Chapter 1663, heart licking

There are a lot of things today. I will update the chapter first and I will go out soon.


However, after the ability to catch the Golden Dragonfly, Wei Xiaobei was just a huge spear that was used as a fishing rod. It was easy to disintegrate the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon and let the other side lie on the river.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei can use the ability to use the gold carp to be so superb. If you switch to ordinary humans, I am afraid that only the mixed blood dragon will be able to slow down a little forget it, even if you want to change it. Some directions are difficult.

After the mixed Blood Dragon squatted on the river, I couldn’t help but rampage!

Flood Dragon also has its own dignity, and any Flood Dragon, even if it is a true Dragon Blood pulse, only has an inferior Flood Dragon that is less than 10%. In the face of other Life Forms, it has aloof and remote mentality.

Therefore, after being easily squatted on the river, the anger of Blood Dragon’s heart is about to burn itself.

“Give me to die!”

After the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon screamed, the river suddenly fluctuated, and the river suddenly turned back, and the move towards the mixed-blood Flood Dragon gathered together and formed a wave of waves that were constantly superimposed.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s brow could not help but wrinkle.

Obviously, the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon is now ready to come to a big wave against Wei Xiaobei.

After the waves are constantly superimposed, even the whole river is drained. On this section of the Yangtze River, except for the superimposed spray, the rest of the river bottom is exposed.

The next moment, a giant fountain of Giant rushed up and went straight into the sky. In a flash, move towards Wei Xiaobei straight into the air!

And among the fountains, Wei Xiaobei clearly sees the arid Blood Dragon!

Hehe, whether it wants to attack himself or want to get rid of the hook, Wei Xiaobei laughed, then huge spear swept out!

As the huge spear swept out, the fountain suddenly collapsed, and the Flood Dragon completely couldn’t control its body, and move towards the distance.

Not long after, the mixed Blood Dragon flew back with the hook.

Time and bit by bit, in the way Wei Xiaobei took advantage of the force, the mixed Flood Dragon struggled no matter how much tricks he made, he couldn’t break the hook, or even struggled desperately. , so that the strength of the mixed Blood Dragon is constantly weakened.

Ten minutes later, the mixed Blood Dragon is already breathless.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei knows that if he wants to subdue him by such means, I am afraid that this time is not enough.

Those fishermen who catch big fish need to spend dozens of minutes to fish, this mixed blood Dragon takes at least a day.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to slip after slightly weakening the strength of the mixed Blood Dragon.

No way, time is not enough.

Although the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon has been caught by itself, the heavy rain on the Yangtze River has not stopped, and even the violent flood of the Flood Dragon has made the rain even bigger.

Therefore Wei Xiaobei now needs a quick fix!

Huge spear mentions that the fishing line is suddenly tightened, and the mixed-blooded Flood Dragon will move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Previously, due to Wei Xiaobei’s manipulation, it was impossible for the Mixed Dragon to get close to Wei Xiaobei, but now Wei Xiaobei took the initiative to let the Blood Dragon go.

This mixed Blood Dragon will naturally miss this opportunity!

In the process of approaching Wei Xiaobei, countless rains continue to move toward the mixed dragon, condensed in its outside the body, less than a few times before and after, the Blood Dragon outside the body formed a torrent of several kilometers. There are countless water vapors around it, move towards Wei Xiaobei.

This torrent contains the power of the Yangtze River, and its impact is no less than a 100,000-ton nuclear bomb explosion at that moment!

In the face of such fierce torrents, Wei Xiaobei did not shake at all, the huge spear in his hand clenched, his eyes fixed on the bloated Flood Dragon, killing the machine!

Finally, Hong rushed to the edge of Wei Weibei, and drowned it in a flash!

At the moment when the flood flooded Wei Xiaobei, the bloody Flood Dragon was ecstatic, and as long as the guy was involved in the torrent, with his ability to control the water, the other party fell into the palm of his hand, it was death. Live all in one’s own thoughts!

But in the next moment, the mixed blood Dragon Dragon saw Wei Xiaobei in the torrent, but instead of being affected by the torrent, he lifted the huge spear in his hand and moved towards himself!

The most inexplicable thing about the bloody Flood Dragon is that there is a strength in the fishhook in the mouth, so that I originally wanted to avoid the huge spear and I have no chance to dodge!


A whisper came, the huge spear of the huge spear pierced the junction of the two dragon scales of the Blood Dragon!

With Wei Xiaobei’s martial arts realm, it is natural that the huge spear will not be tied to the dragon scale.

You know, Wei Xiaobei has long seen that the hybrid dragon’s body scale has a layer of water vapor on top of the dragon scale. This layer of water vapor contains a water-related rule strength that can easily resolve most of the strength.

Thus Wei Xiaobei avoided the dragon scale and chose the position between the dragon scales!

