Chapter 1684, overwhelming

I will update the chapter first. I am not in a good mood today. I am working hard on the codeword.


You know, most of the powerful Monster caught by Wei Xiaobei is not very good.

The more exotic blood is taken, and the gene pool is enriched. Although it has not been killed, at least 80% blood is taken out!

Although most of the blood has been let go after the blood is taken, after losing 80% of blood, these powerful Monsters may be awkward if they encounter strong enemies.

The meaty guy was dumped into the Storage Ring.

Monkey God Hanuman!

Wei Xiaobei silently recited the name in her mouth, and her eyes swept from the Alla around, trying to find the clues left by the monkey god.

From the inside, Wei Xiaobei is eager to see the monkey god.

Of course, the specific reason is that it is somewhat similar to Qitian Dasheng in Journey to the West.

Moreover, Wei Xiaobei speculated that this monkey god is one of the chief culprit in causing problems in the real rules!

And after Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was swept from Nadal, it was confirmed.

The port city does have the breath of the monkey god Hanuman, and the atmosphere it leaves does affect the changes in the actual rules of the arrival.

And those little monsters, the reason why the monsters move toward this port city, is to detect the residual atmosphere of the arrived Hanuman!

You know, these little monsters, the monsters are the subordinates of the ten devils, and the relationship between the ten devils and Hanuman has been said before, there is no need to say more here.

Wei Xiaobei’s brow wrinkled after observing it.

The Hanuman did not destroy the city like the demon king, which also caused the atmosphere left behind to dissipate. It would take up to half a month to dissipate.

In other words, Wei Xiaobei does not need to let Sanzu Jinwu once again fire here.

But those little monsters that have gathered together, the monsters will not let go of this port city with the Harnanman atmosphere.

But this does not have any relationship with Wei Xiaobei.

At least, Wei Xiaobei saw it this way.

If you think about it, you know that there are so many Monsters in the world, and they are still growing. Wei Xiaobei is even more powerful, how much can it be annihilated?

This is always for them to save themselves. What Wei Xiaobei can do is try not to let things get too bad, and even to China forget it.

And these little monsters are even more troublesome, Wei Xiaobei estimated that it can not affect China.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei tends not to save between being saved and not saving.

Anyway, there are a lot of troops near Nadal, and how many can still be on top for a while.

But as Wei Xiaobei prepared to leave with a three-legged Jinu Avatar, a string of necklaces around his neck rang.

Well, this necklace is actually a satellite communicator.

Since there are more Monsters in China and stronger strengths, Wei Xiaobei worried that he would miss some important news when he put the satellite phone in the Storage Ring, so he asked Xu Feiyang to ask for the satellite form communicator.

It is said that this is the latest research result of China’s special investigation team, and its signal reception ability is extremely strong. Even in the seabed of several kilometers, it can clearly receive the incoming signal.

The call was made by Zhu Xinyi, but the request was made by the China Parliament.

After listening to Zhu Xinyi’s remarks, Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned.

The Scorpio country originally had a total of thirty-six military regions. This time, in addition to a military region that had been destroyed by Monster, the remaining 35 military regions formed a joint staff and asked for help from China.

To be honest, before this kind of thing is changed to chaos, Scorpio is not going to kill.

But now, they inexplicably lowered their proud heads and convinced China to lose.

Of course, the essays on the surface will not be written this way. They will only write about what is considered and how they will be.

In fact, it is Tianzhu who bowed to China.

But then again, with the chaos before Tianzhu, these military districts were able to unite in less than a week, which really surprised Wei Xiaobei.

However, he did not know that it was because he let the three-legged Jinwu move the ruined city into a sea of ​​fire in one fell swoop. Only then did these military districts have to temporarily lay down their own interests and unite.

But it is conceivable that even if they are united, the conflicts between them will not disappear, and they may become more powerful.

The meaning of the China Parliament is that if you can, you can help.

Undoubtedly, it is possible for the China parliament to collectively decide to say such a thing. The military region that united that day said that it did not give China the promised benefits.

Of course, the meaning of the China Parliament is also very obvious. If you can help, you can’t help it. Everything is based on Wei Xiaobei’s safety.

After all, with the importance of Wei Xiaobei to China, the China Parliament is not likely to take away the benefits of the gods and lose their own sea gods.

In that case, the big interests are probably a loss, but that is the real loss of watermelon to pick sesame seeds.

Hanging up the phone, Wei Xiaobei pondered for a moment and finally decided to save!

This choice is very simple, the small monsters do not look at the huge number, it is also a threat to ordinary humans Giant, and for the existence of Wei Xiaobei, tens of thousands of small monsters are a group of ants.

Besides, Wei Xiaobei suddenly clear comprehension when he decided, and many things to do or not, actually determine the future direction of many things.

Just like the little monsters in front of you, if you kill them, you might probably attract the demon king or the monkey god Hanuman!

Well, the truth here is too complicated. Even Wei Xiaobei may not be able to make it clear at this time.

This kind of problem can be summarized in Wei Xiaobei’s level of fate, and this level seems to have gone far beyond the level of the rules.

Well, anyway, when Wei Xiaobei decided, the fate of the following monsters went into the countdown.

Clean up the little monsters below, and use the three-legged Jinwu to look a little extravagant, and the movement is too big.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei simply took out a Yggdrasil leaf-shaped paper from the Storage Ring, and the right hand extended, and the index finger suddenly condensed a little thunder and true mercury, and the lightning was swallowed.

For Wei Xiaobei, drawing talisman is like having something in it.

Gently clicked on the paper three times, then three points of lightning, the real mercury will remain on the paper, this is the head.

In the talisman drawing, the Futou is the faction of the person who marked the talisman, that is, who the worshipper is.

