Chapter 758, Loki’s finger!

The second chapter is sent, but fortunately a little manuscript, no nonsense, continue codewords.


Undoubtedly, the creepiness of this ivy has been reduced to a limit. Although it still absorbs flesh and blood, there is no more awareness of Young Master’s attack.

Under the guidance of Wei Xiaobei, the ivy began to draw and grow more long vines.

It is completely impossible for the ivy to grow to the wreckage of the Rainbow Bridge at the other end. The vines have the most move towards the 100 meters in the air, and they will fall down due to gravity.

Wei Xiaobei tied the vines to the stone, just like a slinger. After a few swaying, it will be thrown away.

In the case of Wei Xiaobei’s present strength, throwing stones together with vines for two hundred meters can only be said to be easy and enjoyable.

But in this area, any flying object seems to be affected by the arrived. Wei Xiaobei initially only throws the vines less than 50 meters, and the vines fall down.

In the following time, Wei Xiaobei constantly adjusted the parabolic technique. As the skill was adjusted, the vines were farther and farther away. Finally, with Wei Xiaobei loudly shouted, the stone flew more than two hundred meters with the vines. Above the ruins of the Rainbow Bridge.

The rapid growth rate of the vines played a role at this time. Just as soon as the wreckage of the Rainbow Bridge was glued, the ivy crawled a lot of tendrils with suction cups and fixed themselves firmly on the wreckage.

At the same time, the rapidly growing vines Binding a few laps on the wreckage. Even if the wind blows, it is not easy to blow the vines.

Later, the vines grew back and forth, and soon a small rattan bridge was built between the wreckage and the canopy.

Finally succeeded!

Look at this newly built Fuji Bridge. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but have a look on the face, and there was not much time left. With Xiao Yan, Keith Honey went to the Fuji Bridge, and the swaying move towards the first piece of debris went.

Well, to be honest, although it has been built into the Fuji Bridge, if you change your personal, walk on this rickety vine bridge. Here is the deep bottomless abyss, all around the squally winds, I am afraid that scared are scared to death, where there is courage to go.

However, with the strength of Wei Xiaobei, let alone a rattan bridge, even if there is only one vine, Wei Xiaobei can easily walk past, and the ability to move freely is not to say that.

Arrived on the first piece of debris. Wei Xiaobei looks around in a circle.

Although it is only the wreckage of the Rainbow Bridge, the area of ​​the wreckage is not too small, due to the long time. It has been covered with a thick layer of dirt.

After watching it for a while, Wei Xiaobei took two steps, reached for the planer in the dirt, and grabbed something from the dirt in the next moment.

this is?

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are gathered on this piece of debris that looks like a wreck of a weapon, with a trace of glare shining on it.

Name: Treasure Grade of Thunder God Thor

Introduction: This is the battle of Ragnarök. Thunder God Thor is killed and the debris is crushed after the hammer. Its inner strength contains a lot of lightning power. Can be used as a refiner material, or for other purposes.


Just find something, grab it and what is Thunder God Thor’s hammer?

Well, the name of this Quake, Wei Xiaobei, I knew it before. It is said that it was made by the gods of the gnomes, um, that is, with the golden Wild Boar.

Although this thunder hammer is only thrown out. Whoever wants to fight, whoever fights, does not have to worry about not being able to hit the target.

In other words, Wei Xiaobei has some doubts when he thinks about it, since he has such artifacts. Nordic Gods will be defeated?

Of course, this artifact is also the weapon for it. It’s hard to say that having the strongest weapon doesn’t necessarily have the strongest fighting power. Wei Xiaobei still knows a little.

Although this artifact has become a fragment, but it is also an artifact, and its quality is Treasure Grade, which is also very good in the materials collected by Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei’s heart burst into heat, and the piece of thunder hammer was collected into the Storage Ring, and then searched for the wreckage of the Rainbow Bridge.

Well, the area of ​​the Rainbow Bridge remains not too small, more than 200 square meters, with 60% area covered with mud, and these mud can shield Wei Xiaobei’s induction pulse and electromagnetic field, so Wei Xiaobei wants It is not difficult to search through more than 100 square meters.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, this difficulty is not difficult at all. If a few Common Persons are cultivated, the soil will be rummaged through. So, Treasure Grade level Quake shards are found to be three-arrived. They are all pieces on the hammer handle, and Xiao Yan, who is helping to find the pieces, finds an angry piece of the Qum of the Immortal Grade!

In addition, there are a large number of other weapons fragments, um, are the weapons of Giant, but also the Treasure Grade level, but it is a good refiner material.

I have to say that, just these pieces, Wei Xiaobei feels a lot of gains.

