Chapter 1664, disaster

Time passed by, the shoulders were written, the weather was hot, and everything went wrong. This poor Daoist estimated that these two months could end the book.


Seeing that Dragon Soul curled back into the bead, Wei Xiaobei was overjoyed, and the huge spear in his hand suddenly turned into a glove, worn on his hand, and his right hand extended to move toward the fast-moving bead. !


A loud bang came, Wei Xiaobei only felt the right hand violently shocked, the bones were sorely cracked, and the right hand almost could not suppress the momentum of the bead.

Fortunately, it’s okay, it’s suppressed.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but have a cool back. If he couldn’t suppress the bead, he could lie on his face.

At that time, I was miserable. If you don’t say anything, it is possible that the head is exploding half.

But now, oh.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help the pain from his right hand. The left hand slammed up and folded his hands, and he suddenly grasped the bead in his hand!

Seeing Wei Xiaobei even holding his bead in his hand, the bloody Flood Dragon suddenly surprised.

You should know that there is a mixture of the peaks of the Blood Dragon that exceeds 70%. If you are completely controlled by the human being, you will be completely finished. I am afraid that there is no chance of turning over.

In this way, the mixed blood Dragon Dragon suddenly fled to move towards Wei Xiaobei, while driving the bead to want to struggle out of Wei Xiaobei.

But what the Flood Dragon absolutely didn’t think was that Wei Xiaobei used a bunch of thunder and lightning to wrap the bead in his hands, and then gently pull the fishing line. The mixed Blood Dragon couldn’t control the body instantly. The dragon tail was actually drawn on his head.

The tail of the mixed Blood Dragon was originally broken. Now it is pumping on his head, his tail hurts, his head hurts, and the bloody Flood Dragon is drawn into a ball.

Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this opportunity and did not hesitate. After suppressing the bead with thunder and lightning, he immediately retired into the Storage Ring.

Feeling that my contact with Yuzhu was interrupted, the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon was going crazy, and she moved again to Wei Xiaobei.

However, at this time, the bead was collected, the injury was heavy, and it was caught by the hook. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t be afraid of the Flood Dragon roll, and the fish line was lightly hooked, so that the rushing Blood Dragon could not be controlled in the air. The body is rolling over.

It can be said that after the hook of the Mixed Dragon, the fate of its miserable is destined.

The next one can’t be called a battle, but Wei Xiaobei’s unilateral sling on the Blood Dragon!

That’s right, it’s hang!

After losing the bead and the strength has dropped drastically, this mixed-blood Flood Dragon has no resistance at all under the traction of the fishing line. Less than 20 minutes, the violent anger before the Flood Dragon disappeared. Instead, it is yielding.

“I am willing to drop! I am willing to drop! Please Daxian Rao Xiao Yao!”

Under the sling of Wei Xiaobei, the dying Blood Dragon finally spit out humiliating words.

“Since it has dropped, I will not accept this wind and rain!”

Wei Xiaobei naturally won’t give this mixed-blooded Flood Dragon a chance to delay. If it continues, the river embankment collapses. Even if wind and rain stops, there is no chance to save.

The Blood Dragon originally thought that since he lost, he had to drag people into the water, but hesitantly, Wei Xiaobei gently dragged the fishing line, and the huge spear in his hand was once again aimed at the flying Blood Dragon.

This time, huge spear’s sharp gunpoint is aimed at the head of the mixed Blood Dragon, a big shot.

Flood Dragon has no courage at this time. When he saw Wei Xiaobei killing the machine, he dared to hesitate and hurriedly shouted: “The Great Immortal is forgiving, the little demon is willing! The demon is willing!”

With Wei Xiaobei’s hands loose, the mixed blood Dragon Dragon got a little freedom, where he dared to do it, the figure swayed, the sky filled with clouds, suddenly dissipated most of the time, and then swayed, the sky was full of clouds.

As the rain clouds dissipated, the long-lost sunshine fell.

The man who was on the river embankment suddenly saw the sun falling, and the wind and rain paused, and he could not help but scream.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei frowned, he was able to perceive that as the wind and rain stopped, the river slowly subsided, and in the midst of it, he seemed to have some benefits.

But after careful investigation, Wei Xiaobei did not find any change.

How is this going?

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but fall into silence, his brows wrinkled, and he didn’t say a word for a long time.

After the mixed blood and rain, the mixed-blood Flood Dragon was honestly shrunk into a ball, and the overall size was less than three meters. It was suspended under Wei Xiaobei and did not dare to say a few words.

However, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t talk, the more the bloody Flood Dragon is, the more drumming it is. It doesn’t know how Wei Xiaobei will deal with himself in the future, so he thinks more and more fear, even after the arrived, the whole body trembles, completely I don’t see the arrogance before.

No way, Wei Xiaobei had previously wiped out his arrogance and arrogance, and the guy like this, when all his cards were removed, did not support his arrogant strength, and it became even more unbearable.

