Chapter 757, Rainbow Bridge Remnants

This poor Daoist went to Longshan for a turn today, and the time was delayed. Sorry, sorry, try the code.


Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei knows that this time I will need to take Xiao Yan and Keith Honey away.

Otherwise, it may be hanged one day here.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei and Xiao Yan, Keith Honey have more or less feelings.

But before leaving, Wei Xiaobei still needs to do something.

The first is to extract Yggdrasil juice!

Compared to the last pain of extracting Yggdrasil juice, this time, Wei Xiaobei found a good helper.

Looking at the ant mother in Wei Xiaobei’s hands, both Keith Honey and Xiao Yan are very curious. They have never seen this Monster, but they can feel the charm of Wei Xiaobei on this Monster, so there is no such thing. A little scared.

This is Xiao Yan, whose character of three or four years old is the age of curiosity, so Xiao Yan sticks out the slender fingers in the first time and gently pokes the aunt.

The ant mother’s intelligence level is not low. Although it was just born, it was very unhappy to be poked by Xiao Yan. Turning around, Move towards Xiao Yan raised the pair of pliers and made a threatening appearance.

Xiao Yan was shocked by the appearance of the ant mother. Maybe Wei Xiaobei was around, Xiao Yan was particularly weak, pointing to the ant mother and complaining to Wei Xiaobei: “big brother, big brother, it bullies me, scares me. !”

A beautiful girl said that she was so cute, it really made people feel a bit star-shaped, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help laughing haha.

Say it, laugh and laugh.

Wei Xiaobei went to all around to collect some fruits, display superb craftsmanship, and make some fruit desserts. Let Xiao Yan and Keith Honey happily hold the dessert to the side to play.

Wei Xiaobei then left the area and went to a farther place, throwing several ant mothers on the leaves of the Yggdrasil.

The ant mother began to fly and progeny, forming a large number of populations, and under the guidance of Wei Xiaobei, they made a hole in the branches of Yggdrasil that led to the heart of the tree.

Wei Xiaobei only needs to be at the edge of the hole, and it will take a long time for the crystal clear green sap to flow out of the hole.

It must be said that the collection efficiency like this is extremely high. Due to the continuous efforts of the insects, the branches of Yggdrasil could not heal the holes, and the sap in the branches will flow out until they are completely exhausted!

When the sap in a branch is exhausted, it means the death of the branch.

Yggdrasil will interrupt the nutrient delivery of this branch in order to avoid losing more sap.

Wei Xiaobei also found that the collection method seemed to be too cruel when several consecutive small branches died and the leaves became yellow and falling.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is not really cruel in this way, but rather that he is likely to be caught by Valkyrie.

the reason is simple. Here the leaves are covered with yellow and the branches are dead, and Valkyrie may have chased them.

thus. In the following collection process, Wei Xiaobei controlled his greed in a timely manner, and monitored the conditions in the branches at any time through the worms. Once the sap appeared, the worms were immediately removed from the branches, allowing the branches to heal themselves.

In spite of this, the collected sap is reduced, but in terms of total volume. Only 20% is reduced, and the resulting exposure problems are avoided.

But even then, the sap collected by Wei Xiaobei is more than the last time, but it is not many times.

Simply put, Wei Xiaobei took only five days to collect the sap of the more than 30 cubic meters of the arbor!

Don’t underestimate these sap.

Yggdrasil doesn’t look at the body type so Giant, but in fact its sap is very low in the entire Yggdrasil volume.

Well, let’s just say that. Like the branches of the former Valkyrie, the branches are more than five kilometers in diameter and more than one hundred kilometers in length, and the total amount of sap inside them is no more than ten cubic meters.

One hundred cubic sap, that is, Wei Xiaobei, has extracted at least twelve such Giant branches.

Well, actually. Wei Xiaobei extracted more than twelve branches and had Giant branches. There are also twigs that are no more than a hundred meters in diameter, and even in the trunk, Wei Xiaobei has taken a small amount.

But the worms drilled holes around the branches, and Yggdrasil didn’t have a half point of Reflex. Once the holes were drilled in the trunk, close to the heart of the tree, the spiritual connection between the worms and Wei Xiaobei would be interrupted.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know how the bugs hang, but every time they get close to the trunk of the tree.

Well, this Yggdrasil sap is roughly divided into six grades.

Inferior sap of ordinary quality, inferior sap of Finest Quality, good sap of Finest Quality, good sap of Treasure Grade, excellent sap of Treasure Grade quality, superior sap of Immortal Grade quality!