The Dragon Dragon’s Dragon Skin is tough, but it doesn’t have the same rule protection as the dragon scale, so in a flash, the Blood Dragon is awesome!

When the huge spear was pulled out, the icy Dragon Blood shot like a fountain in a flash, causing the temperature around all to drop by a few tens of degrees, and even a lot of water was frozen into ice and dropped.

Flood Dragon is angry, and from the very beginning of this human encounter, he seems to fall into the pit, and is restricted by the other side.

The mixed-blooded Flood Dragon in the rage decided to work hard.

Its huge mouth is open, a trace blooms in the light, and the bright light of the snow rises like a cold moon in the same round.

For a moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that some threats appeared, and then fixed his eyes. The blood of the Flood Dragon mouth was a human head-sized bead with a Flood Dragon phantom Binding, radiant and chilly. This is a bead!

This is probably the convention of the Dragon species.

Whether it is True Dragon, or Flood Dragon, or even some inferior, bloodline thin hybrid Dragon species, after a certain strength, the body will condense a bead.

If it is True Dragon, it is called Dragon Ball. If it is Flood Dragon, it is called Dragon Ball, or Dragon Turtle is also called Dragon Ball.

In short, these kinds of beads are actually intrinsically similar to the monster’s Nedan, and they are the essence.

In a certain sense, this inner Dan is the source of its strength.

To put it simply, the golden eagle in Wei Xiaobei Dantian will condense such inner lining if it grows to a certain extent.

And this type of Nedan, Wei Xiaobei has also seen in various ancient books, which generally have the following characteristics.

It’s hard and hard, like a diamond, and the monster can turn and drive to attack the enemy.

It can be said that even if it is weaker, there is no monster of innate talent, as long as it condenses out the inner Dan, then in the case of the enemy, it is also a trump card.

If you don’t want to throw out this Nei Dan, you can also defeat the enemy and hurt the enemy.

At the same time, this inner Dan will also be different because of the cultivation technique of the monster cultivation, even the bloodline and so on.

For example, Jinwu’s Nedan is like the sun, emitting light and heat all the time. Just relying on this is a very powerful baby.

It is said that at the time of ancient times, many Refining Qi even killed all kinds of aliens, extracted them, and refining them into magic weapons. Their power is quite Terror!

Take the Dinghai Shenzhu recorded in an ancient book, it is a set of Terror magic weapons made from twenty-four dragon balls as materials!

It is said that this set of sea god beads will be thrown out, even if it is the East Sea Dragon King, it can not stop its power!

Well, the mixed dragon of the Dragon Dragon is not as strong as the sea god, but it is always mixed with the Dragon Dragon to cultivate the non-young bead, so it just appeared, so Wei Xiaobei was a little alert.

“Give me a fight!”

The mixed blood of the Blood Dragon screams in the mouth of the blood, and the singularly shining bead moves with the sound, and instantly turns into a cold light move towards Wei Xiaobei!

I have to say that this hybrid Blood Dragon does have some connotations. This bead moves towards Wei Xiaobei. In an instant, the temperature around all of them suddenly drops again, even falling into countless snowflakes.

On the other side of the bead, a few Flood Dragon phantoms appeared at this time. They were not close to Wei Xiaobei, and they moved to the move of the claws!

this is?

The breath of the soul? ! !

Wei Xiaobei felt the atmosphere of the arrived soul from the several Flood Dragon phantoms, and the heart couldn’t help but understand it in a blink of an eye.

That’s it!

The Blood Dragon is a slap in the face, and the Flood Dragon phantom above the bead is not the soul of the Blood Dragon. Instead, the Blood Dragon will kill other Flood Dragons, then take out the soul and bind the souls of several Flood Dragons. On top of your own bead to enhance the power of the bead!

I have to say that this mixed-blooded Flood Dragon is indeed awkward, even if it is the same family, in his eyes, I am afraid it is the lamb to be slaughtered.

Perhaps in its view, regardless of whether it is the same family, as long as it can bring benefits to itself, it is indifferent to kill all the light.

Of course, in any case, the soul of several Flood Dragons has added a lot of trouble to Wei Xiaobei.

After becoming a soul, they are not affected by the fishing skills, and at the same time, they are souls, so they can directly attack the soul of Wei Xiaobei!

These few mouths went down and forced Wei Xiaobei to be embarrassed.

However, when Wei Xiaobei sacrificed the soul clock on his neck and did not ring, the souls of several Flood Dragons were scared back into the beads!

Undoubtedly, the souls of these Flood Dragons feel the Giant threat brought by the Arrived Clock!

You know, this soul clock is all Spirit Body, the soul of the soul!

Although it was originally just a cottage made by Qing Niu, in the hands of Wei Xiaobei, it killed a lot of pens, the Spirit Body like Disc fairy, and absorbed a lot of souls. Gradually Today, its power is no longer comparable.

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