Chapter 1641, Ghost Gate!

Sleeping during the day, the following phone repairing the water heater, the sound of the big, will wake this poor Daoist from the dream, hey, this man does not appear earlier, otherwise, this poor Daoist does not have to repair hard.


In short, this singer in China’s history is extremely high, second only to Xuanyuan Huangdi, and in myths and legends, it is also a considerable existence of Terror.

As a sly elder son, although it is miserable, it becomes a ghost, but naturally it is not an ordinary ghost.


It’s true that something is not quite right.

Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand and looked at it. He couldn’t help but be amazed. A layer of green appeared on his hand, and then a pustule emerged, and his heart could not help but suffer.

I even unknowingly recruited!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s Attribute Panel has a layer of green, and the overall attribute has dropped by 20% and continues to decline.

This epidemic is indeed a bit powerful, but I have already smashed these evil spirits!

“Don’t dare to do this!”

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have the idea of ​​communicating with these evil spirits. If you make a joke, if you delay it, your attribute will continue to fall, and that will be fatal.

This time, Wei Xiaobei made a big move directly!

The whole body of light and heat came out, and Jinwu in Dantian was instantly activated. His head emerged from the shoulder of Wei Xiaobei, and then the mouth was a hot jet!

The fierce heat of the heat hit the plague!

To be honest, the plague ghost probably did not think that Wei Xiaobei had discovered his own calculations, and did not hesitate to do so.

Well, the plague was originally intended to use the disease of Wei Xiaobei to threaten the other party and let the other party vote.

After all, in the eyes of the epidemic, the epidemic under his own hands is not likely to be lifted except for himself.

The light and heat suddenly blasted on the epidemic, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a raging sun, wrapping the plague and even all around the evil spirits!

There was a painful cry of ghosts in the sun, but the sound did not last long and then dissipated.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the evil spirits could not help but be a cold.

They are all evil spirits attached to the ghost gate, so they can accurately feel the state of the other party.

What makes them incredible is that, just like this, the scent of the evil spirits and other evil spirits disappears, which means that they are burned into nothingness in the sun!

But at this time, it is also impossible for these evil spirits to retreat.

Wei Xiaobei took the whole body of the fire and rushed over. Although his right hand needed a dragon scale pot on his shoulder, but the left hand did not have a slight bit of mercy, he grabbed the head of a child ghost, the next moment, light and heat, thunder and lightning At the same time!

Bang! With a soft bang, the little ghost was light and hot, and the thunder and lightning burned without a trace!


The remaining evil spirits are both sorrowful and scared, but they have to work hard with them.

After leaving the Ghost Gate, they want to go back and it is more difficult, at least when the enemy is currently, it is impossible to go back.

You must know that the will of the ghost gate is above them.

The scorpion smashed the water wave, move towards Wei Xiaobei, and seemed to want to use the means of water to extinguish the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei, weakening Wei Xiaobei’s strength.

But it does not know that the light and heat emitted by Wei Xiaobei is not just Flame, but the light of the sun!

Wei Xiaobei’s figure was easy to penetrate the water waves, appeared in front of the ghosts, grabbed the head of the ghost!


A loud bang, the head of the scorpion was blown into a group of Yin Qi, and then it was like being thrown into the petrol barrel of the cigarette butt, burning it violently, and the scorpion ghost was burned out in less than half a time.

In the past, in front of the ghost gate, the violent and incomprehensible eighteen evil spirits were completely weak chickens in front of Wei Xiaobei, and they were killed by Wei Xiaobei.

Less than five minutes before and after, the eighteen evil spirits were left with the wealth-bearing ghost carrying the money chest.

This wealth-stricken ghost is the weakest of the eighteen evil spirits, so its name is Ghost 18.

Looking at Wei Xiaobei standing in front of him, the wealth-bearing ghost almost fainted.

Peat, how come here to get such a fierce god?

It seems that I have to die again.

Even the wicked ghosts, the burning ghosts, and the evil spirits in the first few rows are all hanged, and naturally they are also unable to escape.

But at this moment, the human beings standing in front of them did not reach out and extinguish themselves. Instead, they spoke up: “Do you want to die or want to live?”

The sound is not cold, but it makes the money-sucking body scream.

“I want to live, I want to live!”

The swindler is probably the most deadly ghost in the ghost gate. After each death, he must bear the pain of a long period of time in the ghost gate to resurrect.

In this experience, the wealth-keeping ghost is already extremely fearful, so when Wei Xiaobei speaks, its bottom line collapses directly.

Wei Xiaobei asked what, it answered, it can be said that the pants were all explained, completely became a ghost!

In Wei Xiaobei’s questioning, it is natural not only to ask about the situation of this ghost gate, but also to extend the situation to this Yin Cao government.

