Chapter 735, lore! (seeking a monthly pass)

The third chapter is sent! This poor Daoist found that I can go to the restaurant now, why no one likes to eat? It must be that they can’t appreciate it! for sure!


The huge spear is faster than the speed of Arrows, and even in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, just a flash, the next moment, White Fog Dragon Spear hit the six-winged angel projection!


The lighting energy condensed on the huge spear suddenly Eruption! Turn into a group of fiery plasma, spread out, and wrap the six-winged angels!


Arrived at this time, the six-winged angel was the first to make a scream!

But in the next moment, the call was interrupted, and the projection of the six-winged angel suddenly burned to the ashes in the plasma of the Eruption.

It was busy dealing with the pterodactyl phantom of lightning in the sky. At this time, the whole phantom became unstable, just like the TV with poor signal, phantom began to be weird.

Undoubtedly, after the six-winged angel projection was killed, the strength from the body of the six-winged angel was also interrupted. Not to mention that the phantom was completely condensed, even if the existence of the phantom was impossible.

Seeing this change, the face of the pale City God can not help but a big joy, and then speed up the movements of the hand, lead more lightning down, want to completely defeat the phantom.

But at this time, some people are not willing to let City God know.

Wei Xiaobei, who was looking at the fall, was straightened to the body, and the right hand grabbed it. The huge spear, which was slanted into a pile of ashes, disappeared and disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already returned. Wei Xiaobei Right hand.

“Current Eruption!”

Wei Xiaobei At this point the body is completely close to collapse, but its will is extremely firm. In the roar of his roar, the whole body once again filled a trace of wire current, and between moments, the current that permeated again moved away from huge spear.


The huge spear flew again and turned into a silver dragon, and inserted the phantom’s chest before the phantom was hit by the last lightning bolt.

Arrived at this time, the shape of the phantom has become stable, and its eyes move towards Wei Xiaobei. But I couldn’t make any light beam, but it was the first time I spoke: “A sinner!”

But this sentence has not been finished, the lighting energy contained above the huge spear is Eruption, and it is turned into a plasma that is constantly spreading out, and the phantom is completely defeated!

Just at the moment when the phantom was completely defeated, Wei Xiaobei, who was too weak to stand, could feel a pair of angered eyes staring at himself from a distant place.

If you can, the eyes will tear themselves into pieces.

“Unfortunately, you can’t do anything!”

Wei Xiaobei haha ​​smiled, even if the hot blood spewed in his mouth.

After the interest rate, the eyes slowly disappeared. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t support it anymore, his eyes were black and he fell to the ground.

at this time. From the ashes of the six-winged angel projection, a little faint golden light flew out and was waiting to escape. Who would like to know that from the fallen Wei Xiaobei, there was a suction, and in a twinkling of an eye, the golden light would be I sucked it and pulled it.

Wait until the golden light spot is integrated into Wei Xiaobei. Xiong Biao arrived.


The City God, who saw Wei Xiaobei’s last blow, seemed to stay in it for a long time, until it was only when he was robbed of a lot of money. He pointed to Wei Xiaobei and screamed.

But in the end, City God can only helplessly sigh.

Things have come to an end, and they have paid the price, but they have not received the benefits, and who they are. I am afraid that my heart will not be comfortable.

Not to mention the sorrow of City God’s heart, Wei Xiaobei, a coma, was stunned for seven days and seven nights.

That Xiong Biao is enough for the buddies, and they are guarding Wei Xiaobei in a step-by-step manner. I was afraid that it would hurt Wei Xiaobei.

Finally, Wei Xiaobei woke up slowly. I only feel that the eyelids are like a huge stone. I can’t open it. I feel like there is a fire in the throat. It is very dry in the mouth. There is no pain in the whole body. It is like being repeatedly trampled by a group of elephants. All over the place.

I seem to have killed the Six Winged Angels?

Wei Xiaobei The scenes of his coma emerged in the faint mind.

Yes, I finally killed the six-winged angel, and even the phantom that pulled the body’s strength was killed by myself.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but want to laugh cheerfully, but this laugh even dragged the lungs, and even a burst of pain came, Wei Xiaobei violently coughed.

“Xiaobei ?Xiaobei, are you awake?”

Wei Xiaobei, who couldn’t open his eyes, heard a familiar shout, then a cup of arrived mouth, warm water hitting his lips, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but take a sip.

Comfortable! comfortable.

A few mouthfuls of water went down, comfortable but comfortable, but then there was a sharp pain, and Wei Weibei’s face was twitching.