After the rainbow bridge wreckage was scraped, Wei Xiaobei began to build the vine bridge, and after the ivy climbed the vine bridge leading to the next Rainbow Bridge wreck, Wei Xiaobei decisively cut off the cane bridge connecting the canopy!

Looking at the fallen rattan, Wei Xiaobei suddenly sighed in relief.

Just after Wei Xiaobei came to the second Rainbow Bridge wreck, a white horse appeared on the edge of the canopy, while the white horse was riding the Valkyrie.

“Evil thieves!”

There is no doubt that Valkyrie’s anger is rising at the moment, and his white horse moves toward the Rainbow Bridge wreck, eager to try.

Wei Xiaobei smiled at Valkyrie and reached out and said hello: “Hey, are you coming over?”

In this sentence, Wei Xiaobei has already launched the ability of Pestering Endlessly, and it would be great if the Valkyrie could be leaped directly.

More than two hundred meters, plus the wind, enough to let the other fall.

Well, it’s better to solve an enemy with ease.

But Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised. Valkyrie’s discourse to Wei Xiaobei’s ability to attach Pestering Endlessly suppressed the anger of his heart. Coldly glared at Wei Xiaobei, then drove the white horse and turned away. .

Powerful and powerful Willpower!

There is no doubt that the other side’s Willpower is extremely powerful and even immune to Wei Xiaobei’s ability.

Of course, even if the other party leaves, Wei Xiaobei feels a little regret for it.

Continue to search!

These Rainbow Bridge wrecks, more or less able to find some weapons fragments, all were included in the Storage Ring by Wei Xiaobei.

There is no doubt that weapons of such quality are used to refine the shovel, and the debris of the Quake, Wei Xiaobei is of other use.

But with the wreckage searching the past, some rainbow bridge wrecks, there are some special plants, such as a few scarlet flowers, looks like orchid plants, but when Wei Xiaobei is close, the number of scarlet The big flower, even if move towards Wei Xiaobei, has a row of sharp teeth.

Then, for example, the pine tree that can be spit out!

Well, in terms of threat, this jet pine is the biggest.

Wei Xiaobei was almost shot by a spurt of a spurt into a horse’s nest.

There are some body type small white bones around these plants, and these white bones are little mice that can jump between the wreckage.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei can also feel a strange fluctuation here, or should be radiation.

After ingesting the genes of these Life Forms, Wei Xiaobei discovered that these Life Forms should be affected by the radiation and thus some mutants, benign mutants, and malignant mutants.

And Wei Xiaobei found that the more the radiation goes, the more intense the specific radiation becomes.

Finally, while crossing the wreckage of hundreds of Rainbow Bridges in a row, Wei Xiaobei encountered the source of the special radiation.

The rainbow bridge in front has a length of kilometers, and there are no plants or animals on it. Only one thing like a giant wood is about ten meters long.

And this thing moves towards all around, emitting the strange radiation, almost making Wei Xiaobei’s body almost affected.

If it is not Wei Xiaobei’s Vitality is strong enough, it will grow something strange.

Well, in fact, except for Keith Honey, the swan fairy Xiao Yan was completely unable to withstand this strange radiation, and soon fell into sleep, even as it recovered into a swan, the original white feather It actually brought out some gold.

Wei Xiaobei did not dare to neglect, and even Xiao Yan was included in the Storage Ring.

This is how Wei Xiaobei brought Xiao Yan and Keith Honey out of Dust World. Although there are some risks, the success rate should not be low.

Now that Xiao Yan is affected by that strange radiation, Wei Xiaobei only put it into the Storage Ring in advance.


In the face of such weird things, Wei Xiaobei, although not aware of the dangers, still raised his vigilance, his eyes focused on it, and then launched Erudite!

Name:Spiritual Treasure

Introduction: This is a finger cut by the goddess Loki’s guardian god Heimdal. It contains some of Diki’s Divine Power, which has a strong special radiation effect on the Life Form. Even the lowest dose of radiation can cause the Life Form gene to appear mutant, and the effect of the mutant is variable.

It turned out to be the finger of Vulcan Loki!

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but ecstasy.

Among the Nordic Gods, this Vulcan Loki is undoubtedly the most special one.

It has many nicknames, such as cunning people, treacherous gods, deformers, liar and so on.

It is the son of Giant, and is worshipped by the Lord of Gods, Odin.

This Vulcan can be called a vast magical power.

Gods’ many treasures are actually made by him looking for a gnome god craftsman.

For example, Odin’s eternal gun, the golden ring, the Frey’s ship, the golden Wild Boar, Thor’s Quake, and so on. (To be continued~^~)

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