Chapter 1676, Scorpio

This poor Daoist feels that this notebook is going to be killed now, the earth, is it forced by this poor Daoist cell phone code word?


Time passes by, and the fallen Ashura is getting more and more.

The leader of Ashura was also unable to support at this time. He held a long knife that was broken and pressed most of his weight on the long knife. He gasped and tried to restore his strength in a short time.

And in its all around, the fallen Ashura’s body is everywhere, and more is a head of Monster.

These powerful Monsters are drawn from the burning fire, killing a head with a huge amount of Ashura.

The head of Ashura is so hateful, I know that this is the case, and I should not leave the Scorpio with the Horde!

If the tribe stays in Scorpio, it will be difficult in the battle with the other eight people, but it will not be destroyed as soon as possible.

It is their own greed that destroyed the tribe!

“Come on! Ashura never fears death!”

Thinking of this, the leader of Ashura pressed down the sigh of breath, and Move towards all around, Monster screamed.

But this squeaking seemed to break a balance. Monster, who was arrogant and arrogant, seemed to listen to the command of the arrived general attack, and then swarmed in, and drowned and shredded in the long knife of Ashura’s leader who was unwilling to wave!

At this point, an Ashura tribe died.

Wei Xiaobei, who was at high altitude, saw this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

To say that the fate of those Ashuras is already doomed to death when they attempt to enter China through the mountain range!

But this does not delay Wei Xiaobei’s use of them as guinea pigs, and tried to test the talisman that he has recently created.

It must be said that practice is the only way to verify the truth. This sentence is indeed the truth.

When those Ashura were abused, Wei Xiaobei also found out many shortcomings in his creation of talisman, which naturally provided Wei Xiaobei with a new idea for improving talisman.

Wei Xiaobei was also considering a problem when the head of the Ashura fell.

Is that whether you really step into the sky?

When I was in Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei didn’t worry about what would happen to him on this trip.

But at this time, when Wei Xiaobei just entered the territory of Tianzhu from high altitude, suddenly it felt like the world seemed a little different.

This small difference is not likely to be noticed by the level of strength such as Wei Xiaobei.

Well, to be precise, it is like a slight change in the salt in the sea, but such a slight change will not affect the survival of the Life Form, and even make the Life Form stronger.

Of course, this takes a long, long time.

After a little research, Wei Xiaobei discovered the origin of this change.

That is a slight change in the rules. In simple terms, the rules of reality are distorted by the award, thus embedding several new rules.

Of course, these new embedded rules have a weak influence on reality, but over time, these new rules are embedded in the reality of the Strong, which has a considerable impact on the reality.

Whether this situation is a natural change caused by the space barrier crush between Dust World and reality, or the impact of human influence, Wei Xiaobei is not clear.

But this change will make Asura and other eight people more adapt to the real environment, making the restrictions of the actual rules less!

No matter which kind of situation caused this change, Wei Xiaobei had to step into the sky.

Otherwise, this change will spread to China, and the problems that may result will be more Terror.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is not sure what kind of Reflex will happen after the combination of demons and monsters with this change, perhaps stronger, perhaps weaker, and may even lead to some changes in Terror!

Ok, Wei Xiaobei puts a breath out and starts moving towards the depths of the scorpio.

The territory of Scorpio is really chaotic.

In the past, the relationship between Scorpio and China was not very harmonious. As a result, both sides of the border zone were stationed with a large number of troops. However, due to the large population, Scorpio was relatively weak in combat effectiveness, and thus there were more troops stationed there.

However, after Wei Xiaobei went deep into the territory of Tianzhu about 20 kilometers, he did not see any Scorpio army. Some were only abandoned military bases, posts, and barracks.

There are no traces of fighting left in these abandoned military bases and so on.

Some are just some villagers who are looking for things in military bases.

Undoubtedly, these villagers have already used these places as a good place for Taobao.

Because there are no soldiers stationed, the villagers are looking red and looking for anything that can be taken away.

Air conditioning, TV, tables and chairs benches, cutlery, office supplies, clothes, etc., and even some people opened the basement of reserve arms!

It can be said that up to all kinds of home appliances, down to pots and pans, all kinds of things, as long as there is such a little value, will be taken away by these villagers, even the open iron gate, there are villagers who have made up their minds. .

Only because the iron gates are too strong and heavy, the villagers have no tools to pick up their hands, they can only give up.

Well, this is also a helpless thing. For these poor villagers, they have no property, so they naturally become crazy after getting this treasure hunt, so that Wei Xiaobei sees it later. A military base is Eruption a miniature war!

The two poor villagers may have fought for a certain baby they were watching, and they took a big take action. After both sides were injured, the fight was escalated into war. The two groups of villagers eventually used them from the military base. Modern firearms found inside.

For a time this gunfire erupts inside the abandoned military base.

However, for the soldiers of any country, the combat methods of these two groups of villagers seem so ridiculous.

Perhaps they were afraid of being hit by bullets. They hid behind the corner of the corner, behind the sandbags, etc. They lifted the rifle over their heads and pushed the trigger outwards. They did not pay attention to where the bullets flew.

Therefore, when both sides played hard, they did not hang up a person. Some were just a few wounded people left before the fists were added.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei looked at the so-called war that Eruption was frustrated by the villagers and the Eruption was not idle, but the situation in the mind was pondering the present.

From the traces left by the evacuation of these military bases, and without being attacked, it can only show where the troops should be ordered to evacuate.

It seems that the situation in Tianzhu has not completely collapsed, and there is still the possibility of a trace of salvation.

Well, Wei Xiaobei arrived, and the idea that was born at that time was almost a take action.

