Chapter 694, just abuse it (see the monthly ticket)

The third chapter is sent! This poor Daoist is fighting for Eruption today! Not much to say, go to the code word!


What makes Wei Xiaobei amazed is that the softness of the tentacle, Wei Xiaobei knows, not to mention such a hard cement, even if the tofu is not necessarily able to poke a hole.

On the muant dock, the soft tentacle is gently poked, and a hole appears on the cement surface. More tentacles protrude from the concrete surface of the move to the mutant dock.

The cement block quickly fell into the body of the mutant dock, like a small animal falling into the quicksand, disappearing a little on the surface of the cement, and when it disappeared completely, there was no trace left on the body of the mutant dock.

Arrived At this time, Wei Xiaobei knows that all that is needed is to wait.

Wei Xiaobei can feel that as the cement block fits into the body of the mutant dock, both are in a state of drowsiness. This is probably a stage of mutual integration. As for how long it takes to complete the fusion, Wei Xiaobei is not clear. After all, this is the first. Times.

Huang Kun also battled the crabs on the beach with those core disciplines.

Wei Xiaobei called Huang Kun straight.

Huang Kun is happy to do this kind of thing that can easily get a lot of benefits, so when Wei Xiaobei called it in the past, Huang Kun had some regrets.


How many more people came out from Master? One of them is still a big bald head!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei called the two Fire Drakonids, and he didn’t have time to stay here, so they let the two Fire Drakonids guard the mutant dock.

After all, this mutant dock is in the process of integration, without any self-protection ability.

Wei Xiaobei See Huang Kun for some interest in the two Fire Drakonid, just introduce it.

Huang Kun was really a bit stunned.

Huang Kun has always admired the ability to master Master’s various strengths. But the means to create a Life Form is beyond the expectations of Huang Kun. Is this going to be the rhythm of God?

Ok, anyway, this is my own master!

In the mind of Huang Kun, I was a little bit ok. The more my master, the more comfortable the disc is.

It is no wonder that the wolf dogs are so big, Huang Kun understands this time.

Wei Xiaobei called Huang Kun for one thing. Let Huang Kun swim with those core discipline learning.

Well, here, just kill those little crabs, it is impossible to promote to 3-Star.

After all, those little crabs are not endless, and at most they give them a cushion. After the strength is increased to 2-Star Terror, the benefits will be reduced to almost nothing.

Therefore, these core disciplines include Huang Kun, and they will all go to the sea in the future.

Of course, just throwing them into the sea is definitely not working.

I want to go to the sea. I have to swim first! And you have to swim very fast!

Wei Xiaobei needs to go all the way around the sea, so the matter is handed over to Fire Drakonid.

Anyway, I am tossing in this area, and I don’t have to worry about the problem with the mutant dock.

Huang Kun is the head of the island’s garrison department on the Wei Family island. Wei Xiaobei’s second discipline is naturally the first to go.

Wei Xiaobei Just after leaving, the hairy Fire Drakonid grabbed Huang Kun’s collar.

Although Huang Kun knows that this Fire Drakonid is a Life Form, it is difficult to treat each other as a human-robot. When the opponent grabs the collar, he immediately screams: “What? Why? Ah…..”

Well, the vibrato in the back is the sound that Huang Kun gave when throwing it into the sea.

Huang Kun said that he would swim a little, but it was tossed in the swimming pool, and now he was thrown into the sea by the Fire Drakonid. It was a bit confusing.

I planted a few meters into the depth of the sea, grabbed some hands and feet, and even drank a few mouthfuls of sea water.

Fortunately, Huang Kun experienced a lot of time in this Dust World. After a panic, he forced his mind to calm down, and then moved to the sea to swim.

Just floating out of the sea, Huang Kun desperately pressed his stomach and spit out the sea water he drank.

The taste of this sea can be uncomfortable. In addition to being salty, there is another bitter taste.

Well, people who drink too much of this stuff are electrolyte-disordered.

It was hard to spit out the sea water, and Huang Kun felt a dark shadow passing by. a trace bad feelings come to my heart, the next moment. This is not good enough.

Huang Kun only felt that the legs were pulled, and the whole person sank.

Fortunately, the other party did not hold Huang Kun all the time. When Huang Kun punched, the other party let go.

Next, the hard days of Huang Kun are arrived.

As soon as I floated on the surface of Shanghai, I didn’t take two breaths, I was dragged by the other party, and then Huang Kun struggled to fight off, floated on the surface, and was dragged down.

This cycle, not long after, Huang Kun is dizzy, 2-Star Terror’s strength can not be played out in the sea, arrived, finally, exhausted, like a dead dog, was dragged to the mutant dock By the side.

