Chapter 1467, Terror’s little boy, Senior Uncle!

Well, the last chapter of this poor Daoist makes complaints about Valentine’s Day, and even after being discovered by the host, now this poor Daoist is thinking about it, I hope that the Lord will be able to get rid of it early, otherwise, this poor Daoist’s knee will be Bloated.


Seeing the emergence of Wei Xiaobei entire group, the nearby patrols rushed over and saw Wei Xiaobei after a slap in the face: “pay respects to righteousness.”

“Nothing, you continue to patrol.”

Wei Xiaobei returned to a chest-chest ceremony, and then walked into the desert with everyone moving towards.

Followed by Wei Xiaobei, everyone has basically entered this desert.

They know that through this desert, they can reach the Zhao Yun camp.

Huang Kun wondered that Master should visit Zhao Yun this time. Should the punishment for himself be handed over to Zhao Yun? After all, Zhao Yun is the master big brother, and it is also the same as the master of these people.

In any case, although Huang Kun sometimes does something off-line, it is not a fool. From the experience of the big Senior Sister and others, Huang Kun saw it, and Master is punishing them.

Only the one who started this game, but did not get started, this is completely inconsistent with Master’s previous practice.

Therefore, Huang Kun has always been a bit worried, for fear that Master is not happy to give himself a sly.

Now, at a glance, it is possible to hand over to Zhao Yun Shibo, and Huang Kun suddenly sighed in relief.

I want to know that Zhao Yun Shi Bo said that he usually looks very strict, but he is very concerned about his juniors.

Huang Kun used to spend a lot of time in this Zhao Yun camp. The generals inside and outside also knew a lot, so even if he was punished, if he was placed in this place, his psychological pressure will be reduced a lot.

Besides, Huang Kun also thought that if he could privately ask Zhao Yun Shibo for pleading, he might cancel this penalty.

What Huang Kun absolutely didn’t think was that after Master slightly recognized the direction, he did not choose to cross the desert to the Zhao Yun camp, but move toward the center of the north of the desert.

Less than a few kilometers ahead, Huang Kun can feel the temperature rising rapidly!

You know, the temperature of this desert is far beyond all around, even at its edge, the air temperature is as high as thirty-seven degrees, and after a few kilometers, the temperature rises even more than fifty degrees!

Going forward, the temperature continues to rise, and when Huang Kun sees a fiery red lake in the desert, the all around temperature has risen to 120!

Fortunately, the people behind Wei Xiaobei are not ordinary people. Otherwise, ordinary humans can only hold for up to three hours in a high-temperature dry environment of more than 50 degrees, even some people with weak Vitality. Half an hour can cause heat stroke.

And 120 degree high-temperature, the most heat-resistant ordinary people can only insist on ten minutes!

Of course, even so, Huang Kun and others are hot and sweaty.

Wei Xiaobei is the only one who is not affected by the high-temperature.

Seeing Master’s leisurely look, Huang Kun and others could not help but secretly admire.

Master’s Flame immunity is too much.

Not to mention this high-temperature, even if it is a lake magma, Wei Xiaobei jumped in, there is no influence on him.

Speaking of this magma, as the distance is getting closer, Huang Kun and others have already seen how the red lake is going on.

That is really a lake magma!

What surprised them the most was that there was a solidified field in the center of the lake, and a stone house was built on it!

What kind of cow fork is living here!

Huang Kun saw this scene and could not help but whispered.

For Huang Kun’s hustle and bustle, Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay attention to it. After walking to the shore of the Magma Lake, he shouted: “Ao Yan! The guests are on the door!”

“Which guest are you?”

As Wei Xiaobei’s voice fell, from the stone house, even a young, about 13 or four years old, looks red and white, handsome, wearing a white, a detached little handsome Lang Lang.

Instead, Li Lanxing and Zhang Tiantian couldn’t help but see.

No way, girls, it is hard to resist the cute and beautiful things.

However, this Xiaolangjun’s words were not very polite. After spraying Wei Xiaobei, he immediately targeted another person in Huang Kun: “This is your discipline? Fat man, old woman, old man, it is a wonderful combination. “”


One by one, Huang Kun, Li Lanxing, Zhang Tiantian, Xiao Bailing, Tian Yuwen, and the faces of several people suddenly became red.

Ok, this is not blushing, but blushing.

The two men are okay, fat, old man is fat, old man, just feel that this brat is too arrogant.

The three girls are extremely sensitive to the old word forget it.

Switch to any girl, if a little boy moves towards yourself and says, “You are old.”

I am afraid, they will all give birth to the idea of ​​grabbing the child and taking a bite.

This child is too unpleasant!

“Smelly brat! Who are you talking about? What about your family? I don’t know if my master is coming out!”

