Chapter 1685, White Bull

After this chapter was updated, this poor Daoist went to sleep, everyone good night.


Of course, this person is not the body of Wei Xiaobei, but a gold Uva Avatar, but this does not matter.

Jinu Avatar Barabara said a lot of words, probably means that I accepted the request of the China Parliament and came to save you. As for how to report it, you should understand it yourself.

This is not a lot of Wei Xiaobei.

It is said that good things don’t leave a name, but in Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, this is not a good thing, then you need to leave the name.

Otherwise, if these guys take credit for themselves and lie to credit, Wei Xiaobei is not making a wedding dress for this time?

After Wei Xiaobei left, the two divisions were only sighed in relief.

No way, the gas field of this suddenly appearing guy is too strong.

Standing in front of him feels like standing in front of a giant beast, and there is always the danger of being swallowed by one bite.

“Brother, is this a matter of course?”

After the teacher of the 203 division touched the sweat from his forehead, he asked with a bit of rigidity on his face.

“Complete? Report it truthfully, this credit, we are afraid we can’t eat it.”

The master of the 205 division touched the back of the military uniform that had been wet with sweat, and could not help but tremble.

To say that in the past, this has been swallowed up, and it has not been done.

In Tianzhu, being able to become a teacher, there is no family background behind him is absolutely impossible, even if it is a little trouble, the family behind can easily be smoothed out.

But now, the situation is different.

Looking at the momentum of Wei Xiaobei, I know that this guy is not good at arguing, let alone China.

If this credit is swallowed up, probably even the family behind them can’t keep them.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei who left didn’t know the psychological activities of the two teachers, but he was very confident about the matter. He couldn’t dare to swallow this merit with the two guys who didn’t look good. .

I don’t mention the fact that China has promoted the relationship between the two countries. Wei Xiaobei walked on the sea, and his nine gold Avatar narrowed the body type and stopped on his shoulders. Fighting.

To say that these nine-legged Jinwu are all Wei Xiaobei’s Avatar, the relationship between them is quite complicated, and because of their different personalities, there are often some battles.

However, Wei Xiaobei has no opinion on this. In any case, the nine-headed Avatar is part of him. Even if it is fighting, it is also internal dispute for it.

The reason why Wei Xiaobei stepped into the Shanghai area was completely chasing the a trace of the monkey god.

Compared with the breath left by the demon king, the atmosphere left by the monkey god, um, is more fresh and easier to identify.

It must be said that these existences from Dust World are easy to leave traces of reality in reality.

And the traces they left in Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are almost like the lights in the night.

Unless the time is long, these traces of breath are covered by the rules of reality.

It is almost 600 kilometers away from the sea. Wei Xiaobei can see a lot of Dust World Monster.

The largest number of them should be the “dragons”, which are unbridled in the ocean, frantically greedy to prey on the Life Form in the ocean.

It can be said that according to this trend, in the next three years, the entire Tianyuyang will be occupied by these body type huge Life Forms, and all marine life forms will be swallowed up!

In addition, the dense island is filled with various Dust World Life Forms.

There are eight in the public, Kaloulou, and Ashura, which are the most common. They will fight for a large-scale battle of Eruption on an island from time to time. In addition, the existence of Kaloulu also breeds those “dragons”. Has caused a certain impact.

As for the other eight groups, they rarely appear. They may be the reason for the number and are not willing to participate in this kind of battle.

In addition to the eight members, Wei Xiaobei can also see some so-called sons of God from time to time.

Well, the so-called Son of God is the descendant of the gods in the myths and legends of the Scorpio.

For example, the descendants of the Ganesha that Wei Xiaobei had seen before.

Now, Wei Xiaobei also sees descendants of other gods.

No, just as Wei Xiaobei passed near a small island, a white giant with a body type of more than 30 meters was drilled from the small island. No matter what, no, move towards Wei Xiaobei ran all the way.

Giant cow?

Wei Xiaobei followed a Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand on the giant bull.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei knew the identity of this giant bull.

The descendant of the god cow Randy.

Wei Xiaobei has done a lot of remedial lessons on this mythology before, so I saw the mythical record of the four words of Shenniu Randi.

Speaking of the god cow Randy, you have to say one of the three main gods in the myth of Scorpio, Shiva!

The god cow Randy is the mount of Shiva.

In short, Shiva is the god of destruction in the myth of Scorpio, so all the demons and monsters are actually his subordinates.

It is said that in the myths and legends of Tianzhu, the famous ten demon kings are also his subordinates. Therefore, the war between the ten demon kings and the monkey gods and human beings is actually the war launched by the three main gods by their hands.

The elephant head god mentioned before is the son of Shiva, and the other son of Shiva is the god of war.

In the Buddhist classics, Shiva is a great freedom, the Lord of the Three Thousands!

In short, Shiva is almost the same status as Sanqing in the myths and legends of Tianzhu.

And what is the situation with its mount Niu Randi, you can refer to Qing Niu.

Of course, if it is the appearance of the god cow Randy, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat cautious, but this is only the descendant of the god cow Randy, and at least three generations later.

Its strength is not 4-Star Terror, Wei Xiaobei is not able to find anyone to ask about this all around, this white giant rushed out, Wei Xiaobei naturally will not let go.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s strength has not yet fully recovered, so he did not take the action himself, but to signal, then the three-legged Jinwu on the shoulders flew out.

When the three-legged Jin Wufei flew over the white giant bull, its body type suddenly swelled up, and the three sharp claws caught on the back of the white giant bull.

The white giant bull was suddenly attacked, and suddenly struggled, but the strength of the three-legged Jinwu was too big. The roots were not able to compete with the white giant bulls. As the three-legged Jinwu gently flapped the wings, the white giant bull was immediately lifted out of the sea. .

After leaving the sea, the white giant became more and more frightened, but it didn’t work at all, no matter how hard it struggled.

Until the three-legged Jin Wu brought it to Wei Xiaobei, the white giant cow had a human voice. Although it was only a slang, Wei Xiaobei could understand it.

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