Chapter 390, Thousand-eyed Monster!

The third chapter appears…..Is there a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket, and an evaluation ticket?


This half of the Evil Thought mermaid is fierce, and he bite into Wei Xiaobei’s hand.

If you change to Wei Xiaobei and just entered Dust World, this is probably the ability to bite Wei Xiaobei’s hand to a piece of meat, but now Wei Xiaobei’s left hand is lightly pinched, and the half of Evil Thought’s mouth is I can’t bite it, and I struggled with pain.

Wei Xiaobei reached out with his right hand and grabbed the half of the Evil Thought mermaid’s head.

puff! A burst of sound, half Evil Thought mermaid’s head was pinched by Wei Xiaobei, the next moment, disappeared into the air, but was earned by Wei Xiaobei storage bag.

In this cycle, it wasn’t long before Wei Xiaobei’s storage bag had twenty-and-a-half Evil Thought mermaid, and the benefits of Evolution Points were much reduced as before. The original ENUM Thought mermaid of 10Evolution Points was weakened. Go to each 2 point.

After that, Wei Xiaobei’s black beetle that was thrown into the water never caught anything.

Wei Xiaobei knows that the half Evil Thought mermaid has been vigilant.

Since he couldn’t catch half of the Evil Thought mermaid, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the question of seduce the Thousand-eyed Monster.


A piece of Wei Xiaobei didn’t know where to find the boulder, with a whistling sound, slammed into the water, splashing a wave, but when the boulder fell to the bottom, the Thousand-eyed Monster did not appear.

Wei Xiaobei would like to go to the bottom of the lake to see, but there is no doubt that the bottom of the lake is the home of the Thousand-eyed Monster. If there is no absolute grasp, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to take risks.

He can predict if he is going to the bottom of the lake. The best result is that the wolverines flee, and the worst result is that they can no longer come back.

And after launching the ability of Decisive, Wei Xiaobei has strengthened his idea of ​​staying at the lakeside and has not easily ventured.

Previously, Thousand-eyed Monster appeared twice, all related to the black beetle.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei compiled a finer net bag with the reeds on the lakeside and then returned to the rental street.

After the black beetles appeared, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the black beetles into the net pocket.

These black beetles are not the actual beetles that only know how to climb around. After the first black beetle was thrown into the net pocket, the sound of the tree root being bitten in the net pocket, listening to its momentum, the tree root may not last long.

Wei Xiaobei Where did he dare to delay, his hands flashed again and again, and a black beetle fell into the net pocket like a raindrop.

Soon, the net pocket was filled with more than half, and Wei Xiaobei couldn’t care so much, move towards green lake.

Wei Xiaobei threw the black beetle into the water before the black beetle was about to bite the net.

With these hundreds of black beetles into the water. Struggling desperately, the first half of the Evil Thought mermaid appeared on the lake.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t have any soft hands at this time, huge spear caught in the hands. It is like lightning, and it is pierced again and again.

The half Evil Thought mermaid, which appeared on the lake, was stabbed by huge spear and brought back.

These half-Evil Thought mermaids were strung together like a candied fruit on the tip of the gun. They struggled hard and made a sharp and screaming sound. It shocked Wei Xiaobei’s sharp eardrum.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei now has Willpower up to 40 points. At the root, it is not affected by the illusion of half Evil Thought screams. If it is changed to the first encounter with these guys, more than a dozen Evil Thought mermaids on the tip of the gun screamed enough to let Wei Xiaobei eat. Great suffering.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t stand the noise, and had to shake the spear shaft with his right hand. A shock ran down the spear shaft, and after a short time. Those half Evil Thought mermaids are simultaneously buzzing.

Just like this, the half Evil Thought mermaid was stunned.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s hand is used to deal with these small-sized Monster.

Retract the huge spear and kill the half Evil Thought mermaid in the storage bag.

Huge spear after vacating the gun tip. Move again towards the lake surface.

After a few rounds, the half Evil Thought mermaid that appeared on the lake disappeared. These Monsters were either stabbed to death by Wei Xiaobei, or they swallowed a few black beetles and sneaked into the water to disappear.

Yes, Wei Xiaobei nodded and stabbed more than 50 Evil Thought mermaids before and after. The harvest was not bad. The only regret was that the Evolution Points were so poor that only a hundred points, Wei Xiaobei did not. Willing to count the number behind the hundred digits.

But the harvest is limited to this, and the appearance of these half Evil Thought mermaid did not attract the Thousand-eyed Monster.

This makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat confused. Is it Thousand-eyed Monster moving house?

Although the Thousand-eyed Monster lives in this green lake and looks like an aquatic Monster, it cannot be ruled out that it has the ability to move on land.

Well, Wei Xiaobei wants a quick fix, jumps into the lake from the lakeside, the water on the lake is shallow, just flooding Wei Xiaobei’s calf, moving forward, the depth of the lake begins to rise, and soon it is extended. Wei Xiaobei’s waist.