Arrived at this time, Huang Kun only sees the other person’s face, that is, what Fire Drakonid, no wonder the other party feels that the contact is very hot when they grab themselves.

Just as Huang Kun was resting next to the mutant dock, the core disciples also started to be bad luck.

Starting from the 2-Star elite, down the number, even Reflex time is not, just one of the two Fire Drakonid was thrown into the sea.

After that, whether it will swim or not, there is no basis, it is a replica of Huang Kun.

Of course, everyone is different and handled differently.

If you can swim, you will be tossed for a while, until you are thrown to Huang Kun like a dead dog.

If you can’t swim, it’s miserable. After a few stops, before being thrown into Huang Kun, the Fire Drakonid grabbed his ankle and shook it, shaking out the water that he had drunk before.

Those few people who couldn’t swim were so strong that they almost spit out their hearts and lungs. When they were thrown around Huang Kun, they couldn’t move their little fingers.

It wasn’t long before the core disciples were flooded, and the two Fire Drakonids drove them to the beach.

When they came to the beach, these core disciples were immediately attacked by crabs.

Of course, the core disciples who have become accustomed to the crab attack have been suffocated before, but after a break, they are fighting for the dragon and the tiger.

But it didn’t take long for the two Fire Drakonids to start throwing people into the sea again, and the first one was wheeled Huang Kun.

Huang Kun didn’t even have a chance to protest, and he was thrown into the sea again.

Seeing that Huang Kun has been so cultivated, those core disciples have no thoughts on protest.

Is the protest useful?

I don’t know what the two guys are doing, and the strength is too strong.

There was also a core discipline that wanted to resist, and the results were not even on the side of the family.

But then again, after the water has been poured several times in turn, even the most dry ducks that can swim will become swimming, and they will know how to protect themselves after being thrown into the sea.

No way, don’t try to learn it, look at Huang Kun Senior Brother.

After five times when they were thrown into the sea, the swimming skills were greatly improved. Like the fish in the sea, the two guys did not drag their legs, just arrived at the time to throw them into the sea.

Well, in fact, if these core disciplines can view the attributes like Wei Xiaobei, you will find that there is one more skill in the skill bar of Huang Kun Senior Brother!

Swimming (Tempered)!

Under the brutal training of Fire Drakonid, the pain of drowning forced most of the proceeds after killing the crab to be converted into swimming. While the swimming skills were activated, this skill was also greatly improved.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is running easily on the sea. He doesn’t know the pain of his own disciples and even the core discipline. Of course, even if he knows, he will arrange it like this.

Only in this way can they quickly master the way and the rhythm of swimming in the sea, even fighting!

This is all for them to be good, always better than they are killed by the monsters in the sea.

Wei Xiaobei’s first goal was the coral reef of the White Fog shrimp.

Originally the site of the Long Belt Monster King, it was waiting for Wei Xiaobei to sneak into the sea and see the original coral reefs disappear.

There is only a pile of coral reefs in the center that supply White Fog shrimp, and the white Fog prawn all around looks like a small number.

Wei Xiaobei communicated with the seemingly weak White Fog Shrimp, only to know that this problem is still on his own.


The reason is very simple. To say that when these White Fog safari shrimps reached their peak, the number exceeded hundreds of millions, swept all around and was invincible!

Even a shark demon, Monster King, coveted the site, with thousands of large and small sharks killed, and these white Fog prawn shrimps have just turned over.

No way, this White Fog is too many.

Those shark demons look murderous aura, fast and fast, full of teeth, I am afraid that even if the crab demon encounters, one can go down, can get rid of most of them.

At first, those scorpions were not able to see these White Fog safari shrimps. The number of them was a fart. When they went down, they swallowed hundreds!

But it didn’t take long for these sharks to go into the shrimps to know how bad it was.

In addition to the shark demon Monster King squatting with his own Demonic Qi, with a hundred hearts and abruptly fleeing, the remaining shark demon were directly wrapped in dumplings by the shrimp group, and they could not escape at all, all were lighted, even the skeleton Did not stay.

But this White Fog succulent shrimp, defeated in this number.

The food required by hundreds of millions of dinosaurs is also massive. After the all around food is lighted, it continues to move towards all around.

However, this kind of spread is also limited. After all, these porcupine shrimps have a special connection with the shrimp mother, probably to prevent the succulent shrimp from rebelling and not being too far away from the shrimp mother.

Together with Wei Xiaobei, the range of activities of the White Fog Shrimp is limited. In the end, a large number of prawn shrimps have no food to starve.

Now, the millions of prawn shrimps survive on the coral reefs and some food that they accidentally broke in. (To be continued~^~)

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