Huang Kun was savvy at this time, and he turned to arrived Wei Xiaobei in one sentence.

He is not a fool. People who can live in the center of this magma lake, I am afraid it will not be good.

If there is a problem, Master will top it first.

Besides, Huang Kun suspects that this child is the punishment that Master has prepared for himself, so for the sake of his own safety, he will first confuse the water.

If Master is playing with each other, it will be fun.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is naturally unclear about the ghost idea in his disciple. He took a look at Huang Kun: “No nonsense, this is your Ao Yan Senior Uncle, a friend of the teacher, and then, Huang Kun, you are really fat.”

Wei Xiaobei said it in a word, suddenly let Huang Kun look down.

To say that from small to large, the body type of Huang Kun has not been cut down.

Of course, this may have a relationship with the home environment.

Huang Kun, his aging mother does not care much about this child, just give money. As for Huang Kun, what Brat eats is his own.

Where does this child have any control ability, what to eat with high calories, and the result is too fat to be cleaned up.

Even if it is arrived, the Huang Kun Creature Rank is as high as 4-Star, and the body type has not been reduced.

So I heard that Master also said that Huang Kun felt that he was going to be bad luck.

The white young who lives in the magma lake is naturally Ao Yan.

Ao Yan is not a human being, and there are not many human frame sets, so it is normal to see what you see.

After a few chats, Ao Yan also reflexed himself. As a master, he seems to be hospitable. Therefore, the right hand moves towards the magma lake. In the tumbling magma lake, the magma begins to condense rapidly, and a magma hardens. The black road is naturally shaped not long after.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei just walked on this road move towards the heart of the lake.

Wei Xiaobei naturally does not have to be so troubled by himself, but he carries a few disciples, and it is not good to hold them in the past. In front of Ao Yan, there is also some loss.

This is the best situation now, and Ao Yan takes the initiative to open a path.

However, for Huang Kun, even if it is an arrived lake, he will not feel well.

Master has to leave himself here!

“I don’t agree! Master, your old man knows that I am the most afraid of heat.”

Huang Kun suddenly screamed and tried to change his next tragic life.

But his resistance is always futile.

“Well, Huang Kun will give it to you. If you want, you can teach something to him.”

Wei Xiaobei grabbed Huang Kun with his right hand and pushed it to Ao Yan, laughing and talking to Ao Yan.

“His soul strength exceeds the limits of the body, but it is a bit of a hassle, but you can rest assured that everything will be handed over to me.”

Ao Yan was excited at the face and stared at Huang Kun, and she turned back.

Wei Xiaobei nodded and turned and took Tian Yuwen, Xiao Bailing, Li Lanxing and others to leave the Magma Lake.

And Huang Kun couldn’t run away even if he wanted to run this time, because Ao Yan held his sleeve on one hand.

Ok, this scene looks just like Huang Kun is with the younger brother.

In any case, Huang Kun is not the 13-year-old young now. His age has been seventeen years old, close to adulthood, and even a ring of furry beard has grown on his mouth.

“Let go!”

Huang Kun stares at the child-like Ao Yan. He doesn’t want to live in this magma lake. Anyway, the master is gone now. Can this kid can stop himself?

“Don’t let it go! Right, from now on, you should call me Senior Uncle, hehe.”

Ao Yan said to Huang Kun with a sly smile.

Huang Kun will be a child who is a few years older than himself, Senior Uncle, then forcefully, the sleeves are broken under the strength of both sides.

Huang Kun, the strength of this child is not small, but after that, he smiled, anyway, he is leaving now!

But when Huang Kun turned around and was about to flee, he couldn’t help but collapse.

The black stone road that crossed the magma lake has disappeared on the lake!

No way to escape!

This can’t help me!

Huang Kun bit his teeth and even started the fantasy will.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was a variant fighter in front of Huang Kun.

But before Huang Kun sat up, Ao Yan’s eyes lit up: “Is this the mortal means of transportation?”

The next moment, Huang Kun suddenly saw Ao Yan sitting in the cockpit, and his hands began to play around indiscriminately.

“Don’t mess with my things! Be careful!…”

Well, Huang Kun feels that he has been in bad luck during this time. He should be at the apex of the arrested, encountering such a small boy.

The little boy turned out to be on the missile launch button of the arrived variant, and he was shocked by Huang Kun.

Then there was sōu sōu sōu continuous sounds of broken sounds and the burning sensation of burning.

Several missiles flew under the wing of the variant fighter, traversed from Huang Kun back. After crossing a few kilometers, they slammed into a sand dune. Then the explosion came and the fire broke out, and the sand dunes of the Giant were blown up. The gravel rose into the sky.

But then, the scene of Terror appeared. Huang Kun jumped from the ground and was ready to grab Ao Yan. I saw Ao Yan’s finger on a red button!

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