Chapter 693, Terror of the beach (question ticket)

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A core discipline is probably compared to bad luck, and the hand stretched out to hide in the sand near the crab, caught in a pliers by a crab, and was shocked.

“Seeing it on the beach will release it.”

Several core disciplines hurriedly picked up, but more people laughed.

No way, as the core discipline, even the weakest guy in the real world is a first-class Martial Arts expert. How to say it is under the experience of Dust World, practicing the inner Inner Energy level.

The Martial Arts expert was bullied by this little crab, and it was a bit funny to say it.

And the relationship between the people is good, but the usual interactions are mutual damage, and when I see the core discipline, I laugh aloud.

However, the crab in Dust World is somewhat different from the reality. On the beach, the crab refuses to loosen the pliers, but it is tighter.

The core disciples couldn’t be sore, and the left hand’s big knife fell shackled, and the crab immediately became two paragraphs.

Fortunately, after the crab was smashed in half, the pliers were loosened by themselves, but the pliers were so pinched that they were so bloody.

When a drop of blood dripped on the beach, the beach suddenly became turbulent.

“Āiyā! The shit’s crab dared to attack me!”

Another core discipline was called, and his heel was caught by the crab buried in the gravel. However, his Reflex was not slow, and his legs were back, and the crab that dared to offend the tiger was killed.

But in this case, it made his heel bleeding, of course. For the core discipline, such a small injury is nothing.

But as the second person bleeds, the bloody breath spreads, and there are countless bumps on the beach.

After that, the screams of the core discipline sounded again and again.

It wasn’t caught in the heel, it was pinched on the finger, and even a core discipline that was kneeling on the beach and ready to find the shell was caught in the nose.

The Huang Kun who led the team found something wrong and hurriedly ordered: “Everyone immediately evacuates the beach! Speed!”

With the voice of Huang Kun, those core disciplines also found something wrong. How come there are so many bumps on the beach, which is obviously weird!

Everyone began to evacuate the beach.

But at this time, the bloody breath brought by several core discipline injuries has made the crabs that are quietly hiding in the beach become mad.

No way, these crabs are not considered monsters, but they also carry a trace of the monster’s bloodline, which has a natural hobby for human blood and human nutrition.

At this time, I saw that these mobile nutrition products wanted to leave. Those crabs were able to get stuck, and they rushed out of the gravel, rushing to move toward the nearest human being.


When I saw the beautiful beach, I was rushing out of the dense crab. Even Huang Kun felt a back hair.

No way, as long as it is human, there are some intensive phobias. Especially in the original clean beaches, there are layers of crabs waving in the blink of an eye. The inside is red, yellow, blue and black, and there is an inexplicable vomiting feeling.

Everyone even climbed and fled the beach, but fortunately, the crabs were fierce, but they did not follow the plan to chase the desert.

Relative to warm and humid. The beach with lots of food, the dry high-temperature desert is simply the hell of humans.

After everyone escaped from the beach, they couldn’t help but look at each other.

Some people have a pair of pliers on their noses, some with two crabs on their buttocks, what toes, heels, and crabs on their knees. The most terrible one, a key part of the following is actually hanging a crab!

Ok, seeing this scene, even Wei Xiaobei, who is checking the situation of the mutant dock, can’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

As long as it is a man, there will be an irresistible pinch impulse for this scene.

Fortunately. Although this crab is fierce, the pliers are powerful. But these core disciples are not vegetarian, they hurt a few times, and they also killed the crabs that were caught on them.

There is no hate to report non-gentlemen!

At the moment, there is no need for Huang Kun to mobilize, and those core disciples are smoldering in the eyes of the beach.

Whoever is replaced by this little crab is bullied, and there will be a raging anger in my heart.

However, when approaching the beach, these core disciplines became extremely cautious. After connecting the broadsword to the arbor, forming an Azure Dragon slashing knife, they lined up in a row, standing on the edge and taking pictures on the move towards the beach.

They are not fools. To deal with these little guys, no doubt, using the knife to go and shoot is much stronger than the blade.

The crabs on this beach don’t know what’s going on, and the number is amazing.

This row of knives fell, and a row of juice spattered on the beach.

Of course, the attack of these core disciples immediately alerted the crabs, crawling out of the gravel, and surrounded the core differences.