After a long time, Wei Xiaobei eyes shined, could not help but nodded.

The change in the past, Wei Xiaobei, although he couldn’t find out what was going on, but after some thoughts, he almost understood what was going on.

Destiny, it should be your own Destiny has changed!

I remember that there was a sentence on the ancient books, and the thousands of people pointed out that there was no end!

The original intention is to be arroged to the extreme, to be reviled by everyone, and it will end without disease.

But the deep meaning of its inner strength is how it affects Destiny’s changes.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei took down the Blood Dragon to calm down the Yangtze River and the floods that have saved thousands of people.

The rescue of these humans has made their Destiny and Wei Xiaobei intertwined, making Wei Xiaobei’s Destiny a big increase!

This is somewhat similar to the Destiny change in the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

In the myths and legends, the Emperor was able to call the wind and summon the rain, suppressing the Gods, and plainly, all of them gathered in the human race Destiny.

This made it possible for human race Destiny to protect you at the time of the incident, and even caused a good fortune and a good fortune!

And the people who are against them are all ruined, die without a burial site!

This is the change and effect of Destiny.

In other words, Wei Xiaobei said that no match for the human race, to expel the merits of the Wan Yao, but saved millions of people, so that they were saved from the pains of suffering, suffering, and thus transformed It is merit, and this merit invisibly affects Wei Xiaobei’s Destiny.

In short, the change in a trace that Wei Xiaobei feels is not a bad thing.

Even so, Wei Xiaobei did not think about building the merits of the emperor and laying the foundation for the emperor.

However, human race Destiny gathers a part of himself, and it is always possible to let him enjoy some benefits in the future.

“Evil creature, before you want to flood, causing thousands of killings, but now it’s a stop, but you can’t be punished…”

Turning around, Wei Xiaobei yelled at the mixed Blood Dragon.

It is undoubtedly that you want to knock out this mixed-blooded Flood Dragon’s last point, so that this mixed-blooded Flood Dragon can be honestly obeyed.

In any case, an adult mixed Blood Dragon, even if it has already taken away its bead, once its strength is restored, the trouble it can cause is not small.

Wei Xiaobei is preparing to add this hybrid Blood Dragon to Qing Mu Paradise, which is also a species added to Qing Mu Paradise.

Hearing Xiao Xiaobei, the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon was even more scared. I was afraid that Wei Xiaobei would peel it and swallow it. So after Wei Xiaobei stopped, the mixed Blood Dragon repeatedly prayed for mercy, saying that everything obeyed Exalted Immortal. Arrange, do not dare to defy.

After thoroughly conquering the mixed Blood Dragon, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time. After the announcement of Zhu Xinyi, he opened the space channel and dragged the bloody Flood Dragon, which narrowed the body type, and went in.

With the closure of the space, Zhu Xinyi, who is directing the aftermath of the situation, couldn’t help but know that this time, after Master entered Qing Mu Paradise, I am afraid that it will not come out for a while.

As the general commander of the special joint force, Zhu Xinyi wants to throw away the things in his hands and enter Qing Mu Paradise to accompany Master. It is not something that will be fixed in a while.

Not to mention that Zhu Xinyi was so busy that he only said that Wei Xiaobei returned to Qing Mu Paradise and threw the mixed Blood Dragon to the east sea, stuffed him with hundreds of Dragon Turtle Fruits, and went straight to Yggdrasil to see Qing Niu. Master.

For Wei Xiaobei, after this busy day, it is not unusual to go to see Master Qin Niu suddenly.

The reason is very simple. Wei Xiaobei felt that she had entered the bottleneck period, but at the same time, Wei Xiaobei also noticed a trace opportunity in the bottleneck of the arrived breakthrough, and thus rushed back to Qing Mu Paradise.

At this time, Yggdrasil’s roots are already covered with the land of Qing Mu Paradise, which is completely integrated with Qing Mu Paradise, and its branches are also the top of the arrived Qing Mu Paradise.

Wei Xiaobei did not appear directly in front of Qing Niu, but appeared from the foot of the mountain, then slowly walked up the mountain.

When I saw Qing Niu, Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned. Master Qin Niu, who had always been sleepy, turned into a human figure and sat in a sleepy place. In front of him, he put a coffee table, tea, and his eyes closed, seemingly waiting for himself.

“Disciple meets Master!”

Wei Xiaobei went on a trip.

“Come on? Come and join the teacher for a few drinks.”

Qing Niu opened his eyes and saw Wei Xiaobei standing in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile and signaled Wei Xiaobei to sit down.

Wei Xiaobei poured the tea into two cups before sitting down.

“What are you doing?”

Qing Niu took the teacup and asked for a sip.

“Disciple seems to have entered the bottleneck, and please ask the teacher how to breakthrough.”

After sitting down, Wei Xiaobei was not as polite as before, and took a sip of the cup and asked about it.

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