Usually, if the talisman draws three hooks, it means the Sanqing Dao. If these three ditches are under the command of decree, they represent the three realms, namely City God, Territory, and the founder.

In addition to the three-pointed hook as a notehead, there are also orders, orders, fire orders, etc. as the heads, all of which vary from fact to faction.

The three points of Wei Xiaobei represent themselves, one is the person, the other is Qing Mu Paradise, and the other three are three-legged Jinwu.

After that, Wei Xiaobei took a slightly deformed three-legged gold-wool on the paper.

This is the gall, this is the soul of the talisman, is to ask the god or the ancestor to separate a trace power can sit in this talisman.

To put it bluntly, whether this talisman can be fully effective, it depends on whether this can be done well.

And Wei Xiaobei, this Talisman asked for Revered God, no need to say, it is three-legged gold.

It will be painted as a three-legged gold jewel of the gallbladder, and Wei Xiaobei will even make a fork finish under it. This is the last step in drawing the talisman, which is the last step of the painter.

Of course, others drawing talisman need some rituals to assist, such as chanting mantras, taking eight steps, walking and so on.

Wei Xiaobei is not needed here. Anyway, the ancestors he invited are his own, and even communication is not necessary.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei to retract the finger from the paper, the talisman is drawn, and then the talisman suddenly reveals a faint lightning lightning mang, and then slightly outward, then thunder lightning I will retract it as much as I can.

Wei Xiaobei nodded with satisfaction.

To say this talisman, Wei Xiaobei is also the first time to draw, it is considered to be created while studying.

Originally, I didn’t have much hope, but who knew it was a success.

I just don’t know how much the power of this talisman can reach.

Any talisman needs to be tested after it is created.

At this moment, what better than the little monsters gathered below to serve as guinea pigs?

Grab the talisman and Wei Xiaobei then kicked the talisman out.

Huh, a soft bang, the talisman’s strong wind blowing over the sky quickly exploded after tens of meters.

With the burning of the talisman, a golden stream of light is drawn from the talisman, and in a flash, it turns into a small body type of small three-legged gold!

These three-legged Jinwu are very small, probably only the size of the fist, but the number is very large.

In just a short period of time, the talisman burned out and replaced it with tens of thousands of three-legged gold!

These three-legged Jinwu appeared extremely agile. After they had played together with each other, one of the three-legged Jinwu took the first move to the ground and swooped down. The remaining three-legged Jinwu immediately followed.

Good guys, when the tens of thousands of three-legged golden horns move toward the ground, the scenes formed are extremely spectacular.

From the ground, it is a dense golden meteor falling down!

The soldiers who were originally worried about the growing number of small monsters and the inner feelings of fear, the officers saw this scene, could not help but be stunned.

What’s happening here?

How come suddenly there is a meteor shower?

Of course, the people who saw this meteor shower were not only the soldiers stationed nearby, but also the citizens of the port city of Nadal.

Even some people faced this meteor shower and closed their eyes and made a wish.

Humans just think of it as a meteor shower, and the little monster in front of this meteor shower feels different.

As the squat of the Ten Devils, these little monsters are highly sensitive, and they feel the fatal danger of the arrested from this falling meteor shower.

Therefore, after a hustle and bustle, these little monsters did not think about it, and they turned and fled in the first time!

Yes, the little monsters are not heroic fighters. Although they are more powerful than ordinary people, they are indeed a group of rabble!

On the contrary, the monsters mixed in the little monsters had a bit of guts, and then they pulled out the whip and smacked the little monsters who wanted to escape. Some of the monsters waved their various weapons and rushed to the golden meteors that had fallen. .

But no matter what, those golden meteors fall very fast, hitting the ground in less than a few minutes before and after!

Bang bang bang bombing……….

A series of beating roars came, and the earth continued to tremble, just like an earthquake was in Eruption.

In the area where the golden meteor fell, all the little monsters and monsters died in the first time.

The dust filled and formed a mushroom cloud.

Seeing this scene, some of the ideas of Agility soldiers thought that someone had dropped the nuclear bomb.

The next moment, a golden light rushed out of the mushroom cloud formed by dust, and move towards all directions.

Those little monsters who were beaten by the monsters and plucked up their courage were preparing to burst into the dust, but at this moment, a three-legged Jinwu with a slap in the face rushed out from inside.

They are like a cannonball, and it’s easy to run through the chests of the little monsters and ignite them!

A slaughter will start soon!

In front of these three-legged Jinwu, the little power of the little monster is not likely to play any role.

Even those monsters with the strength of the awarded 3-Star are no different from the little monsters.

Looking from the sky, you can clearly see that tens of thousands of golden light spots are emitted from the dust, forming a ring of light, and the move towards spreads in all directions. Wherever they are, the monsters that are densely packed, the monsters are turned into The torch burned.

Less than five minutes before and after, the original monsters gathered together to prepare for the movement of the Modal to attack the monster corps disappeared, leaving only a pile of coke black can not clearly see the residue.

What’s happening here?

After the two divisions stationed on the outskirts of Namodar arrived here, all that was in sight was a piece of burning smoke.

Was it covered once by a heavy gun of a hundred and seventy millimeters?

The problem is that I don’t see any craters at all.

Is this an infighting between Monster or something else? The two teachers took advantage of their bare scalp and couldn’t understand it.

But at this moment, a person came down from the sky, and his body was shrouded in a faint light, like a god.

Seeing the emergence of this person, the two divisions are somewhat arrested. They don’t know what they should do?

Is the other person a god? Or something else?

Should you bow down or order an attack?

What will happen to this?

Are those little monsters killed by him?

But when the two teachers were hesitant, the man said: “Are you the highest level here? Forget it, it doesn’t matter whether it is, I am Wei Xiaobei of China….”

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