After all, Wei Xiaobei also knows that the Qidu ghost town is not only a ghost gate, but also a bridge, Huangquan Road, Wangxiangtai, etc., there are more than ten temples, black and white impermanence, cattle head horse face and so on a series of local Yin Soul!

Imagine the extent to which the strength of these local provinces, Yun Soul, will reach!

But after asking the swindler, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sighed in relief, but at the same time there was a little regret.

According to this money-stricken ghost, this Yin Cao government did not completely project into the reality. For now, only the ghost gate and the subsequent Yin God Temple, Huangquan Road, Wangxiangtai, Hugouling, Jinjishan, Ye These places in the ghost village are projected in the reality, but the enchanted temple, the capital city, the eighteen hell, etc. are not projected.

That is to say, the Ten Temples, the Niu Tau Ma and even the black and white impermanence, Yin Soul did not follow.

This had to give Wei Xiaobei a sigh of relief.

Although Wei Xiaobei has Jinwu body protection, it may not be afraid of those Yin Soul.

But as a Chinese, there is more or less fear of the local Yin Soul.

After all, those places, Yin Soul, are not ordinary, but behind them are giants like Heavenly Court!

Imagine the Seven Division Jade Lady knowing that this Heavenly Court is huge.

The Seven Division Jade Lady, even the current Wei Xiaobei, may not be able to see it completely, but in the present words, it is only a small department under the heavens.

It’s often like this giant giant, and it’s a big move. Wei Xiaobei doesn’t matter if he kills a few evil gates, but if you kill a few of your positions, Yin Soul, the problem is too small.

This is like modern society, you have killed a few high-level Advanced Official, in that case, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Court will move to deal with you, the guy who dares to challenge Heavenly Court.

After the question was finished, Wei Xiaobei reached out and took a shot on the swindler. A ray of light came out, and the wealthy ghost was wrapped in a short time.

The wealth-bearing ghost angered Wei Xiaobei. The words that did not speak credit were too late to spit out, and even if they were heated up to nothingness, they disappeared without a trace.

This is not Wei Xiaobei really does not talk about credit.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t say that the other person’s life was the same, and the wealth-keeping ghost was controlled by the ghost gate. Even if he put the other party, the other party would follow the will of the ghost gate and fight against himself.

Therefore, the other party is wiped out, but it is much better than the other party.

The eighteen evil spirits that were closed by the ghost gate were wiped out by Wei Xiaobei.

And the ghost gate seems to have not given up trying to stop Wei Xiaobei.

Just after Wei Xiaobei killed the swindler, he had not yet reached the front of the gate, and all around Yin Qi suddenly started to waver. The ghost gate was like a swirl of inward contraction, and countless Yin Qi was absorbed from all directions.

Between the counts and the numbers, the ghost gates are shrouded in a concealed shackle. Even Wei Xiaobei can’t see the appearance of the ghost gate.

Soon, in the shackles, there was a cry of ghosts and screams, and the voice was extremely harsh, but it was very feminine, giving a feeling of creepy back and a cool back.

Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that the atmosphere in the ghost gate was constantly increasing, and this atmosphere made Wei Xiaobei feel familiar.

Slightly recalled, Wei Xiaobei immediately connected this breath with the plague.

That’s right, this is the breath of the epidemic that was previously killed by Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei will not recognize the fault of the soul like this.

In other words, this ghost gate is resurrecting the epidemic at this time!

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei is very interested, so he is wearing a light and hot path and moving towards the rich Yin Qi!

The intense heat and the cold and the cold and the indistinct Yin Qi immediately followed the violent Reflex, just like a drop of water fell into the hot pot!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei really didn’t think of this.

He never thought that Yin Qi was as strong as it was, and it was able to reach this level!

For almost a moment, the light and heat of Wei Xiaobei all around was thinned out.

If it wasn’t at that moment, and Wei Xiaobei had a lot of light and heat in the body, then Yin Qi might have invaded Wei Xiaobei.

Don’t think that this Yin Qi is a little thing!

At this time, the bluestone floor has been corroded by this substantial Yin Qi, and it has been cut more than a foot!

Here the bluestone is hard, before Wei Xiaobei felt it.

Under the violent impact of their own light and heat, these bluestone plates have not melted or crushed!

Undoubtedly, the solidity of this blue slate may not even be comparable to the most solid material in reality.

But by the cover of Yin Qi, it was continuously eroded in the blink of an eye, like the most Terror acid.

As a result, if Yin Qi invades the body, Wei Xiaobei may not be too good.

Wei Xiaobei was not willing to let himself out of danger before he knew the secret of Yin Qi.

Of course, this is not to say that Wei Xiaobei has no chance to get close to the ghost gate.

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