This time, the core disciples were not as embarrassed as before, and gradually stepped back. The big knife on the hand continued to move towards the crabs that came in, and they were able to shoot several times at a time.

Even Huang Kun has joined the ranks of the battle, but Huang Kun’s Diamond Mace is more suitable for dealing with these little guys than the core cutters.

The heavy impact effect on the Diamond Mace is not very useful for dealing with these crabs, but once the shock effect is activated, the sand will be spattered around in the blink of an eye. It is like a myriad of bullets that can shuttle back and forth, and a large crab can be transferred in a blink of an eye. Clean up.

Of course, such a shock effect can also cause accidental injuries, and Huang Kun has to occupy a small beach alone.

Not long after, those core disciplines enjoyed the benefits of the crab.

Although the benefits of the Evolution Points conversion after a crab kill is very poor, but the number of people can not stand.

A crab 3 point, ten is 30 points, one hundred is three hundred points!

When everyone can’t resist too many crabs and return to the desert for twenty or thirty meters, when the crabs return to the beach like tides, it is surprising to find that their strength has increased a lot.

After this fight, the crabs were mixed with the gravel after the knife was smashed, and the sand at the edge of the beach turned directly into a mud.

On average, on each human head, the number of dead crabs is probably no less than three or four hundred.

Thousands of Evolution Points, scattered to the attribute table according to each individual’s situation, to the extent of these core discipline 1-Star elite to 2-Star elite, is not a small gain, at least can clearly understand their own changes.

Before, everyone did not think of this, but now, after discovering their own changes, these core disciples look at the beach like a hungry wolf looking at a piece of fat, or the hungry fox saw the pink and cute little Chicken.


The pain that was previously pinched by the crabs dissipated, and the rest was just the pursuit of strength.

Even Huang Kun is not a small gain, after all, for the 2-Star Terror’s Creatition Rank, the Crab’s Evolution Points are not much weakened.

Wei Xiaobei turned to look at the core disciplines that once again rushed into the beach and couldn’t help but laugh.

I have to say that these guys are too embarrassed at this time.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s attention at this time quickly turned back to the mutant dock.

The strength of this mutant dock has grown a lot during this time. It has been broken into 2-Star Terror, faintly touching the XrimX-Star’s normal edge, and its activity ability has been greatly improved compared to before. Shrink or extend a portion to take a small range of activities.

But this is all an unconscious activity for it.

Overall, this mutant dock has grown very well.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s calculations, if the mutant dock is broken into 3-Star, the mutant dock cement block on his hand may be difficult to integrate.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to go in time.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei pressed his left hand on the mutant dock, but the right hand took the mutant dock cement block.

With the appearance of this mutant dock cement block, the mutant dock suddenly became a bit violent from the peace, and its emotions were somewhat scared, but there were some expectations.

Wei Xiaobei knows this. Although the mutant dock has no intelligence, it also has some instinct similar to the beast. For the mutant dock cement block, which has the ingenuity and might control itself, it is more vigilant and awakened. It is.

Fortunately, this mutant dock has become accustomed to the existence of Wei Xiaobei. After Wei Xiaobei’s slight appeasement by his left hand, the fear of tenense has faded a lot.

It’s important not to let the mutant dock generate fear and fear. Otherwise, the mutant dock cement block is difficult to fit into the mutant dock.

Although the mutant dock cement block is already smart, in some ways, it is higher than the mutant dock.

But the Creature Rank of both is there, an 2-Star Terror and an 1-Star.

Simply put, this cement block is like an Avatar of the mutant dock, but with its own ingenuity, the fusion process is the blank sense of the cement block’s ingenuity to enter the mutant dock, but if the mutant dock resists, then It can resist the invasion of cement blocks casually.

It’s that simple.

In order to appease the mood of the mutant dock, Wei Xiaobei even took a bite out of the nutrient Agricultural Market’s Heart Nucleus and smeared it on the mutant dock.

This mutant dock is like a little Doggy who was just born, and when it is eaten, it becomes a joy.

After his mood was stable, Wei Xiaobei put the mutant dock cement block on him.

The cement block was so soft that it was placed on the mutant dock, just as the mouse was thrown into the Mikuri, and a soft tentacles protruding from the rounded body poked on the move towards the mutant dock. (To be continued~^~)

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