Chapter 389, Half Evil Thought mermaid = ingredients?

The second chapter is sent!

“Wang brother, is there something?”

Perhaps it is more experience, Dan Bing’s voice has become a bit magnetic, this is what he had dreamed of before, to know that when you pick up a girl, the magnetic sound is very cheap.

Of course, after a little maturity, Dan Bing didn’t have much happiness.

“Do you have a familiar antique expert?”

Wei Xiaobei immediately asked.

“Which aspect?”

The following dialogue showed that Dan Bing was indeed maturer than before. Instead of taking a big bag as before, he asked carefully, but he did not ask Wei Xiaobei in the inquiry.

In fact, this is the reason for doing things. If it is a big package, it will not be able to do things well, but it will delay the business.

“The armor of the European ancient Roman war.”

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and then went back and said it in more detail.

After all, there are too many European countries. If you don’t explain it, I am afraid it is difficult to find relevant antique experts.

“In the period of the Roman War, I went to the Department of Archaeology at Green Lake University to ask.”

Dan Bing had a score in his heart and gave Wei Xiaobei a reply.

After handing over to Dan Bing, Wei Xiaobei temporarily turned his attention back to the meat of Red Bi.

After looking at the storage bag, Wei Xiaobei found that in addition to the meat of Red Bi, the more precious ingredients in his hand, there are spirit rice from the Land Temple, pickles, and the last two Finest Quality barbecues. .

There are too few materials to choose from.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and it was not enough to make better dishes on these ingredients.

As a senior chef with a cooking skill of Arrived Near Perfection, even more thinking can be used to get the answer.

It seems that I need to search for some ingredients.

Lying on the lounge chair, Wei Xiaobei began to recall in his mind. From the time I first entered Dust World to the last time I left Dust World, Monster, plants and so on I saw in Dust World, I spent all my time in my mind.

Goblin, Fishman, half Evil Thought mermaid, black beetle, zombie, mutant mouse. Treant Young Sprout, descendant of Sacred Beetle, black python, crow, ancient Roman infantry… Shang Fu, Thunder Worm, Licker, Fire Crow ….. Torvosaurus, Frost Giant, Big Dryad. Thousand-eyed Monster, Flying Divine Spear…..Blood Ba Snake larva, Bright Sacred Beetle. Mutant Agricultural Market, Longbo People …….

There are too many Monsters I have seen, and there are nearly a hundred in the front and back.

But there are not many things that can be used as ingredients.

For example, the humanoid Monster like goblin and Fishman should theoretically be used to make dishes, but the problem is that even Wei Xiaobei himself can’t eat well.

This is equivalent to eating human flesh. Wei Xiaobei, who grew up at least in the culture of China, was slightly unacceptable.

As for zombie, Licker, Flower-Spreading Battle-Axe, Flying Divine Spear, can that be eaten?

The ingredients initially selected by Wei Xiaobei are half Evil Thought mermaid. Although this thing looks like a human being, it still has some gaps with the human form. And the semi-Evil Thought mermaid essence left behind after being killed can enhance the Character Attraction 0.1, Attractive Appearance 0.2, and such Monster, its meat is definitely not a product.

And the dinosaur series. Dang Kang Wild Boar, reindeer. Fire Crow and other meat-like Monster are naturally good ingredients.

To say that the ingredients that are the easiest to start with now are half Evil Thought mermaid, and by the way, the old account of the Thousand-eyed Monster can be counted.

Wei Xiaobei, but I will not forget that I almost fell into the hands of Thousand-eyed Monster. If I fell into the hands of Thousand-eyed Monster, I would be more uncomfortable than death.

Thousand-eyed Monster is 3-Star Terror Creature and 3-Star Terror. Although it has some gaps with 3-Star Terror Creature like Flying Divine Spear, but Wei Xiaobei has it. Confidence and the Thousand-eyed Monster pull the wrist.

As usual, after dinner, Wei Xiaobei drove to the construction site of the old rental street.

Perhaps the project leader had smashed it. The guard saw Wei Xiaobei’s off-road vehicle coming over and hurriedly stepped forward to open the door. He even asked Wei Xiaobei if he didn’t ask.

But if you want to come, Zhou Xingyuan’s license plate number should be more famous inside the DHL group.

At this time, the site was eating. When Wei Xiaobei came over, the project leader immediately invited Wei Xiaobei to eat some working meals together.

Wei Xiaobei knows that people are just polite for it, and if they really lie on their faces and eat, the scene is a bit embarrassing.

After the rumor declined the invitation, Wei Xiaobei went straight to his office.

