Chapter Three Hundred: Next Set!

Few people in Gangdong City know the name of the dialect, but if you talk about genius doctors, it can be said to be a household name.

Why is the dialect so famous? The first is because he cured Xue Hong’s headache. Although Xue Hong is now a prisoner of the Wang family, the fact that dialect is indeed a genius doctor is here.

Wang Yan frowned and said:

“How do you want to use this dialect? Or, what do you want to achieve with this dialect?”

Lin Moyuan rubbed his palms and said with a smile:

“I have a plan. My relationship with dialects has not yet reached that level, so I need to add some information!”

Add some stuff?

Lin Moyuan whispered:

“You listen to me, do this…”

After a while, Wang Yan’s gaze became a little strange.

“I said you, a dignified eldest son of the Lin Group, still like to play this set?”

Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand and said helplessly:

“I can’t help it, people just eat this set, just eat it all over the world with one trick!”

Wang Yan shook his head helplessly, and said in a low voice:

“Yes, you make sense, you are the boss, you have the final say! When will I act? I’ll be ready to prepare.”

Lin Moyuan picked up the tea cup on the coffee table, drank it, and said with a smile:

“Tonight, you can call me when you are ready!”

Wang Yan asked curiously:

“So fast? I really doubt if you have any personal grudges with this dialect? You can think of this way!”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“Then you don’t have to worry about it. Anyway, I will definitely not let you suffer. Okay, I’m leaving now!”

Wang Yan nodded, and sent Lin Moyuan and others out of the villa.

Watching Lin Moyuan and others get into the car and walk away, Wang Can sighed, looked back at own Big Brother, and said in a deep voice:

“Our family’s future is all staked on Lin Moyuan? There will be no problems, right?”

Wang Yan smiled and said in a deep voice:

“There will be no problem, trust my vision! This Lin Moyuan is definitely not an ordinary person!”

The first hospital, intensive care unit.

Lu Xiyao looked at Own’s mother with a smile all over her eyes.

Thanks to the efforts of dialect, the mother’s illness has improved, and there is no major problem.

In the morning, when the doctor came to the round, he said that he could be discharged from the hospital and go home for recuperation in a few days.

This news made Lu Xiyao very happy. In any case, after her mother recovered from her illness, she could return to school and concentrate on studying, and her family could feel more at ease.

That night, Lu Xiyao had just arrived at the hospital and found the ward, but found that something was wrong. Some people gathered around the door of the ward, negotiating with the doctor.

Lu Xiyao frowned and walked forward and asked in a low voice:

“Excuse me… what happened?”

The doctor saw Lu Xiyao and directly spoke to a man in a suit:

“This intensive care unit lives with her mother. You can talk to the patient’s family directly!”

The man in the suit nodded coldly, turned to look at Lu Xiyao, and said blankly:

“I’m from the Zhang family. Now I want to requisition this intensive care unit. Do you have any comments?”

Lu Xiyao was taken aback for a moment, from the Zhang family?

Is the Zhang family the same famous Zhang family as the Wang family?

But anyway, her mother still lives here!

“Mr., my mother will be discharged from the hospital in three days, and there are no other beds in the hospital now. Look… can it be accommodating for a few days?”

The man in the Zhang family frowned and said in a deep voice:

“Just say, how much do you want? We are in a hurry! We will use this ward right away!”

Lu Xiyao shook her head and said:

“It’s not a question of money! The main reason is that my mother is still recovering…”

The face of the man in the suit suddenly turned gloomy, and he turned to his companion behind him and said:

“Bring me all the people and the bed directly, and let them send Xiaoyu in!”

The two companions in suits nodded, pushed Lu Xiyao away, and walked into the ward.

And when I came up, I just wanted to move the bed away!

When Lu Xiyao saw this scene, she was immediately anxious and stepped forward and accused:

“Why are you so unreasonable? Why are you robbing the ward? Where are you like this!”

The man in Zhang’s suit sneered and said in a deep voice:

“You don’t want to toast you, you have to eat fine wine? Little Sister, you are too naive!”

Lu Xiyao felt very uncomfortable in her heart, don’t people from these families put ordinary people in one’s eyes?

At this time, a voice rang from the door of the ward!

“What are you doing? Who are you?”

Hearing this voice, Lu Xiyao’s eyes suddenly lit up!

At the door, there is a young man in simple sportswear standing in a dialect!

Many people have heard of the name of the dialect, including this man in a suit.

The man in a suit frowned and said in a deep voice:

“You are the genius doctor, are you? Stand aside for me! There is nothing about you in this!”

Dialect frowned, and just about to come forward, he was stopped by the man in the suit.

“Don’t be nosy, this is the sixth master of the Zhang family, what are you doing as a doctor?”

The sixth master of the Zhang family?

Hearing this, the dialect frowned again.

It has been a while since I came to Gangdong City. Of course, he has some understanding of these families in Gangdong City.

The original four major families, ranked according to their strength, were the Zhang family, the Xing family, the Wang family, and the Xue family.

Now the Xue family no longer exists, and even the Xue family’s businesses have been carved up, leaving only the Zhang family’s Wang family and the Xing family.

Although the dialect has just come down from the mountain, he is self-aware! Relying on own power alone, it is definitely impossible to solve this problem, so we can only move to rescue the soldiers!

After thinking about it in dialect, he has few friends in Gangdong City, and only Ji Kun can stand up for a scene!

So the dialect immediately dialed Ji Kun’s phone number.

Outside the First Hospital, in front of a small barbecue stall, Ji Kun, Yan Kexiang and Lin Moyuan were sitting on small stools eating barbecue.

“Kunzi, are you reliable? Why hasn’t the dialect called you yet?”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Ji Kun frowned and said in a deep voice:

“It shouldn’t be, but this kid wouldn’t really just bump into the Zhang Family and start fighting with Zhang Family Sixth Master, right?”

Yan Kexiang took a sip of beer and said with a smile:

“I think it’s choppy, this kid is so horrible at first sight, he certainly won’t fight the Zhang family desperately, look at it, the phone is probably going to ring soon!”

As soon as Yan Kexiang’s voice fell, Ji Kun’s cell phone rang, and all three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After Yan Kexiang settled the bill, Ji Kun also answered the phone.

“Hello? Brother Dialect, what’s the matter?”

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