Chapter 1468, Ao Yan of Hang Kun

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This red button has a logo of a mushroom cloud printed on it!

That is the self-destruction button of the variant fighter!

“Don’t press, that’s ….”

I haven’t waited for Huang Kun to finish, Ao Yan raised the white face, move towards Huang Kun Tiantian’s smile, but the fingers did not hesitate, just press it!


Well, to be honest, if you can, Huang Kun can’t wait to catch Ao Yan’s ass, but now, what Kun Kun needs to do is move towards the back of the stone house.

He only hoped that the stone house would be strong enough, otherwise he would be miserable.

You know, once the self-destruct button of the variant fighter is pressed, it will start the bomb buried in the nuclear fusion reactor, and finally turn the nuclear fusion reactor into a nuclear bomb, and blast it!

Although the equivalent of this nuclear bomb is not large, it is only two or three hundred tons of equivalent, but in this place, it is enough to kill people!

If Wei Xiaobei is here at this time, Huang Kun has even a crying mind, Master, what Senior Uncle did you find for me, this is simply the Terror killer!

Arrived at this time, Huang Kun also refused to know what Ao Yan would do. After drilling into the back of the stone house, he took out the tool and tried to dig it underground. He hoped to dig a cave that he could hide in time to avoid direct exposure. Under the nuclear explosion!

However, the self-destruction speed of the variant fighter was too fast. Huang Kun just dug two shovel and felt the ground shaking. Then the blazing heat rose and the wind rose. It was blown from both sides of the stone house, almost all of them would be Huang Kun. Give it a direct blow.

Nuclear explosion!

Huang Kun did not dare to look up the situation, directly shrinking the body under the corner of the stone house to minimize his surface area.

Time and by bit, Huang Kun did not know what was going on now, but fortunately, the stone house was not destroyed, which means that one of his own lives was temporarily saved.

As for what Senior Uncle, it is probably blown up.

Hey, what did Master say in the future, can you say that the Senior Uncle you asked me for was messed up and bombed yourself?

Huang Kun is probably able to predict his own miserable fate at this time.

“Hey, I knew this before, but I didn’t accept it directly.”

Huang Kun lamented and felt hopeless for his future destiny.

But at this moment, a slightly tender voice sounded: “What is the fate?”

Huang Kun looked up and saw that Ao Yan was standing in front of him, and his body was fluttering in white.


Huang Kun was really scared by the arrived, and a spirit jumped up. When I think about it, I know that under the explosive equivalent of hundreds of tons of explosives, the Senior Uncle is not dead, but the other person is standing in front of him. This is not a ghost. What is it.

However, before Huang Kun escaped, Ao Yan pulled Huang Kun’s arm: “Dry? Want to run? First called Senior Uncle!”

Feel the hot heat of Ao Yan’s hand, and Huang Kun looks like a ghost.

But is the temperature too high?

“Shot hot! Let go!”

Huang Kun feels that his arms seem to be cooked, and he is struggling to fight again and again.

But his strength can’t play a role in front of Ao Yan. Huang Kun feels the power of Ao Yan’s little hand, and he can’t resist it!

“Not loose, unless you call me Senior Uncle!”

Ao Yan was completely on the line with Huang Kun at this time, and there was a tendency for Huang Kun not to let go.

In this case, Huang Kun finally succumbed, and the screaming of the screaming: “Senior Uncle.”

“Not bad.”

Ao Yan nodded with satisfaction and relaxed his hand.

“Hey, Austrian….”

Huang Kun looked at his arm and screamed again and again. Well, the arm was really half-cooked, and Huang Kun could even smell the a trace silky flesh that floated above.

Of course, this injury is not a big injury to the current Huang Kun. His resilience can recover these burned parts after half an hour.

But the problem now is that Huang Kun really has a Senior Uncle.

A Senior Uncle that looks like a kid!

Ok, Huang Kun arrived. At this time, I finally understood that this Senior Uncle is not a child at all. It is a guy who plays a tiger!

Can a normal ordinary child survive in the self-destruction of a variant fighter?

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know about Huang Kun’s experience. At this time, he had crossed the desert with a few fragments and came to the site of the armed Zhao Yun.

Compared to the last time, Wei Xiaobei now looks at it, it has become more prosperous, and it has become a field everywhere. The large and small roads have made it accessible in all directions. The small city pool stands between the fields and looks orderly.

The population here is probably more than three million!

Wei Xiaobei After roughly looking around, he got the answer.

And Tian Yuwen, Xiao Bailing and others are here for the first time. Seeing such a prosperous place, there is a lot of sorrow.

You know here is Dust World!

In the past, Dust World, which was entered by Tian Yuwen and Xiao Bailing, is so old and worn, almost at the end of the day.

But now this scene completely overturns their impression of Dust World.

When will Dust World have so many people and build so many towns?


