Chapter 382, dragon’s pool and tiger’s den (monthly ticket)

The first chapter is sent, this poor Daoist can ask for a referral ticket?

This ability needs to be tested. Only when you are familiar with the ability can you better use the power of this ability.

Of course, before this, Wei Xiaobei needed to deal with these cockroaches.

Before switching to it, Wei Xiaobei would never include these cockroaches in the cooking ingredients.

But when I remembered at the Illustrating Restaurant, Huang Jun said a word when making a table of thousands of worm feasts: “As long as there is meat, then you can serve as ingredients.”

To be honest, when Wei Xiaobei watched Huang Jun to make those ugly bugs into dishes, the understanding of this sentence was quite deep.

There is no doubt that even the crickets, crickets, sea worms, etc. can make dishes, so how can this meat not be?

Although the blood in the body has a strong corrosive effect, it does not mean that the blood cannot be removed. Even if there is blood left in the meat, it can be removed in various ways.

When you think about it, you know, in order to taste the taste of puffer fish, how many ways have the chefs come up to remove the poison in their bodies from ancient times to today?

In short, Wei Xiaobei is very optimistic about the dishes made with clam meat, after all, this is 2-Star Terror Monster!

And from a certain point of view, the bird meat is better than the meat of the land animal, and the nutritional value is much higher, such as the difference between pork and chicken.

But then again, after the thirteen heads were loaded into the storage bag, Wei Xiaobei frowned, taking up nearly half of the space in the storage bag.

Fortunately, in this storage bag, Wei Xiaobei’s previous barbecue and so on are not many.

After tidying up the corpse, Wei Xiaobei began to return.

Calculate the time. The soldiers also entered Dust World for the first time, and there was not much time to stay.

After a quick retreat, Wei Xiaobei summoned the soldiers, told them how to leave Dust World, and reminded them of possible encounters if they returned to reality.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei will not forget to say that he will go to rescue them. The only requirement is to let these soldiers postpone the time to leave Dust World as much as possible.

to this end. Wei Xiaobei also distributed all the remaining barbecues.

In fact, these soldiers are not fools. I have already analyzed seven seven eight eight eight things about what I might encounter after returning to reality.

Indeed, the master is right. After returning, there is no way to explain so many people, the problem of the disappearance of weapons and equipment, then these survivors will surely become victims.

In order for those guys to get intelligence, inject yourself into these people with confession agents that can lead to idiots!

Thus after Wei Xiaobei stated. None of the soldiers are willing to go back in advance.

Besides, stay here for a while and improve your strength. After returning, even if the owner is far behind, he may have the possibility to escape.

After arranging the soldiers, Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate to lie on the sand, closed his eyes, and left his heart.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s body began to be transparent, the soldiers waiting on the side. Can’t help but stared wide-eyed one by one.

To be honest, after entering Dust World today, the weird things they have encountered have surpassed the sum of their lives!

God, have you done something wrong?


When Wei Xiaobei opened his eyes, there was an inquiry outside the door: “Mister Wei, are you okay?”

This is the voice of the project leader.

Although Wei Xiaobei did not enjoy the same treatment as Daxie, but Wei Xiaobei did not appear in the office for several hours, which really worried the project leader.

After all, this man is said to be the relationship of the boss above. Although it does not require much preferential treatment, if there is a problem, hey, pursue it, the board on his ass will not escape.

“Nothing. Sleeping!”

Wei Xiaobei At this time, it is naturally impossible to open the door and be full of blood. If you open the door, I am afraid that the person in charge of the project will be scared off half a life.

Therefore Wei Xiaobei’s tone is quite impatient, as if he has just been woken up, he is getting up.

Upon hearing Wei Xiaobei’s answer, the project leader suddenly let go of his heart and no longer disturbed the guest’s rest, but after leaving, the curse of Wei Xiaobei was naturally unstoppable.

If you change to someone, you will be worried about each other with kindness and dedication.

Wei Xiaobei naturally couldn’t manage the mood of the project leader, and looked at the simple steel structure room, could not help but frowned the head.

There is no doubt that in this place, you don’t want to have an indoor bathroom, the public bath is on the first floor.

Of course, bathing can only be a trivial matter. Wei Xiaobei immediately picked up the phone and called Dan Bing to help him buy a ticket to Hawaii as soon as possible.

This kind of thing should have been for Wei Xingwu, but Wei Xingwu was too busy during this time. Although the Security Corporation was established, it took a lot of time and effort to get into the formal channels.

