Chapter 1675, brave!

Last night, this poor Daoist had a dream. It was a continuation of a dream the day before yesterday. In the dream, this poor Daoist entered the world of Terror. He had just picked up the artifact and had not had time to kill the square. The artifact became a rolling pin. After that, I don’t have to mention it. All kinds of abuses, abused this poor Daoist, I feel that the whole world is still full of malice after getting up. Is this dream a warning sign?


Whether it is male Ashura or female Ashura or even young adult, children are attacked by these Flame spiders!

These Flame spiders have no scruples about the strength gap between themselves and Ashura. It is like a cold robot, rushing over, like killing Ashura!

In this case, the head of the Ashura leader gave birth to a few points of uneasiness. It looked up at the high altitude of the stream, but did not see any abnormalities.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, separated by a few kilometers, if you let this Ashura leader find himself, then Wei Xiaobei is undoubtedly too much.

What happened to these Flame spiders?

The majority of the Ashura family do not have too much wisdom. This seems to be the arrangement of heaven. Ashura is born with great power. He has the name of Hercules in the eight groups, and they also have the innate talent of battle. Ashura has been involved in various battlefields to hone his martial arts.

As a result, most of Ashura are not very likely to think about the problem, of course, their solution to the problem is usually a violent solution.

No food? kill! Being bullied? kill! No clothes to wear? kill! …….

And the leader of Ashura is the rare existence of Ashurali, they need to find their way forward.

Of course, even these leaders, their depth of thinking about the problem is extremely limited.

It’s as if now, looking at the constantly-floating Flame spiders, the Ashura leader, after failing to find the answer, quickly plunged into the Flame spider group.

Want to do so much? Kill it! Killed, there is no problem.

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei throws a Flame spider, summoning more than 3,000 Flame spiders before and after, but not over five minutes under the Ashura!

Even more than a dozen Asura children who just learned to walk, carrying a sword higher than their own body, joined forces to kill a Flame spider!

To know that these Ashura children’s Creature Rank is also 3-Star ordinary forget it!

And all the adult Ashura, regardless of men and women, killed more than seven or eight Flame spiders.

In short, these Flame spiders in their eyes are equivalent to a group of mice that rushed to death to give it, without any threat.

The Ashuras who finished the battle began to get busy after the flames that stood on their bodies were all bounced off.

Well, to be precise, they are preparing to cook.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat interested in Ashura’s food. After all, myths and legends describe that the war between Ashura and Heaven People is caused by food.

It can be seen that Ashura’s pursuit of food is so strong that he does not hesitate to fight the most powerful opponent Eruption.

As a result, Weisman, who was suspended in front of Wei Xiaobei, did not play out.

Well, disturbing people to eat, for a chef, probably some contrary to professional ethics.

Waiting for Wei Xiaobei to see the scenes of the following Ashura cooking, I really can’t help but want to insert my eyes!

Like most smart Life Forms, cooking in the Ashura tribe is a woman’s job.

Those beautifully beautiful, put in the eyes of human beings, all of them are called the national beauty of the heavenly incense, from the mountainside below the ridge, cut a lot of wood, piled up the wood, after the fire is ignited, they will Some of the beasts brought in were dragged over.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s thoughts, these Ashuras will not be able to peel the blood of the beasts and make them clean.

But these female Asura’s practices are beyond the imagination of Wei Xiaobei, who have thrown all the beast bodies into the campfire!


Suddenly, the beast body fur burned in the raging fire, and the rich hair burned the odor and then moved towards all around.

Is this perhaps an alternative approach?

Wei Xiaobei remembers that he saw a primitive tribe cooking on TV. They buried the body of the beast in the fire. After the outside of the body fur burned out, they removed the body of the beast and then peeled it. The treatment of the salt, etc., the food that comes out of this, is said to taste very good.

The problem is that after the body of the beast was thrown into the campfire, the female Ashura did not ask, they brought the children together and started building tents on the ridge.

And those male Ashuras gathered together at this time, killing each other, presumably for pre-dinner exercise, by the way, the desire to fight before they have been vented is extinguished.

And those female Ashura probably forgot the body of the beast in the campfire, until the leader of Ashura defeated all the male Ashura, feeling very refreshed, perhaps hungry, grabbed a female Ashura to ask.

The female Ashura was just like remembering this. After screaming, all the female Asuras rushed to the campfire, and they rescued the bodies of the beasts that had burnt like coke from the campfire.

For Ashura, this food is good.

Everyone got together, and the body of the beast was opened with a sharp sword. Each of them lifted a half-hook and squatted beside the campfire.


What kind of food is this?

Wei Xiaobei Seeing this scene, almost all have a feeling of wanting to vomit.

First of all, the body of these beasts has become a coke, and a small part of the middle should probably be cooked, and most of the innermost part is probably not enough firepower, so it is bloody and completely raw.

When these Ashuras were eating, they did not turn the outside into coke meat. The fur was removed, but they were mixed and eaten together. The face also showed a smile of enjoyment.

No bloodletting at this time is not a problem at all, the most disgusting is the internal organs of the beast, the intestines are not removed, even the intestines filled with feces, the stomach filled with half-digested food, are These Ashuras ate and ate.

Well, Wei Xiaobei admits that relative to these problems, problems such as no skinning, no bloodletting, no salt, no familiarity, etc. are really minor problems!


Do these Ashura have no taste or touch?

Or are they taste completely different from humans?

This shows that the “food” of Heaven People will look like, and Wei Xiaobei is afraid to imagine.