A group of cavalry came from afar. After seeing Wei Xiaobei entire group, they immediately stopped. As the first person drove immediately, they originally planned to investigate. It was obvious that Wei Xiaobei had rushed to dismount. A slap-up ceremony: “Ride the Tudor!”

Knowing Wei Xiaobei is naturally an acquaintance.

The first of these cavalry is Zhao Yun eldest son Zhao Tong.

“Well, is there something?”

Wei Xiaobei nodded and asked for a chest-breaker.

“This time, the iron-and-mountain Monster was turbulent, and the generals ordered me to step up patrols.”

After a few words, Zhao Tong asked the cavalry to carry Tian Yuwen and others to escort Wei Xiaobei to the camp.

Compared to the past, this big battalion is now built more majestic. The wooden walls of all around have been replaced with iron walls built of iron and stone. The guardrails are covered with traps, trenches, antlers, and a team of infantry armed with long guns in iron. The wall patrolled back and forth, and there were even a lot of giant pythons on the iron wall.

Arrived in the army, after the notification, Wei Xiaobei entered with Tian Yuwen and others.

Zhao Yun was still sitting in front of the case. The case was full of papers. When Wei Xiaobei came in, he immediately got up with a smile: “I wake up this morning and hear the magpie call. It turned out that the second brother came.”

“big brother, I haven’t seen you for a long time, can you recover from your old wounds?”

After the brothers had a fever, they sat down separately.

“big brother, is this camp moving forward?”

This question, Wei Xiaobei wanted to ask when he saw the location of the big camp.

“The second brother has a good eyesight. During this time, Monster has invaded the mountain. In order to protect the people on the Great Plains, the big camp can only be moved forward.”

Zhao Yun will probably introduce the situation.

It is said that Monster on the Tiewei Mountain will invade the Great Plains every once in a while, but Zhao Yun has placed a line of defense in front of Tiewei Mountain, so these Monster ordinary invasions will be easily blocked, and their bodies will become Zhao. Yun Dajun builds materials for weapons and equipment.

However, during this time, Monster on Tiewei Mountain became turbulent, and the time interval between invading the Great Plains was greatly shortened. Basically, Monster gathered in groups every day to launch attacks.

As a result, Zhao Yun’s defense line is difficult to parry, and many Monster will break through the defense into the Great Plains, causing great damage to the urban villages living on the Great Plains.

To this end, Zhao Yun had to move the big camp forward, let those Monsters target the big battalion, and avoid too many Monsters to invade the Great Plains.

Of course, the loss of Zhao Yunjun will continue to increase, which makes Zhao Yun feel a little headache.

“Right, these are your disciples?”

As a military commander, Zhao Yun is not the kind of person who knows the complaints. After talking with Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun turned his attention to Tian Yuwen and others and asked with a smile.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and immediately introduced Zhao Yunen and others to Zhao Yun.

And Tian Yuwen and others are bright-eyed, and they stand up in a respectful manner. Move towards Zhao Yun is a gift, and the mouth is called Shibo.

You know, in the mind of Tian Yuwen and others, Zhao Yun can be regarded as an idol-level character.

At the beginning of its debut, it will fight with the famous literary genre of Hebei, save the grandson of Sun, and save the fight with Chang Pu, and even kill more than 50 Cao Ying!

After that, I took Guiyang.

With Zhuge Liang hanging sacrifice Zhou Yu, no one dares to move.

Hanshui rescued Huang Zhong, Wei Guoming Zhang Wei, Xu Huang trembling in fear.

After Liu Bei’s death, Wei Guowu Road invaded, Zhao Yun town shouyang Pingguan, one will be off, Wanfu Mokai.

Until the age of seventy, he still served as the striker of the squadron, and there was a five-year-old Han De, who had the courage of Wanfu!

Such a kind of, civil and military, full of courage, delicate mind, noble section, almost perfect.

It is really admirable.

Now, I can get close contact with Zhao Yun, which really makes Tian Yuwen and others excited.

Next, Wei Xiaobei said that he wanted to put Tian Yuwen and others in Zhao Yun and hone it.

Zhao Yun naturally did not refuse, and even Zhao Tong was called in and asked to arrange several people to join.

Of course, Zhao Yun’s military rule is not strict, and it is impossible for Tian Yuwen and others to be the generals.

Tian Yuwen and others need to start from the small soldiers.

Well, as long as people are sent to this camp, Wei Xiaobei will not care about the next thing.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei had a bit of interest in the Monster turmoil in Tiewei Mountain, so he followed Zhao Yun to the defense line.

Not yet close to the line of defense, Wei Xiaobei listened to the sound of the battle in front of the armed, and even accelerated with Zhao Yun.

When the two arrived at the line of defense, the line of defense was already in jeopardy!

Beyond the line of defense, to the foot of Tiewei Mountain, wherever you look, there are all kinds of iron and stone Monster of different sizes and shapes!

These Monsters with the body of the stone continue to emerge from the clouds of the Tiewei Mountain, and the move towards the line continues to attack!

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