Chapter 736, miserable City God (monthly ticket)

The first chapter is sent! Today, this poor Daoist has bought a few pounds of high-priced sweet corn, which is really too sweet. It feels sweeter than apples. Now, eating fart, a bit of a fart, a little regret, some worry is genetically modified corn, otherwise, how can it be possible? Put so much fart.


After three days, Wei Xiaobei’s injury was not fun, but due to the continuous washing of the wound, the Bright strength on the wound gradually dissipated, and the wound recovered by five 60%. At least Wei Xiaobei was able to get out of bed. It is.

But then again, after the Creature Rank was upgraded to the 4-Star elite, Wei Xiaobei felt that he not only had the characteristics of the soul series, but seemed to have been enhanced in all aspects.

For example, the mercury in the meridians, arrived. Now, the meridians have been rendered in silver, the bones are mostly rendered, the Muscle is half, and even a trace of silver is visible in both eyes.

Fortunately, if it is not in the dark, it is not easy to find the anomaly in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes.

At the same time, under the same attribute, the effect that can be achieved by its own attribute has also been improved.

Well, in simple terms, Wei Xiaobei now has a strength attribute of 80, but the strength of Wei Xiaobei, after removing the bonus of martial arts realm, should at least be the extent of the 85 point strength attribute.

The same is true for other attributes.

Looked at the injury, at most one day, I was able to recover. Wei Xiaobei opened a bottle of potion.

To be honest, after the injury, his potion was almost consumed.

Wei Xiaobei thought about the matter and left the room.

At this time, two sinister soldiers stood outside the room and saw Wei Xiaobei coming out and hurriedly saluted.

“Xiong Biao?”

The two sinister soldiers were deployed by Xiong Biao to serve Wei Xiaobei two days ago. The guy said that he was going to deal with Paradise Hill with City God, and he didn’t know what was going on.

However, it is not too much danger to think about it. After all, the biggest threat on Paradise Hill has been removed. The remaining angels, even with the special environment of Paradise Hill, want to deal with a City God and a Territory Patrol military. Force envoy, I am afraid it is very difficult.

“Territory Patrol military force envoy has just returned and is working with City God.”

Yin soldiers asked Wei Xiaobei. Answer quickly.

Well, Wei Xiaobei nodded and moved to the Chamber of Deputies.

Before I went to the Chamber of Deputies, Xiong Biao, who was getting stronger and stronger, came out. When I saw Wei Xiaobei, I asked Wei Xiaobei about the injury.

I heard that Wei Xiaobei recovered a lot, and Xiong Biao was happy for Wei Xiaobei.

After that, Wei Xiaobei asked the question about Paradise Hill.

Listening to Wei Xiaobei, Xiong Biao’s chest was even taller and he patted his chest. Chuckled: “Uncle Xiong’s ability, you still don’t know? A take action, those birds will fly the dog. The collapse is not a military.”

Wei Xiaobei glared at a scar on Xiong Biao’s forehead, and a wound on his neck, followed by chuckled.

This buddy party has always liked to brag, but then again, attacking Paradise Hill, leaving only this scar, is not bad.

At least look at Xiong Biao’s look. Not to be defeated.

“Come and come.”

Xiong Biao boasted himself, and then made Wei Xiaobei back to his room, then dropped his storage kit to the ground, and even a bunch of radiant things fell. .

Seeing that more than thirty Bright gems were mixed in a pile of things and falling to the ground, Wei Xiaobei squeezed a sweat.

“How? The Paradise Hill was dried up by the bear uncle.”

Xiong Biao is proud of the same with a smile.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t hit a place, picking up a Bright jewel from the ground and arranging in front of Xiong Biao: “Do you know what this stuff is?”

Xiong Biao groaned, his face slightly reddish: “It’s a white jewel, that’s right. It’s a white jewel!”

“You brat your mouth, this stuff is called Bright gems, it may explode if you touch it!”

Wei Xiaobei hated Xiong Biao and took all the Bright gems directly into the Storage Ring. He didn’t dare to let Xiong Biao take it. It doesn’t matter if one accidentally blows himself up, and the City God temple is blown up. The sin is great.

What is the dragon station, the Sendai station, is mostly prepared for this guy.

But then again, this Xiong Biao will pick up, except for the Bright gems, the rest of the things are considered baby, and even some, even Wei Xiaobei did not pick up.

Well, most of these things are rich in positive energy and can be used as refining materials. Wei Xiaobei is also not polite, and each one is half-baked.

This guy took it out to show off, isn’t he trying to recruit a thief?

“What? This is what I have worked so hard.”

Xiong Biao saw Wei Xiaobei’s unwelcome squeaking and panic, and hurriedly took the rest of the baby back.

Wei Xiaobei is about to say goodbye to Xiong Biao, but see Xiong Biao yelling at the head: “It’s miserable.”

