Chapter 1642, the emperor!

Sleeping today is always awake by the phone, hey, it’s too painful.


“The wind is coming!”

With Wei Xiaobei lightly shouted, all around suddenly began to wind up, and a breeze emerged. After a short time, they merged into a tornado that wrapped Wei Xiaobei inside!

All around When the incoming Yin Qi was near the tornado, it was swept away in a blink of an eye, and there was no way to invade the tornado.

Taking advantage of the tornado’s shelter, Wei Xiaobei rushed forward and rushed into Yin Qi.

But after Wei Xiaobei rushed into Yin Qi, the ghost gate seemed to be a little angry, and there was a looming roar. The next moment, the all-in-one Yin Qi suddenly increased in concentration, and the pressure on Wei Xiaobei increased more than several times.

If you change to a normal tornado, just like this, I am afraid it will be crushed by Yin Qi all around.

But the tornado that surrounds Wei Xiaobei at this time is the rule of the wind!

Under the blessing of the wind rules, the tornado was under the pressure of Yin Qi, and the rotation speed slowed down, but it was still able to withstand the pressure of Yin Qi.

Wei Xiaobei is like a person who is trapped in a quagmire. After a little move, after a ten-meter advance, I finally watched the arrived ghost gate wrapped by Yin Qi!

I have to say that the ghost gate at this time looks very different from the previous ghost gate.

Although the original Ghost Gate is seemingly solemn, it is always an ordinary stone building.

But now the ghost gate is closed, all around the numerous green light spots, the various patterns of reliefs on the gates of the ghosts come out, the live Flexibility is now extremely Terror, so to speak, the ghost gates at this time can be called true. gate of hell!

The most crucial point is that the ghost door closes, and numerous green spots continue to converge to form a Giant green disc.

Well, from its form, there are some purple river cars that look like humans!

That is to say, in the sky above the ghost gate, countless green spots form a Giant placenta!

And among the Giant placenta, a Giant baby is gestating!

When Wei Xiaobei saw the Giant baby in his eyes, there was an unbeatable pressure on the Giant baby!

Let Wei Xiaobei feel a shock, and then there are two lines of blood flowing out of his eyes!

Awesome pressure!

The Giant baby feels like Wei Xiaobei like a great emperor, and any peep will be countered by the other party!

It is conceivable that a strong man like Wei Xiaobei, who was under the counterattack of the other side, was shocked by the blood of his eyes, and the power of the imperial spirit was visible!

But Wei Xiaobei can feel that the imperial atmosphere surrounding the Giant baby does not belong to this giant baby!

And from the identity of this giant baby to determinee, Wei Xiaobei even came to an amazing conclusion!

The atmosphere of the emperor should come from 颛顼!

He is the emperor who has recorded in history! Located in the north among the three emperors and five emperors, it is the northern emperor, and belongs to the gods!

And this epidemic is 颛顼eldest son, and perhaps it will get the blessing of the imperial person.

After all, people are the sons of you, no more, it is also a son!

Hu, Wei Xiaobei can’t help but suck in a breath of cold air. If that is really to protect his son, I am afraid that even if he makes a whole solution, it is impossible to defeat this giant baby!

If you think about it, you will have a strong presence in history and myths and legends, and how strong it will be in Dust World.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but hesitated, his eyes falling on the giant baby.

Is it worthwhile to go to this ghost gate, to fight with a man, and even to offend the emperor?

You know, if you really offend this emperor, Master Qin Niu may not be able to help himself.

No, just in Wei Xiaobei thinking about whether to simply leave, give up this ghost gate, the eyes that fall on the giant baby can not help but condense.

The Binding’s imperial temperament on the giant baby seems to have weakened some!

Could it be that?

Wei Xiaobei’s mind immediately turned, and after the interest rate, he could not help sighed in relief.

That’s it!

After all the analysis in the twelve minds, Wei Xiaobei finally saw through the origin of the giant baby.

The imperial atmosphere of this giant baby should not come from the attachment of the emperor, but from the mother’s womb!

In any case, it is the son of the Emperor, that is to say, Innate will inherit some of the emperor.

But this legacy is not unlimited.

After his death, he became a plague, and spread the disease around him. After the disaster, it is impossible for him to continue to pay attention to it.

Then the emperor of the person becomes the source of no roots. Every time you consume it, you will lose a little until it disappears completely.

Of course, even so, this epidemic is quite Terror, otherwise, this ghost gate will not choose it as the evil spirit of the first resurrection.