The reason is very simple. From those who attempted to cross the mountain range into China, it can be seen that the problems of Scorpio have spread to the surrounding countries!

If Wei Xiaobei doesn’t care about this and just wants to take a shot, then this is a big problem.

Obviously, if a group of Asura attempts to enter China, then there will be a second group, a third group and even more!

There will even be other guys trying to enter China.

For example, the other eight people, the other Monster in the myth of Tianzhu, even the evil god!

And this does not rule out whether the disappearing cow demon will do the same.

After thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei immediately revolved the mountain range and arranged some Common Person guards on the mountain range of the mountain range.

With the presence of these guards, it is impossible to intercept all those who attempt to enter China, but at least Wei Xiaobei can know what Monster has entered China.

Of course, these Common Persons are not a life-giving Life Form.

In the experiment of Qing Mu Paradise, Wei Xiaobei found a problem that didn’t know if it was a shortcoming.

That is, the life form that is endowed with the soul is no different from the normal cultivation of Life Form in the spiritual connection with Wei Xiaobei, but the progeny that it breeds will weaken this connection.

And the more generations that multiply, the weaker the connection between the offspring and Wei Xiaobei will be!

Of course, this is not to say that Wei Xiaobei can’t control the souls to cultivate Life Form. Those first-generation soul-cultivating Life Forms can’t get rid of control if they exist.

Of course, in general, these souls will not be rebellious in cultivating the descendants of Life Form.

After all, they live in Qing Mu Paradise, and Wei Xiaobei is the creator and master of Qing Mu Paradise.

However, the link between the descendants of Life Form and Wei Xiaobei is weakened, which also has a consequence.

The descendants of these soul-cultivating Life Forms can only form a large army, rather than being able to move as if they were cultivating a Life Form.

It is precisely this way that Wei Xiaobei will arrange the Common Person on the ridge instead of the descendants of the soul cultivating Life Form.

After arranging the line of defense on the ridge, Wei Xiaobei called Zhu Xinyi and told the situation here.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s phone call was a heaven-shaking for Zhu Xinyi.

There are still a lot of problems in China, and now there may be Monster in the sky.

Ok, Zhu Xinyi feels that his mind is about to blow up.

If you can, Zhu Xinyi is a bit of an impulse.

But this is impossible.

Therefore, Zhu Xinyi notified the matter after packing up her mood and mobilized some members of the special joint force and the descendants of the demons and monsters to go to the border.

Because of a call from Wei Xiaobei, China’s war machine started to work.

A large number of soldiers, tanks, rocket cars, etc. drove to the border areas, and even hundreds of fighters gathered in the past from other places.

In the era of peace, such a large-scale military mobilization may have aroused the attention of the international community. I am afraid that several powerful countries will express strong anxiety.

But now, in this era of Dust World Monster’s frequent invasion of reality, unless it is such a move by its neighbors, it will be replaced by other countries, even in far-reaching countries, who will care?

Anyway, how to fight it is not possible to hit yourself.

Think about it too. In this era, even nuclear bombs have been used frequently. This is just a domestic military mobilization. It seems that there is no big deal.

As for the Scorpio, in the past, I might be able to scream a few words about how China’s attempt was made, but now that the capital is being erased by the demon king, the heroes are merging, the dragon snakes are confused, and those who control the military power are screaming. In the middle, there is still a bit of alertness to the outside world.

Besides, even those Monsters that appear in Scorpio are enough for them to drink a pot, and there is still energy to pay attention to the movements of other countries.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei is not very clear about this.

At this time, he has gone deep into the sky for about a thousand kilometers, and the Monster he saw is not too small.

Most of them are the “dragons” of the eight public groups, that is, the great snakes that are highly proliferating.

Most of these snakes are concentrated in the rivers, but they all seem to be lazy. Those who do not enter their habitats and fetch water in the rivers, the big snakes will not pay attention.

But it is not that those who are good at the days are good.

Wei Xiaobei sees arrid a lot of black body, fangs valgus, less than 1.5 m but Monst, with different shapes, is attacking human villages and towns on the vast expanse of land.

After seeing it with Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, Wei Xiaobei knows that these little Monsters are collectively referred to as the Little Monsters. They are the hands of the ten devils of the Scorpio mythology, and they are also the filthy aggregates of the world. In this way, their form will grow so strange and numerous.

It is said that the Lobo’s demon king led his own monster army to prepare to destroy the whole world, but failed under the block of Rama.

But it can be seen how the Terror of the Robin the Great Devil is.

Of course, these grotesque little monsters don’t have the Terror strength of the Lobo’s Big Devil. The most powerful ones are 2-Star, and the weakest one is better than the average person.

But they are so numerous that they are often gathered in groups of thousands and raging around the vast expanse of land.

And Wei Xiaobei came over a thousand kilometers, and the little monsters he saw were not in the thousands. So it can be seen that the little monsters on this earth don’t know how many.

Of course, this may also be the reason why Tianzhu did not immediately annihilate after the capital was destroyed.

After all, although these small monsters are extremely numerous, their individual strengths are actually weaker. Even ordinary humans can fight with them with cold weapons, not to mention the troops equipped with modern firearms.

Therefore, these little monsters can only look around the villages that are not well-guarded. As for the city, it is difficult to get into it.

But then again, some of the little monsters also have some more powerful monsters, these monsters are also different, there are cows, tigers, monkeys, elephants and so on.

And their body type is mostly more than three meters, and theCreature Rank is also as large as the arrived 3-Star.

These monsters led thousands of small monsters that broke through many towns, making the white bones in the town.

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