Wei Xiaobei had not waited for any misfortunes, and Xiong Biao rushed out, and Wei Xiaobei shook his head and followed.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei said that although the injury has not healed, at least the impact of running is not great.

Xiong Biao went out of the room and moved to the council. The result was not yet waiting for Xiong Biao to run. He heard a loud noise in the chamber, and then a red circle appeared on the chamber, and it was hard. The explosion was suppressed.


Xiong Biao looked at the Chamber, which was constantly emitting white light, and whispered in his mouth.

Wei Xiaobei also understood it at this time. I am afraid that City God does not know the characteristics of this Bright jewel. I accidentally gave it a blow, and I don’t know if City God is dead or alive.

However, with the red light coming out, even Xiong Biao could not enter.

This should be a means of protection for the Chamber.

After a long time, the red light dissipated and a human figure came out from the inside.

Wei Xiaobei At first glance, some fun, who is this guy? Some familiar, the clothes on the whole body were blown up, and the face was black and white, just like the one just drilled out of the coal kiln.

“City God, is your old man okay?”

At this point I heard Xiong Biao ask carefully.

It turned out to be City God?

When I heard from Xiong Biao, City God, who had become a black charcoal head, stood still. After a long time, he just screamed: “The birds are too treacherous! Even put a trap in the baby!”

Well, listen to City God, such as Wei Xiaobei or Xiongg Biao immediately hide the secret gems.

Just kidding, didn’t you look at City God, will you be angry at this time, angels vented?

Why should you get together to get into trouble?

After that, Wei Xiaobei knew that after the City God and Xiong Biao had separated the baby from Paradise Hill, they were ready to refine a piece of ware, who would like to know how to put a few gems into the stove. The stove exploded.

Fortunately, City God said how to sit on the side of the town, but do not say anything else, this means of life-saving is still some, so although it was made gray, but did not hurt his life.

Next, Wei Xiaobei simply took the opportunity to give the remaining twenty Bright gems in the hands of City God.

This stuff is not too much for Wei Xiaobei. It is not afraid of explosions in the Storage Ring. If you have time, study it slowly.

Of course, in order to express gratitude, Wei Xiaobei gave some dishes to City God, but it was a little bit uncomfortable for City God.

When Wei Xiaobei left, the City God still sent some rice and seasonings, which was a mutual improvement.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei did not have a bit of politeness, and counted it.

To be honest, although Wei Xiaobei Creature Rank raises the elite 4-Star elite, he also thinks he is losing money.

This City God is superficial and looks like a pigsmith. It is actually insidious.

Don’t overcharge him, Wei Xiaobei is afraid that he can’t sleep well.

After bidding farewell to Xiong Biao, Wei Xiaobei left the City God temple, closed his eyes, and the figure was constantly transparent and eventually disappeared into the air.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei to open his eyes again, has returned to the arrived reality.

The two Common Persons are waiting behind the window and the door, and seeing Wei Xiaobei appearing without moving, it is like two statues.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh, no matter how he adjusted the Gene of Common Person, the Common Person cultivated was not very intelligent.

Although I can do some things myself, it is still very old-fashioned when I perform the Wei Xiaobei mission.

Of course, it’s good to say that these Common Persons are used as cannon fodder. If you put them out to perform their own tasks, I am afraid there will be a lot of trouble.

The matter of White Pagoda County has come to an end for Wei Xiaobei.

However, before leaving, Wei Xiaobei went to Xiong Biao’s home, but Xiong Biao repeatedly asked when Wei Xiaobei was leaving.

In fact, even if Xiong Biao does not say, Wei Xiaobei is also ready to see.

Undoubtedly, Xiong Biao’s parents didn’t know about Xiong Biao, a buddy classmate.

Xiong Biao’s parents are extremely old at this time, and the only one who has leukemia is castrated. This is a heavy blow to any parent.

However, after hearing the classmates of Xiong Biao, the two old people were extremely enthusiastic and hurried to make a good meal. Well, the bear father was originally one of the best chefs in White Pagoda County. Although this technique is no match for Wei Xiaobei, It is already very strong.

After eating and drinking, Wei Xiaobei tempted to invite the two old men to go to Wei Family Island and affirmed that it was caused by Xiong Biao’s dream, and hoped that Er Lao would not disappoint Xiongg Biao’s mind.

Well, if you change the object, I am afraid that the other party will sweep Wei Xiaobei out of the house directly, but Xiong Biao’s parents believe this.

After helping the second old to slightly clean up some things, Wei Xiaobei drove back with the two old move towards Green Lake City.

As for those Common Person, Yin Bing, Wei Xiaobei asked them to find their own car and rush back to the security base of Green Lake City.

Although these Common Person’s brains are not good, but those sinisters are not stupid, this is also an experiment. If the squad and the Common Person can cooperate well, then the Common Person is more useful.

At this time, the rumors of the Monster attack on Green Lake City have spread, so there is basically no car on the highway to Green Lake City. (To be continued~^~)

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