Chapter 381, change! Sanding ability! (seeking a monthly pass)

The third chapter is sent! This poor Daoist went to rest on the old arm and leg. Today it warned this poor Daoist that if you don’t rest, you will torture this poor Daoist, pity.

This Yu Lifu is also a veteran of the veterans, and his service years are only two years less than Stephen.

In short, if a veteran like this is put in the society and wants to do something, ordinary people will never be able to defend themselves.

Although most of their combat experience is based on modern firearms, there are some things that are connected.

Wei Xiaobei gave Stephen a look around for the descendants of Sacred Beetle, killing himself, but not leaving the two-kilometre command, then move towards the red mountain range.

Before the arrival of these soldiers Dust World, Wei Xiaobei needed to kill more cockroaches for bathing to improve their two Special Ability.

After all, the problems of these soldiers after returning to reality, Wei Xiaobei must be solved, otherwise, if these soldiers were detained by the USA military, they would not be of much use to themselves.

Wei Xiaobei, who is running fast, magnifies the power of Perceptive Sense, which will greatly shorten his stay in Dust World.

But for Wei Xiaobei who only wants to kill, it is not a big problem.

Soon, the coffin of a black giant clam under one of his claws appeared within Wei Xiaobei’s field of vision.

When Wei Xiaobei saw the cockroach, the other side undoubtedly discovered the Wei Xiaobei who rushed.

What makes Wei Xiaobei so stupid is that the smashing root did not attack the enemy, but turned and moved towards the distance to escape.

How is this going?

Then Wei Xiaobei sniffed the smell of his body and couldn’t help but patted his head.

I have forgotten myself. I have just bathed twice in blood, so that the obvious stimulating taste drifts with the wind. The cockroach is naturally not a fool, and naturally feels the hidden murderous aura of the arrived Wei Xiaobei.

Can kill many of his own strong players, swearing to be stupid will run to attack each other.

Although he escaped, Wei Xiaobei did not give up and still followed closely.

If you switch to Red Bi, Wei Xiaobei has long been chased.

But the speed is not fast, Wei Xiaobei is chasing and keeping close to the distance.

See Wei Xiaobei, the more chasing it, the screams of high screams. Then he dropped the black giant python on his claws in an attempt to increase his speed.

But by the current Wei Xiaobei staring, it is really difficult to escape.

Wei Xiaobei quickly chased the underside of the arrived, and the straight line distance between the two was no more than forty meters.

Wei Xiaobei Slightly determined, and the right hand raised, huge spear would be like a silver snake in the blink of an eye, and went straight to the head.

Before and after the rest of the time, huge spear penetrated from the abdomen and penetrated the other half before stopping.

The donkey was hit so badly. Where can I fly and scream, and move towards the sand.

at this time. More than ten heads appeared in front.

Undoubtedly, these cockroaches were summoned by the seriously injured cockroaches.

To be honest, when we changed to Wei Xiaobei at 2-Star, the only choice was to turn around and see the more than ten heads.

But now, Wei Xiaobei not only did not escape, but the right hand stretched out and grabbed the Diamond Mace from the storage bag. The legs slammed into the sand, and move towards a squat that was swooping down quickly.

Wei Xiaobei’s rich 颙Blood Qi interest can make a stunned turn and escape, but any Life Form is group-conscious, when their number exceeds a certain level, even if they are ants, they have the courage to move toward the elephant. Launch an attack!

The distance between the two sides is close to the speed of the naked eye.


Arrived At this time, even Wei Xiaobei’s naked eye is difficult to determine the distance between the two sides in a short time, just relying on Early Warning Reflex. I pulled the Diamond Mace move towards the head.


A boring crash came.

Wei Xiaobei was smashed back at a faster rate than in the rush. In the blink of an eye, he broke into the sand and buried most of it.

But the cockroach seems to be even more miserable. Wei Xiaobei smashed his claws directly and touched the belly of Diamond Mace. Suddenly it was shaken out of a hole, and the blood continued to drift with the wind.

And insist on less than two time. The donkey was planted in a move towards the sand.

Less than a minute before and after, Wei Xiaobei hit two heads, and this strength is not weak even in 3-Star Monster.

But the rest of the pressure root did not pay attention to these, continue move towards Wei Xiaobei dive, full of twelve heads, dive down, just by weight, I am afraid to Wei Xiaobei directly into a meatloaf.

Wei Xiaobei can break the steel, but it doesn’t mean his body is now steel!

The three-meter-high squat dive down, and its kinetic energy is quite large. If you do not consider the deceleration to take off again, it may even exceed the impact of Dang Kang Wild Boar.

Of course, if this is the case, you will also smash yourself and die.

However, Wei Xiaobei looked at these embarrassing actions, but he really did not care about himself and wanted to drag himself down.