However, in the end, when the plague was killed by himself for the first time, there was no imperial sensation for Mao.

This is to make Wei Xiaobei quite confused.

But as a result, Wei Xiaobei is more worried.

As long as the cockroach no longer pays attention to this giant baby, then the giant scent of the baby will not be able to emerge continuously, then you will not be confronted with that, resulting in a series of unpredictable troubles.

Of course, for now, Wei Xiaobei is not allowed to reborn successfully!

Judging from the situation at hand, if the giant baby is born again, its strength may be even worse than the previous epidemic!

It should be known that Wei Xiaobei, although previously released by the epidemic against Wei Xiaobei, was suppressed by light and heat, but could not be completely removed.

If this giant baby is born again, its ability to spread the disease will probably be more Terror!

This is the power of some Qimen means.

The strength of both sides is very different.

With the strength of Wei Xiaobei, you can easily suppress the epidemic! However, the epidemic released by the epidemic can ignore the power gap between the two sides and it will take effect on Wei Xiaobei!

To put it bluntly, this is an unequal war!

Wei Xiaobei was able to kill the plague, and the plague could also pose a great threat to Wei Xiaobei!

“evil creature! Death!”

Short time, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to wait, the right hand move towards the ghost door closed the floating placenta finger, a moment of light and heat will rise to the sky, move towards the placenta rushed, such as the same lingering flood!

Just as the light was close to the placenta, the emperor’s breath that wraps around the side of the giant baby suddenly boils, turning into a white air, and moving towards the heat.

There was no sound and no friction. In the twinkling of an eye, the light and heat that Wei Xiaobei shot on his hand disappeared without a trace between the white air.

But things didn’t end, and then a white air would recoil in the direction of the heat!

The white air is not yet close, Wei Xiaobei is the back of a cool, it is like looking at the arrival of the boundless Frost is moving towards yourself!


The extreme cold rose in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, and even a thick layer of Frost on Wei Xiaobei’s skin!

But in fact, the white airflow is still some distance from Wei Xiaobei.

Sure enough!

This person’s breath is really amazing!

Just a residual emperor, you can easily destroy your own light and heat, and let yourself produce such a Reflex!

In fact, it’s not just that Wei Xiaobei has Reflex, and Wei Xiaobei is within a few kilometers of the center. At this time, it has been turned into the land of Frost. At first glance, there is a white color everywhere, even in the sky. It has fallen off the snow!

In a short moment, the sky changes!

Such a force is really amazing.

Of course, it is normal to think of that it is the Northern Heavenly Emperor, who is in charge of the Heavenly Court in the north, and such a little change in the sky.

But Wei Xiaobei can also feel the Terror strength contained in the white airflow. If you let the white airflow stick to it, the trouble is not small!

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate at all, and even activated the sleeping Jinu in Dantian.

Jin Wu’s head came out from the shoulder of Wei Xiaobei, and after seeing the white air that came in, he couldn’t help but scream!

As the sound of Jinwu rang, the infinite flame appeared on the line through which the white air flow passed.

Although the extreme cold contained in the white air flow will destroy the Flame, but the next moment, Flame will re-generate………

After so many times, Flame reached a balance with the white airflow and began to consume a lot of energy, making the white airflow no longer able to advance half a step.

But the empire that hovered over the side of the giant baby was not limited to this, and there were as many as seven.

Therefore, after the emperor of this white airflow was dragged by Flame, then another emperor moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

This time, the emperor’s breath has turned into a real flood, and the overwhelming move towards Wei Xiaobei has come and fell!

Jin Wu once again screamed, and the numerous Flames that emerged this time were turned into a Flame giant, and the flood of the sky was lifted and evaporated.

I have to say that it is the two take actions of Jinwu. Wei Xiaobei feels that his understanding and application of light and heat has improved a lot.

Although this Jinwu exists in the Weitian of Wei Xiaobei, this does not mean that Wei Xiaobei knows all the powers of Jinwu.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh. I knew this way. After this Jinwu was formed, I should communicate with him a lot, so I didn’t waste so much time.

As the giants on the side of the giant baby became a variety of heaven and earth visions, move towards Wei Xiaobei fell, and Jinwu took a take action to resolve, showing the power of a son of the sun.

Of course, this is also because those people have no enthusiasm for their continuous attention and become the source of no roots. Otherwise, Jinwu is just a young body, and it is hard to beat the might of a person. .

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