Closing the door, the noise outside was immediately shut out. The last purchase of the green lake had a surplus for ten years. Wei Xiaobei put a few bottles from the wire bed, opened the bottle and poured a big tea. In the jar, I put it to my lips and drank it.

The cool liquor is poured into the throat and flows into the stomach. It instantly turns into a group of Flames burning.

After the interest rate, Wei Xiaobei’s mind began to faint, and the body seemed to be on the bed. It began to be transparent and eventually disappeared into the air.

…… ..

Wake up… Wei Xiaobei looks around in a circle.

I was still lying in the empty space covered with white ash, but a new building appeared not far away.

A steel-framed bungalow building looks very familiar. Wei Xiaobei thinks a little, and even if he thinks about it, is this bungalow building not a canteen on a construction site?

With a gentle glimpse of his legs, Wei Xiaobei stood up from a squid on the ground and stared at the cafeteria for a while. Nothing was found.

When Wei Xiaobei entered the cafeteria, nothing was found, and the layout was exactly the same as the dining hall in reality.

However, in the end, there is no second building in this area except the canteen.

Wei Xiaobei stood up and thought for a while, guessing that the appearance of this canteen should be related to the skill of the canteen chef. The people are eating for the day. Perhaps this canteen is deeply impressed in the minds of those workers, so it appears in Dust World.

Of course, this is just Wei Xiaobei’s guess for it.

The building suddenly appeared in Dust World, not necessarily the same as Wei Xiaobei’s conjecture.

Since there is no abnormality, Wei Xiaobei has not stayed too much here, slightly recognizing the direction and moving towards green lake direction.

With the movement of Wei Xiaobei, the white beetle began to climb out of the white ash.

The last time these black beetles were all invested in the green lake, Wei Xiaobei thought that the black beetles were all hanged. I didn’t expect these time to pass, and when they came in again, the black beetles appeared again.

These black beetles don’t know whether they are proliferating, or Dust World’s own heavy freshman.

When Wei Xiaobei passed by, one foot stepped on, and the pus chī’s worm burst came, just like a small blisters were smashed.

Wei Xiaobei took a look at the Attribute Panel and his face was a bit green.

Compared to the previous black beetle 0.25Evolution Points, the current black beetle has only 0.01 per head!

Undoubtedly, like this ordinary human can deal with a black beetle of the Large group, after Wei Xiaobei’s Creature Rank is upgraded to 3-Star Terror, the profit reduction is extremely extreme, that is, Wei Xiaobei is going to kill one. A hundred black beetles can get 1Evolution Points.

This rate of return is almost gone.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have much thought to deal with the black beetles that climbed out of the ash pile. Just when they left, they grabbed hundreds of their hands, twisted their heads and put their bodies in the storage bag. .

Wei Xiaobei is going to take the black beetle back and try it out to make a sauce or to fry.

These black beetles are fierce, but they are also succulent. In reality, insects like this can be used to make sauces or deep-fried.

Move towards green lake In the past, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that the distance between the green lake and the lake had been shortened.

The reason for this shortening in distance is that the scope of the rental street has been reduced.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not have time to check the underlying reasons for this, and soon came to the edge of the arrived green lake.

Compared to the previous, the green lake area has been widened, and Wei Xiaobei has visually observed that it is about twice as wide as the actual green lake.

You must know that the green lake area is not small in reality. The total lake surface is more than ten square kilometers, which is one thousand hectares.

In an inland city like Green Lake City, such a lake is already a big lake. After all, it is not a land in the south of the Yangtze River. There is no such thing as Taihu Lake and Chaohu Lake.

In any case, standing on the edge of the lake with an area of ​​more than 30 square kilometers, you can see it at a glance.

The lake is very calm at this time, and there is not much difference between it and the reality. It is even quieter. In reality, the green lake all around is full of teahouses, restaurants, and many viewing communities. For the sake of boiling, where will be quiet now.

For the calm of the lake, Wei Xiaobei was prepared to take out a few black beetles that had lost their heads from the storage bag, wrapped them with Tree Monster tree root and dropped into the water.

Next, Wei Xiaobei gently shakes the tree root from time to time, so that the dead black beetle shakes in the water, just like a living thing.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei felt the tree root sinking down slightly, his eyes gazing through the water, but he didn’t find anything, but he did not hesitate in his hands. After pulling hard, the tree root was pulled out of the water, at the end, a long The strange fish with the human head was also pulled out of the lake.

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of. The half Evil Thought mermaid can be integrated into the all around environment in the water, so that the naked eye can’t see it directly.

One and a half Evil Thought mermaid!

Wei Xiaobei stepped forward and didn’t wait for the half Evil Thought mermaid to fall to the ground, his left hand extended, and he grabbed himself in his hand. (To be continued~^~)

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