Chapter One Hundred and Seventy: Unexpected Practice!

Lin Moyuan noticed a flash of contempt in Xue Hong’s eyes.

No matter how you look at this matter, the problem lies with Li Tingxian. People with a discerning eye can see it at a glance, but Lin Moyuan can’t see it, or it’s deliberately acting for a reason.

Lin Moyuan still understands the truth that the authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear. It is precisely because of his understanding of Li Tingxian that Lin Moyuan cannot show his own suspicion. He is shaping himself with some abilities, but his brain is not very bright, and some are self-sufficient. Such an image.

Just like the villains who were used as stepping stones by the protagonist in the novels I have read in the previous life, Sora has such a deep foundation and strength, but their brains are basically not very easy to use.

It is precisely because of this that the protagonists will be defeated one by one.

Of course Lin Moyuan would not follow this old path.

“Brother Xue, I am here this time mainly to investigate Red Maple Capital and have information on the development of new energy.”

“You have to nod the information, otherwise I will have passed.”

Xue Hong nodded and said:

“Since you said so, Brother Lin, of course I won’t refuse. I will let people find out all the information about this project!”

“Give me one day, at this time tomorrow, I will send you everything you want!”

“Also, Brother Lin, where do you live now? It is convenient and inconvenient. Going out to have a meal at night?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“It’s true that I came to Gangdong City this time mainly to investigate the management methods of these emerging leading companies in Gangdong City.”

“My father put me on such a general manager’s hat, I always want to explain to his old man a little bit, right?”

“Of course I also want to go to the bar every day, or to play bowling, etc., but if I let my father know now, it will definitely be another bad curse when I look back!”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Xue Hong laughed and patted Lin Moyuan on the shoulder, and said:

“This is not easy? Since Brother Lin has this idea, let us solve the problem of the investigation. It happened that a new bowling alley opened in Nancheng District, which was opened by an old Big Brother of mine. You go, absolutely no money!”

Having said this, Xue Hong paused, then glanced at Sophie who was standing behind Lin Moyuan, put his hand on Lin Moyuan’s shoulder, and said in a tone that only two people could hear:

“The waitresses at that bowling alley are all very tall, and I absolutely satisfy you, Brother Lin!”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, a trace of contempt flashed in his heart, but there was still a clear expression on his face that ‘all men understand’.

Immediately, Lin Moyuan coughed lightly before continuing:

“Brother, there is one more thing, I want you to do me a favor.”

“Whoever inquires about and processes these materials, do you have any recommendations?”


Xue Hong suddenly narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

It seems that the highlight has just begun!

“Brother, I don’t understand what you said. I will send you the things you want tomorrow. What kind of person is I? I will find someone I can trust. You can rest assured!”

Lin Moyuan slowly shook his head and said:

“These data are related to a sum of 5 billion, actually is not my brother, I can’t believe you, but if someone in the middle of this really makes a fake, it will cause great damage to our cooperation. of!”

“So it’s better to let me pick someone, it’s better!”

Hearing this, Xue Hong seemed to vaguely understand what Lin Moyuan meant.

I’m afraid Lin Moyuan is really here for Xiao Fan!

However, Xiao Fan is now aliased to Xiao Jin. In his own Red Maple Capital, there are not only 500, but at least three or four hundred, brave employees. They are all mainstays. He doesn’t believe he can’t handle Lin Moyuan!

Xue Hong smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then said:

“Since Brother Lin said so, then I will send you all the information of my company’s employees, you can choose by yourself!”

How happy did you agree?

Lin Moyuan smiled and said that Xue Hong was interesting, and he had to pay a respect to Xue Hong when he had time, and he had a deep suspicion in his heart.

Since Xue Hong dared to agree, there must be something for him!

But what is the next move?

It is worthy of being someone who can become Ye Feng’s hard-core brother. It seems that there is no simple person around Ye Feng!

Dealing with Ye Feng’s son of luck is much more difficult than dealing with Xiao Fan, because no matter how strong Xiao Fan is, he is just a person.

But Ye Feng is different. While he is powerful, many helpers will appear one after another!

When you really pitted against Ye Feng, someone would definitely stand up and help Ye Feng!

This is what caused Lin Moyuan’s headache the most.

By Lin Moyuan’s side, there was only one Ji Kun and one Mo Feng that he could trust.

It seems that the forces on your side must develop as quickly as possible.

While thinking about it, a reminder sound came from Lin Moyuan’s mobile phone. When he looked down, it was a message from some employees of Red Maple Capital. Obviously, this was sent by Xue Hong.

Lin Moyuan opened his eyes briefly and frowned slightly.

Good guy, there are more than 400 people!

This is almost all the employees of Red Maple Capital, right?

Even if it wasn’t, at least 70 to 80 percent would have to be.

It seems that this Xue Hong is making things difficult for himself with integrity. What he said just now is to want excellent employees. There is even information about cleaning employees. This Xue Hong is definitely throwing smoke bombs at himself!

But now that he knew Xiao Jin’s pseudonym, it was much more convenient.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, and then said to Xue Hong:

“Brother Xue, I heard that you have an employee named Xiao Jin? Is it a newcomer?”

Xue Hong narrowed his eyes slightly. Is this Lin Moyuan planning to clarify?

But Xue Hong nodded with a smile, and said:

“Yes, indeed, this Xiao Jin is very thoughtful and is the object I want to cultivate, but I just left Gangdong City yesterday for a business trip to the north.”

On business trip?

Make a difference!

How can I be so cheated?

Xiao Fan is clearly in the company!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth and said:

“Brother Xue, this is boring, isn’t it?”

“You should know that Xiao Jin and I, or Xiao Fan, have a little friction between the two of us, right?”

“But I thought about it carefully. We should shake hands and make peace. After all, such talents are very rare. If we want to join hands, the benefits will definitely outweigh the disadvantages!”

“How about you, brother, arrange for us to meet?”

meet up?

What does this kid want to do?

Xue Hong’s eyes slowly narrowed.

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