Only the sap of the Yggdrasil trunk near the heart of the tree is the superior sap of Immortal Grade quality. It is easy to die because the insects are close to the tree heart. Wei Xiaobei has been busy for five days, and the collected Immortal Grade sap is also It is only 3000 ml.

The Treasure Grade sap comes from the largest stem of Yggdrasil, which is better than the trunk of the trunk, but the difficulty is not too small, 20000 milliliters were collected.

Branches with a diameter of five kilometers to one kilometer in diameter produce a sap of Treasure Grade, about 1.5 cube, which is 1500 liter, 1500000 milliliter.

The Finest Quality sap is produced from the branches between 800 meters and 100 meters, with a total of ten cubic meters.

The rest is the Finest Quality inferior sap and ordinary inferior sap, so I don’t have to say much.

Regardless of the quality of these sap, the effect is to restore vitality, um, vitality is restored, and the injury can naturally recover.

However, the higher the quality of the sap, the better the recovery effect, which is unquestionable.

It can be said that at this point, Wei Xiaobei’s first goal here is finally completed.

Of course, if Wei Xiaobei is willing, then collecting more Yggdrasil juice is also possible.

But Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that if you extract too much sap, it will cause big troubles, and this big trouble will make you fall into desperation.

As for the trouble, Valkyrie or something else, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know, but he can already feel that after he has extracted so many sap, this all around environment seems to eclipse himself.

This feeling is difficult to describe with specific words. If you have to describe it, it seems that Wei Xiaobei’s luck is getting worse.

Luck will only recover when you stay with Keith Honey.

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei won’t take the sap again. After all, he knows that even if Yggdrasil’s vitality is strong, it will inevitably cause great damage if the sap is too much. influences.

Do not say anything else, it is inevitable to speed up its aging.

Wei Xiaobei has no plans to destroy this place yet.

Then, Wei Xiaobei took Xiao Yan and Keith Honey to the end of the awarded Yggdrasil canopy, the ruins of the seven-color Rainbow Bridge.

Before leaving here, Wei Xiaobei plans to look across the Rainbow Bridge.

According to the description of Nordic mythology, across the Rainbow Bridge is the residence of the Nordic Gods, also known as the Asgard!

It is said that this is the paradise of Gods, full of all kinds of magical treasures, countless Little Fairy for the Gods to take care of all kinds of exotic flowers, a large number of gnomes to create a variety of weapons.

In short, even Wei Xiaobei knows that even though Yggdrasil Dust World is the world after Ragnarök, since it is the paradise of Gods, the opposite Asgard should have some treasures.

The only trouble now is that the seven-color Rainbow Bridge was smashed in the battle of Ragnarök, leaving only the rainbow bridge wreckage in the sky, and the distance between these wrecks is at least more than two hundred meters!

Flying over with wings?

Don’t be kidding, the sky across the Rainbow Bridge is not an ordinary sky!

In the description of Norse mythology, even the gods, leaving the Rainbow Bridge, will fall straight until death!

As for those Giant, I am still here to die and I don’t know how many.

If you can fly over, hehe, here will not be called the Nordic Gods against Giant’s first line of defense.

Even Keith Honey fanned his wings, as soon as he left the Rainbow Bridge, he would fall, not to mention Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, since here, Wei Xiaobei is not unprepared.

To say that you want to pass this, the best way is to make a bridge. The mutant creeper that can grow fast is a good choice.

The only trouble is that the mutant creeper is extremely aggressive. As long as the Life Form is close, the ivy, which looks like the same as other plants, will quickly kill the prey!

Even Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to say how long he could stay in the slash of the ivy.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei had previously taken the genes of the mutant ivy seeds and made a series of modifications and adjustments to the mutant igle’s genes while waiting for the Yggdrasil sap to be taken.

Now, you can see the effect.

Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and spewed a group of pork to form a meat mass.

The meat mass is only the size of the finger, and after it splits, it reveals a full seed.

Wei Xiaobei planted the seed in the soil near the end of the Rainbow Bridge, poured a little water, and then waited.

A few minutes passed and a little sprout was drilled in the soil.

Compared to the mutant ivy, this modified mutant ivy has slowed down.

However, as Wei Xiaobei threw some flesh and blood on the buds, the growth rate of the buds increased several times in an instant, and a large number of vines were plunged into the flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood were continuously taken away.

Soon, the buds formed a green ivy at the end of the Rainbow Bridge. (To be continued~^~)

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