Indeed, Wei Xiaobei admits that he was disgusted by the appearance of these Ashura AIDS, and even he suspected that he would not have the desire to eat in the next half-month!

Well, if you change to anyone, even if you are at the top of the food chain, seeing this scene may not be able to tell the taste of chicken, the words of musk.

Horse eggs, before they lost their interest in these Asura foods!

This is really the rhythm of wanting to poke your eyes.

Let the uncle be unhappy, then you don’t want to be happy!

Whether it is out of the anger of the heart, or stop the savage eating show that makes him vomit, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, directly grabbed a talisman suspended in front of him!

This time, the talisman flew halfway, and after it burned, it was not a Life Form, but a tornado. After the tornado fell into the air for hundreds of meters, it continued to extend downwards and became extremely slender. Inhale the snow and rock fragments on the ground.

Seeing that these tornadoes, which are only the size of the bowl and the number of thousands, appeared, even the slower Ashura became alert.

The tornado formed a giant encirclement of the Giant, and moved to the end of Ashura. The various miscellaneous objects in it were accelerated by the tornado, and they became extremely lethal!

A tent that Ashura had just built was suddenly turned into powdery pieces after several tornadoes passed at the same time!

Seeing this scene, those Ashura screamed and screamed, and raised the weapons in their hands and rushed to the tornadoes.

As a fighting family, Ashura’s enemies are not just Heaven People. After they are driven out of the beautiful heavens, it is not a good place to stay. There are beasts everywhere, disasters happen everywhere.

Therefore, these tornadoes in front of them, in their view, are nothing at all.

Indeed, under Ashura’s weapons, many tornadoes were directly dispelled by the tyrannical strength.

But more tornadoes are merging and growing!

Finally, with all the tornadoes forming a rough tornado, most of the Asura’s face became a bit less good.

With their fighting nature of Agility, you can clearly see the Terror strength of the tornado inner strength!

And at this time there have been reckless Ashura to give them a warning.

A middle-aged Ashura ran straight to the tornado, which was originally intended to smash the tornado.

Can let it absolutelyly did not think that it has not waited for the long knife in its hands, the suction from the tornado made it unable to control the figure, and it was sucked in at the same time.

The nearby Ashura could only watch the Ashura being torn into pieces in a tornado, and there was nothing to do.

No way, the power of the tornado that has gathered together is beyond the reach of these ordinary Ashuras.

It was the leader of Ashura who saw this scene, suddenly his face turned red and his anger rose.

It feels like a trap in itself. First of all, the Flame spider, now it is this tornado, it is simply deceiving.

As a leader, one failed to protect the people, but the other could not solve the problem.

This kind of emotion is intertwined, and the leader of Ashura is almost violent.


A long knife was shot from the head of Ashura’s leader, and in a blink of an eye hit a little bit of a tornado, making the tornado suddenly chaos.

After that, the head of the Ashura shot two long knives again, and the tornado almost crashed and dissipated.

This is not the end. After seeing this practice, the head of the Ashura rushed to the tornado with the remaining long knives. Then it revolved around the tornado and slashed the long knives in the hands. The tornado is constantly chaotic.

After a hundred knives were thrown out, the tornado could no longer be sustained, suddenly collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Seeing here, Wei Xiaobei above the sky can not help but be a little surprised.

To say these Ashura’s previous fighting skills, it makes him feel really better.

According to their fighting skills, they can completely defeat enemies who are a little higher than their strength, which means that the enemies of the 4-Star elite have the possibility of defeat in front of them.

The performance of the Ashura leader at this time is out of the ordinary, it is only the strength of 4-Star Terror, but it is the key to this tornado, after the take action, the tornado is broken.

You know, this tornado is made up of wind rules. You want to use the power of 4-Star Terror to break the tornado forward. The strength consumed is enough to make the Ashura leader completely lose his combat power in a few months.

But now the head of the Ashura leader seems to have some distraction, but he can recover after a break.

The difference here is undoubtedly great.

It can also be seen from this that the hero of the Ashura leader has a very high innate talent. Although he has not touched the level of the rules, he can see the weakness of the tornado!

I am afraid that it will take time to finally grow up to King Ashura.

Of course, King Ashura is not so good.

According to records, there are nine kings of Ashura, and each of the masters of Ashura is in charge of tens of millions of Ashura!

That is to say, in the tens of millions of fighting crazy Ashura, only one King of Ashura can be born!

At this point, the difficulty of becoming King Ashura is even harder than the seabed quest!

At this time, the Ashuras on the ridge could not help but cheer for the braveness of their own leaders.

In their view, the tornado is really powerful, like the power of the heavens and the earth, want to stop, do not know how many Ashura’s life will be filled.

However, the Ashura family basically did not have a coward, even if they have such a little fear, they can only rush forward!

In this way, they are equal to death, and now the leader of Ashura will solve the tornado, which is tantamount to saving their lives.

Whether it is the admiration of the heroes of Ashura or the helplessness of life, they are enough to make them grateful.

But they don’t know that they will suffer more disasters in the coming period.

The head of the Ashura solved the tornado and made Wei Xiaobei slightly surprised, but it did not dispel the disgusting feeling that Wei Xiaobei had before.

Thus, in the following time, Wei Xiaobei threw out a piece of talisman.

As a test, the Ashuras had to deal with the various Monsters that popped up in the coming days, as well as the burning clouds, thunder and so on from the sky!

Under the endless stream of attacks, even the most embarrassing Ashura is also full of scar, as for those ordinary Ashura has become a lot of bodies fell into the melted snow of the ridge.

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