Arrived this place is not as safe as standing on the lake.

Wei Xiaobei looked around all around, and the fluctuation of the water flow was noticed by him. The right hand stretched out and the water splashed. The next moment, Wei Xiaobei put a half-Evil Thought mermaid on the surface of the water, gently pinched it, pinched his head and put it Income in the storage bag.

Wei Xiaobei’s move seems to irritate the timid and half-hearted Evil Thought mermaid.

In the next few minutes, the lake next to Wei Xiaobei seemed to blow up the pot, and the ripples created by the half-Evil Thought mermaid almost made Wei Xiaobei unable to identify the number of attackers.

I have to say that this half Evil Thought mermaid, although the Creature Rank is only the 1-Star elite, but it also has its own trump card.

One careless, Wei Xiaobei’s calf was bitten by a half Evil Thought mermaid.

Although the sharp teeth only bite the leather layer of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit of itching when he feels bitten.

Half Evil Thought The mermaid’s teeth are poisonous!

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the half Evil Thought mermaid, but found that his teeth had fallen off and he was firmly biting on his lap.

Wei Xiaobei has never been bitten by this half of the Evil Thought mermaid, so it is not against the other hand.

Just grabbing a half-Evil Thought mermaid, more half Evil Thought mermaid swarmed, almost Wei Xiaobei as a piece of fat in the water, want to take a bite.

Less than three weeks before and after, Wei Xiaobei’s calves were filled with half Evil Thought mermaid, and more than half Evil Thought mermaid move towards Xiao Xiaowei directly.

To say that the toxins carried by the Evil Thought mermaid teeth should be fatal to ordinary people, but for Wei Xiaobei, who has a strong resilience, there is not much damage, but it is a trouble.

Itching and numbness make Wei Xiaobei’s itchiness, which is difficult to maintain, until the toxins are completely clear.

That is to say, if Xiao Xiaowei is bitten by a bite, and does not say how the injury will be, it is an unbearable feeling of itching and numbness.

Your sister!

Wei Xiaobei immediately exploded, the invisible current instantly spread from the skin. In the twinkling of an eye, the half Evil Thought mermaid within 20 meters of Wei Xiaobei all around was turned over by white belly, and beyond The half Evil Thought mermaid within ten meters is not affected by the white belly, but it is also affected by the strong current. The body that swims fast at a time becomes very slow.

Wei Xiaobei’s current Release Electricity is much stronger than before. Even if it is just a normal discharge, most of these semi-Evil Thought mermaids will be taken down.

Next, Wei Xiaobei kept the state of Release Electricity and put the half Evil Thought mermaid, which had been turned over by white belly, into the storage bag.

It must be said that Release Electricity is a good move, Wei Xiaobei all around the lake, this time filled with white belly half Evil Thought mermaid, there are no more than a thousand.

That’s it, Wei Xiaobei has earned more than two thousand Evolution Points.

Although I have earned so many Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei is very painful.

If this scene is on your own 2-Star rating, then the Evolution Points you earned are just over two thousand points, but multiplied by five! More than 10,000 Evolution Points!

Of course, at that time, Wei Xiaobei’s Release Electricity ability was not so strong, and I am afraid that it would be difficult to directly kill these half Evil Thought mermaids.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei’s mood has also improved a lot.

Just after receiving two hundred pieces, Wei Xiaobei suddenly stopped taking the hands of half Evil Thought mermaid, eyes moving towards green lake and looking away.

There, a powerful power, moving towards this side quickly moved over!

Thousand-eyed Monster!

It should be Thousand-eyed Monster!

There is no doubt that these half Evil Thought mermaids should be the favorite food of the Thousand-eyed Monster, and now its favorite food has been moved!

After discovering this, the Thousand-eyed Monster was killed.

It should be like this, Wei Xiaobei thought of the imposing appearance of the Thousand-eyed Monster in his mind, and his hands moved again.

The bodies of these half Evil Thought mermaids are all good ingredients, and Wei Xiaobei is not willing to waste.

The next time, it is not necessary to find these half Evil Thought mermaids. Wei Xiaobei has a keen sense of foreboding.

It will always come!

Wei Xiaobei has smashed half of the half-Evil Thought mermaid body, and a black hill that quickly rushed into the lake.

Wei Xiaobei The Muscle of the whole body suddenly tightened slightly, at least the legs kept moving forward and backward.

Sure enough, it is Thousand-eyed Monster!

Wei Xiaobei recognized the black hill that was washed in the distance at a glance.

The whole is like a black whale floating on the water. The whole body is covered with erect eyes. The pupil of the eyes is yellow, which gives a fierce sense of evil.

Although Wei Xiaobei saw the appearance of the Thousand-eyed Monster so clearly for the first time, the eyes of the Thousand-eyed Monster were undoubtedly confirmed. (To be continued~^~)

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