Don’t say anything else, just the training of ordinary security guards is enough to waste a lot of time.

Half an hour later, a refreshing Wei Xiaobei appeared in the green lake airport lounge.

Wei Xiaobei The method of taking a bath is very simple. First, use the sanding ability to moisten the dried blood. After washing most of the blood, wash it directly with the pure water in the water dispenser, then use the sheets to solve the rest. Finally, Collect all the blood-stained things into the storage bag and destroy the dead.

But even so, when Wei Xiaobei left the construction site, the wolves that were shackled at the door of the construction site still moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

No way, the sharp nose of the wolf dog can still smell the thick bloody smell of Wei Xiaobei, which makes them immediately turn into a panic of turning away!

On the plane, the huge passenger plane moves towards Hawaii and flies away.

Looking at the white clouds outside the window, Wei Xiaobei screamed. The damage caused by bathing blood in Dust World had been restored under the incomparable resilience. The question is how to save people in Hawaii. Human head pain.

However, Wei Xiaobei believes in one sentence, that is, there must be a road to the water before the mountain.

After a few hours of flying, Wei Xiaobei’s life was first on the Territory of the Hawaiian Islands, known as the Pearl of the Pacific.

The welcoming sun continues to scatter the hot sun and welcomes Wei Xiaobei, an uninvited guest.

The blue waters of the sea, the golden sands, the towering coconut trees, the gorgeous hotels, the girls in the grass skirts, all make people feel that life is so beautiful.

During the stay at the hotel, whether it was the waiter at the service desk or the casual girl in the hall, move towards Wei Xiaobei handed out a small note.

The above may be a phone number, perhaps a room number.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei, although purely looks, can’t be called handsome, but after Courage is promoted to 20, the charm focused attribute is also promoted to the expanded 14.14. In terms of overall charm, Wei Xiaobei has exceeded most men. A lot.

And this is easy to attract those women.

If it’s okay, Wei Xiaobei might have a mood for a romantic trip to Hawaii, but now, at the thought of needing to rescue 13 soldiers from the heavily guarded military camp, Wei Xiaobei felt a headache.

After all, Wei Xiaobei may be able to easily enter and leave the US military camp alone, but if they bring 13 soldiers, although they have gained a lot of benefits in Dust World, they are much stronger than ordinary soldiers, but they still at least It is beyond the scope of ordinary people, so the risk of this is imaginable.

Fortunately, at Dust World, Wei Xiaobei has received sufficient intelligence from the soldiers.

As the 25 Infantry Division based in Hawaii, its strength is mainly arranged on several large islands and some small islands.

The first battalion where the soldiers are located is placed separately on G Island.

Although G Island is not wide in area, it has water resources, so it is more than enough to station a battalion.

As the first battalion falls into Dust World, the G island should be extremely emptied!

Even after the Sam’s military discovered that the first battalion had disappeared, it was impossible to send troops to take over G Island, and it was impossible to achieve the strictness of the first battalion.

According to Stephen’s guess, within three hours of the first battalion’s disappearance, things may be discovered. After that, it should be sent to the second battalion to take over the military camp, but the number is up to two, and then the brigade. Long and even higher-ranking senior officials may ask the Navy to assist in the search at sea. Eventually, things should be handed over to the Military Intelligence Bureau, where the Military Intelligence Bureau sends inspectors to investigate the matter, and when Stephen and others return to reality, The strength of G Island should not exceed one company.

But Wei Xiaobei needs to rescue Stephen and others within 24 hours, otherwise they may be transferred to other places to hold the trial.

In short, it sounds like the situation seems very optimistic, but Wei Xiaobei knows that a camp of four hundred people disappeared! As soon as this matter is conveyed, the hexagonal building will be alarmed!

Perhaps within 12 hours, Stephen and others returning to reality will be sent to a tighter place!

The time spent on planes and so on, totaled more than six hours, which means that in the last six hours, Wei Xiaobei had to save people and escape.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei saw the situation before the plane landed, and the situation was quite optimistic. At least the number of warships on the sea, the number of helicopters is small, perhaps they have searched for a wave, and now they are slightly relaxed.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei picked up the room phone, and a string of sounds like singing: “Hello, gentleman, what service do you need?”

“Help me rent a speedboat.”

“Okay, sir.”

Hawaii’s tourism service industry is extremely developed. Soon, Wei Xiaobei took a speedboat and began to wander around the sea with the sun that was about to fall into the sea. (To be continued~^~)

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