It is said that Wei Xiaobei now has some pain in many parts of the body, but still his hands and legs are suddenly exerting strength, and they have smashed themselves out from the sandy ground, and then they rushed to the ground and instantly saved more than ten meters. After those smashing impacts.

Hearing the dull sound of the smashing sand and the sand, Wei Xiaobei took care of his own pain, and when he mentioned that Diamond Mace turned around, he rushed up.

Pumping! Hey! Pumping! Hey! ……..

Repeatedly, Wei Xiaobei only used these two tricks, continually twitching Diamond Mace, grabbing a cockroach is a mammoth, slamming.

Less than two minutes before and after, Wei Xiaobei put three heads, and the hard-nosed stunned on the sand. Of course, the more bad luck is the other two heads. When he was hit by Diamond Mace, he won the prize. The shock and the double effect of the slamming appeared one after another, and they were immediately killed on the spot.

But the battle did not end, and the remaining seven heads, there are move towards Wei Xiaobei, and they were desperately fanning their wings.

In short, a mess.

Wei Xiaobei is now completely Warning Reflex is manipulating the body, Diamond Mace keeps falling, as long as the Life Form in front of him is an enemy! A glimpse!

I don’t know how long it took, maybe ten minutes, maybe twenty minutes, and the two shackles who were slightly injured could no longer support it and turned and fled.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei also refused to take care of the two heads of the escape. He turned around and moved to the front of his own huge spear.

If you don’t pass, the blood on the head will probably be shed.

Grasping the spear shaft, Wei Xiaobei lifted the cockroach over the top, then his hands trembled, and the blood slid down the spear shaft, and Wei Xiaobei was covered with a hoe.

The familiar pain and pain spread throughout Wei Xiaobei.

With his eyes closed, Wei Xiaobei looked for the second head of the arrived, and he used the blood to bathe the whole body.

The bloody baths of the time and time make Wei Xiaobei’s skin and body gradually change.

Finally, after the third bloody bath, Wei Xiaobei felt the whole body itchy, just like the long flesh, but this itch, Wei Xiaobei can still bear the teeth.

Soon, Wei Xiaobei saw two Special Ability changes on the Attribute Panel.

Thirst Endurance and Skin Absorbing Water, both from Elementary level to Intermediate.

Undoubtedly, after being promoted to Intermediate, these two Special Ability have improved a lot. Thirst Endurance can store more water in the body, and Wei Xiaobei’s tolerance for thirst will be greatly improved, and Skin Absorbing Water will be improved. More obvious.

Wei Xiaobei can even feel the contact between the skin and the air, the moisture in the air is quickly extracted, and the pleasure of using the electric shaver after grinding the beard for a while. No different.

But this did not meet the requirements of Wei Xiaobei, which is not enough.

Wei Xiaobei, with his eyes closed, quickly lifted the body of the fourth head, and went to the blood bath as usual.

The fifth head, Sixth head, seventh head.

When taking the seventh head, Thirst Endurance and Skin Absorbing Water were promoted again, from Intermediate to Advanced.

As usual, these two Special Factors reinvigorate the effect.

To be honest, after a long bathing, Wei Xiaobei felt that his skin was about to lose his sense of touch.

This kind of like a bubble in the aqua regia, the body is repeatedly corroded feeling can not be very good, although the no match for Muscle recombination pain, but after the itching sensation, repeated intertwined, enough to make any normal person mental breakdown, pleading for mercy .

Wei Xiaobei also has no self-torture tendency, so he can only endure his teeth.

There are also six heads!

It will soon pass.

Wei Xiaobei comforted herself and continued to abuse herself.

Soon the blood in the last scorpion poured down and Weiobei was completely bloody again.

But this time, Wei Xiaobei’s face involuntarily revealed a trace smile, just like the pain is a kind of happiness.

At this time, the Attribute Panel has changed again.

Flame Resistance (Basic): After several bloody baths, Thirst Endurance has undergone a change. The host passively resists the high-temperature below two hundred degrees Celsius and even the direct flaw of Flame, which weakens half of the damage to more than two hundred degrees Celsius. -temperature or Flame has the effect of weakening one-third of the damage, and this ability to advance requires the bathing of a higher Creature Rank related to Monster’s blood.

Sandification (Basic): Skin Absorbing Water has undergone a change after multiple bloody baths, and the host can be extracted within one meter of the center radius, including but not limited to air, Life Form. This ability to advance requires the bathing of a higher Creature Rank related to the blood of Monster.

Undoubtedly, these two Special Ability are much stronger after the mutant than before!

The first is Flame resistance, which can weaken Flame damage. For Wei Xiaobei, it is undoubtedly the basis for victory against some Flame Monster.

And the ability to desertify, if used properly, its power may not be as fast as the release of current! (To be continued~^~)

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