Chapter 171: Ye Feng’s Night Visit?

Lin Moyuan’s request to meet Xiao Fan was the best choice he got after careful consideration.

The reason for meeting Xiao Fan, of course, is not to reconcile with Xiao Fan, but to complete the task given by the system!

Scold Xiao Fan face to face!

I really don’t know who came up with this kind of boring task, but to Lin Moyuan, it didn’t matter.

Anyway, it was a scene of endless dying with Xiao Fan, so what’s the big deal if you scold him?

At that time, I have all the information in hand, and the most is to terminate the cooperation with Red Maple Capital. This kind of partnership investment project, Moxuan Capital, which he and Qin Yexuan established, can also follow!

Moreover, Moxuan Capital is just now established and it is time for partners.

Believe it or not, Qin Yexuan, leave it alone, but Qin Yexuan has absolutely no other choice!

Looking at the entire Yunhai City, the one who can wrestle with the Qin family is the Lin Group!

If Qin Yexuan wants to avenge his father, the only option is to cooperate with Lin Moyuan!

There is no second way to go.

Since the incident of Sophie’s betrayal, Lin Moyuan unknowingly had a faint suspicion of everyone around him.

Of course Lin Moyuan would not do the nepotism.

Xue Hong had already drunk the second bottle of wine at this time, and he still didn’t seem to be drunk. Obviously, it was a huge amount.

Xue Hong considered the request made by Lin Moyuan for a few minutes before choosing to agree.

In Xue Hong’s view, although Lin Moyuan didn’t really want to reconcile, they could take this matter to see Lin Moyuan’s attitude towards Xiao Fan!

If there is a 1% chance of turning an enemy into a friend, that would be the best.

But if you can’t, you must be prepared to declare war with the Lin Group!

Red Maple Capital has always been just a capital company that uses securities and stocks as trading methods. If the real swords and guns are against the strong and powerful Lin Group, it is definitely not an opponent.

But behind Xue Hong, there is the Xue family in Gangdong City, and behind Ye Feng, there is Ye Laozi from Yanjing. Together, the strength of these two sides has surpassed the Lin Group under Lin Shengtian.

And if Ye Feng’s fiancee Qi Yanyu comes in, then they will have another Qi family!

Together, these three companies are not afraid of the Lin Group at all!

After clearing it up, a smile appeared on Xue Hong’s face.

“No problem, since Brother Lin wants to turn fighting into jade, that’s great. I’ll make arrangements later. When do you want to meet?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Let Xiao Fan help me organize the information. Although we were originally opponents, I still believe in his ability. After finishing the information, we will meet in this VIP room. How about?”

Xue Hong frowned slightly when he heard the words, looking at Lin Moyuan’s very sincere eyes in front of him, he always felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

What is wrong?

However, the meeting place is in the own site. If this is not agreed, would Lin Moyuan look down on it?

Thinking of this, Xue Hong temporarily dispelled his doubts.

“Okay, then it’s settled!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded when he heard the words. Then he stood up and took Sophie out of the VIP room.

After walking out of the VIP room, Lin Moyuan went to the bathroom again. According to his own words, this Corona beer tasted good, so she couldn’t hold back and drank two more. Sophie didn’t doubt anything, her heart was filled with Ye Feng. Gangdong City did not tell her.

That night, at half past twelve, the Avenue of Lights, Jindong Hotel.

In the double room where a couple was supposed to live, Sophie was the only one lying on the big bed, unable to sleep for a long time.

Lin Moyuan lived on a very wide sofa in the living room.

This sofa can be folded. When folded, it becomes a soft leather sofa, but when unfolded, it becomes a double bed.

Sophie was lying on the bed, not knowing why it was difficult to fall asleep, one side was Lin Shengtian’s nurturing kindness to her, and the other side was Ye Feng’s life-saving kindness to him.

What should I choose?

Just as Sophie was thinking hard, there was a light tapping sound from the window near the Avenue of Lights!

Sophie subconsciously picked up the defensive swinging stick on the head of the bed, and then she sat up and waved it slightly, and the swinging stick was pulled out.

Slowly getting dressed, Sophie gradually moved closer to the window sill.

Outside the window sill, there was a dark shadow, knocking on the window lightly.

With the sound of the second knock, Sophie put away a bit of vigilance instead.

The reason is simple, the person should be malicious.

If it weren’t, he wouldn’t knock on the window first to get Sophie’s attention.

So who is this person?

Sophie holding her doubts, came to the window, opened the window without screens, and saw a figure wearing a peaked cap and a black mask at the same time.

The moment he saw Sophie, this person immediately removed the mask from his face, and it turned out to be Ye Feng!

Although Sophie felt a little surprised, she still opened the window to its maximum and let Ye Feng turn in.

After Ye Feng stood in the room, he turned to close the window, took off his own hat, and said with a smile:

“Are you surprised?”

Sophie frowned. Although Ye Feng came to her and made her mood slightly better, Ye Feng was too risky!

You know now that Lin Moyuan is lying on the sofa in the living room!

Sophie said softly:

“Why are you here? Didn’t I say that there is no relationship between us?”

Ye Feng frowned upon hearing this, and said:

“When I rescued you, you obviously didn’t say that!”

Sophie looked up into Ye Feng’s eyes, looking a little hesitant.

But Ye Feng still took a step forward and said again:

“I know you are threatened by that Lin Moyuan now, so follow me!”

“As for your adoptive father and mother, don’t worry! Xiao Fan and Xue Hong and I are working out a plan for the Lin Group. If the plan is successful, they will all go to jail!”

“The entire Lin Group will fall into our hands. Then Xiao Fan will be able to rescue his Yurou Little Sister, and I can take you away too! Get out of this place like The Underworld!”

Seeing Ye Feng who was a bit aggressive, Sophie subconsciously retreated a step. The look in Ye Feng’s eyes became a bit strange!

“Ye Feng! That is my adoptive father and adoptive mother! Without them, there would be no me who I am today!”

“And that girl named Tang Yurou, she is living now, she is already very happy, why do you want to do this?”

“Is it just for a momentary struggle?”

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