Fortunately, thanks to this convulsive blessing, Wei Xiaobei finally opened his eyes.

What I entered was the worried face of Xiong Biao.

“You brat, almost didn’t scare me to death, um, I haven’t already died once?”

Xiong Biao was happy at this time and was incoherent.


Wei Xiaobei didn’t know how to speak at this time. When he nodded slightly, he turned his attention to himself and began to look at his own body condition.

Sieve……. This is the first impression after Wei Xiaobei saw his body condition.

To put it simply, there are wounds everywhere, and there are two penetrating wounds in the chest and abdomen, and there are countless tearing wounds inside.

At this time, the real mercury infiltrated by the meridians is in line with the strong resilience of the body, and a little bit of the heterogeneous energy that invades the wound, the so-called Bright strength.

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei’s strength at this time is only 10% at the peak, or Wei Xiaobei does not even have the strength of standing.

Even a normal person is better than this. This is the status quo of Wei Xiaobei.

I sighed that this did not hang, and after my vitality was strong, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the Attribute Panel that emerged from the arrival of the mind.

Name: Wei Xiaobei

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 21 years old

Creature Rank : 4 Star Elite (Feature: Soul Series. Note: 4 Star Life Form level is up to Calamity level!)

Camp: Shu Han

Position: 100-Man Commander (Zhao Yun Jun)

…… ..

When Wei Xiaobei saw the Creature Rank, he couldn’t help but surprise.

I was promoted to the 4-Star elite without knowing it!

This is a very good surprise.

Wei Xiaobei under the pressure, continue to look at it, the attribute has not changed, this is what it should be.

After being promoted to the 4-Star elite, the character changed from the law series to the soul series.

Features: Soul Series {based on the powerful soul strength, direct attack on the soul of other Life Form, thus obtaining a series of soul attack effects (soul power, soul shock, soul kill), note: the feature release will be based on The soul attack effect consumes its own soul. }

In fact, the soul pressure inside, the soul shock is basically equivalent to the previous law series.

Through a slight attack on the soul of other Life Forms, blindness, silence, etc. can be achieved, and if the degree of soul attack is increased, the soul impact effect can be achieved, which is equivalent to the range of Intimidate.

As for the soul to kill, it is to directly destroy the other soul.

There is no doubt that this soul series is a lot stronger than the law series, but only one thing, Wei Xiaobei is not satisfied, any soul attack effect will consume its own soul!

Well, although Wei Xiaobei has a full understanding of the literal meaning of the soul, it has not been able to understand what the soul is all about.

However, Wei Xiaobei also knows the importance of this soul.

To put it bluntly, without a soul, people will hang up.

Therefore, this soul series looks very powerful, but in fact, Wei Xiaobei really does not dare to use it.

Of course, perhaps the previous series of law will also consume the soul, but did not introduce the forget it.

Wei Xiaobei saw a big increase in Evolution Points, um, 4500 was increased, and arrived 7000.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei focused on the Battlelog.

Let Wei Xiaobei be surprised to find that the phantom of the six-winged angel turned out to be the Creativity Rank of 4-Star Terror, thus contributing 4500Evolution Points to himself with his projection.

In addition, I also got a group of six-winged angels!

However, Wei Xiaobei looked at the whole body and did not find where the origin of the group was.

Just guessing if it was absorbed by the beads in Dantian.

Because the beads in Dantian have a few gold in the fire red, and the real mercury that is sprayed also carries a trace silk gold.

The most direct evidence is that after the real mercury permeates the Meridians, it dispels more than half of the Bright strength attached to the wounds, while the remaining half of the Bright strength is absorbed by the true mercury, making the gold inside become more and more It is bright.

However, after absorbing the origin of the six-winged angel, Wei Xiaobei and the body of the six-winged angel are considered an endless relationship.

As long as Wei Xiaobei appears in the place where it can be sensed, then the body of the six-winged angel will appear to be chased!

Well, Wei Xiaobei is not afraid of it.

There is an old saying that is good, the debt is not too much, and the scorpion is more than not biting.

Until now, Wei Xiaobei has had a strong offense, um, to say a lot.

However, I am still alive and kicking. As long as my own strength continues to increase, I don’t have to worry about those who are hostile to myself.

After studying his own body for a while, Wei Xiaobei felt a little tired, and an uncontrollable drowsiness came to mind, making Wei Xiaobei sleep.

In the next three days, the days of Wei Xiaobei are probably embarrassing.

When you wake up, take some Treasure Grade food from the Storage Ring and eat it, then fall back and sleep. (To be continued~^~)

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