road sees unevenness… When did the boss ever do such a thing?

Liu Ye’s face was already as black as the bottom of a pot, and he said to the people around him:

“Don’t worry about this neurosis! Bring in Xiaoyu! Drive these people out!”

The person behind responded, and when he wanted to act, he was stopped by a man wearing glasses.

Standing next to Liu Ye, this person was also from the Zhang family, but he didn’t look like Liu Ye’s subordinate.

The man with glasses stretched out a finger to hold the glasses, and said to Liu Ye in a deep voice:

“Sixth, don’t worry, this kid is a bit familiar, I’ll go up and play!”

What makes people feel surprised is that Liu Ye actually suppressed his anger temporarily and nodded in agreement.

Lin Moyuan saw this scene, his eyes became a little dangerous!

Lin Moyuan had already made up his mind on how to deal with Liu Ye, because he had information about Liu Ye, and he knew what personality Liu Ye was, including Liu Ye’s life and Liu Ye’s weaknesses. Lin Moyuan knew everything about him. Chu!

But… this man with glasses, Lin Moyuan didn’t even know anything about him! Since he was upgraded to an intermediate villain, Lin Moyuan found that his own memory and reaction ability have greatly improved Ascension, and all members of the Zhang family are impressed! At least I have read the information, but this man with glasses has no record!

The man in glasses walked up slowly with an elegant smile on his face, and whispered:

“My friend, I think you are familiar. I don’t know where we met from? It’s not convenient for Fang to tell me your name?”

Lin Moyuan took a cigarette from his arms to light it, and said with a smile:

“My name is Lin Moyuan, why, do you know me? Which green onion are you?”

Lin Moyuan deliberately put on a provocative tone, trying to test the city of the man with glasses, but the man with glasses just said with a smile:

“It turns out that this is Lin Moyuan, Lin Shao, who set off the storm of the entire Gangdong City with one person! Your father Lin Shengtian is my idol! You don’t know that I am normal, after all, I am just a nameless man!”

Lin Moyuan pulled the corner of his mouth, and f*ck is a smiling tiger…

These smiling tigers are more hateful than son of luck, and they don’t know when they will jump out and give you a knife! It’s hard to guard against!

Liu Ye, standing behind the man with glasses, frowned, didn’t he just want to grab a intensive care unit? How come even Lin Moyuan, a kid, stand up?

What is the relationship between this little girl and the young man who just called Lin Moyuan?

Dialect was also looking at Lin Moyuan curiously at this time. He was very close to Ji Kun, so he naturally knew that Ji Kun’s boss was Lin Moyuan.

This was the first time I saw a real person. I don’t know why, but he actually looked at Lin Moyuan a bit unpleasant…

Forcibly expelling this idea from my mind, the dialect intends to take a good look at the direction of the next thing!

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